(1 strani)
Resource thickenup plv ds 227 g
Many older people suffer from dysphagia / swallowing disorders. The recommended basic therapy for these individuals is the thickening of beverages and food.Resource ThickenUp is a proven instant powder made from modified cornstarch that dissolves in water without forming lumps. In addition, it can easily be used with a wide variety of liquids - whether warm or cold, with protein-containing drinks such as milk or with fruit juices. The bound liquid can be absorbed by the body and thus contributes to the liquid supply. Dosage There is a uniform dosage for all liquids. For 100ml of liquid you need: 1 scoop for nectar-like consistency2 scoops for honey-like consistency3 scoops for pudding-like consistency..
26.37 USD
Thickenup clear plv 24 stick 1,2 g
Many older people suffer from dysphagia / swallowing disorders. The recommended basic therapy for these individuals is the thickening of beverages and food.Resource ThickenUp Clear dissolves completely in all liquids without clumping, leaving the thickened water perfectly clear. In addition, it can easily be used with a wide variety of liquids - whether warm or cold, with protein-containing drinks such as milk or with fruit juices. The constant stability of the consistency ensures that swallowing can be prevented even if the drink has been sitting around for a while. Dosage There is a uniform dosage for all liquids. For 100ml liquid you need: 1 stick for nectar-like consistency2 sticks for honey-like consistency3 sticks for pudding-like consistency..
26.18 USD
Thickenup clear plv ds 125 g
ThickenUp Clear Plv Ds 125 g Edinstven, na amilazo odporen instant prašek za varno zgoščevanje tekočin in pasiranih jedi Lastnosti izdelka? Na osnovi ksantanskega gumija? Do 4-krat učinkovitejši od običajnih zgoščevalcev? Nevtralen in ne vpliva na barvo, okus ali vonj? Po Zgosti se brez grudic in se ne zgosti? Brez maščob, glutena in karagenana Hranilne vrednosti ??na 100 g - Energija: 306 kcal - Ogljikovi hidrati: 62 g - Beljakovine: 1 g - Maščobe: 0 g - Prehranske vlaknine : 27 g IndikacijeZa obvladovanje diete pri disfagiji (motnje požiranja) OdmerjanjeZa pijače:1; 2 ali 4 merilne žličke na 200 ml za stopnjo IDDSI 1, 2 ali 3. Predpisano količino praška vlijemo v merilno skodelico, med mešanjem dodamo napitek in mešamo pribl. 30 sekund, dokler ne dosežete želene konsistence. ShranjevanjeHraniti na hladnem in suhem mestu. Odprto pločevinko hranite tesno zaprto na hladnem in suhem mestu in porabite v 8 tednih. Zgoščene napitke zaužijte čim prej ali pa jih hranite v zaprti posodi na sobni temperaturi za največ 4 ure – v hladilniku za največ 24 ur. Pomembne informacije? Uporaba pod zdravniškim nadzorom? Primerno od 3. leta dalje? Ni primeren kot edini vir hrane? Živila za posebne zdravstvene namene (uravnotežena prehrana) S 1. oktobrom 2022 so zgoščevalci vključeni v MiGeL in se v celoti ali delno povrnejo na zdravniški recept za zdravljenje disfagije. < p>Seznam sestavinMaltodextrin; Ksantan gumi, kalijev klorid. ..
40.86 USD
(1 strani)