obvladovanje sladkorne bolezni
(1 strani)
Abbott freestyle libre 2 senzor 14 dni
Senzor Abbott FreeStyle Libre 2 je kompakten in diskreten senzor za stalno spremljanje koncentracije glukoze. Senzor je pritrjen na zadnjo stran nadlahti in omogoča merjenje do 14 dni. Natančen nadzor koncentracije glukoze 24 ur na dan. Enostaven za uporabo, neboleč za nanašanje in ga je mogoče nositi do 14 dni. Vodoodporen; primeren za prhanje, plavanje in šport Glukozni alarmi za opozarjanje na visoko ali nizko raven glukoze Odpravlja potrebo po rutinskih vbodih prstov Senzor Abbott FreeStyle Libre 2 je posebej zasnovan za pomoč ljudem s sladkorno boleznijo pri neprekinjenem spremljanju koncentracije glukoze. Senzor neprekinjeno meri ravni glukoze v tkivu 24 ur na dan, jih posodablja vsako minuto in shranjuje te meritvene podatke vsakih 15 minut do osem ur. Naprava torej omogoča natančno spremljanje glukoze brez nenehnega zbadanja prsta. Senzor Abbott FreeStyle Libre 2 je enostaven in neboleč za uporabo na zadnji strani nadlakti in ga lahko nosite do dva tedna. Senzor je tudi vodotesen, kar pomeni, da ga lahko nosite med prhanjem, plavanjem ali vadbo. Nastavljivi alarmi vam omogočajo, da nastavite posamezne meje, ki sprožijo alarm, če so presežene ali nedosežene. Na splošno ponuja senzor Abbott FreeStyle Libre 2 zanesljiv in priročen način, da ves čas spremljate raven glukoze...
144.10 USD
Accu-chek instant set mmol/l inkl 1x10 testov
ACCU-CHEK INSTANT SET MMOL/L je zelo natančen sistem za spremljanje glukoze v krvi, zasnovan za priročnost in zanesljivost. Ta komplet vključuje 10 testnih lističev za enostavno testiranje. S svojo napredno tehnologijo zagotavlja meritve mmol/L za natančno spremljanje ravni sladkorja v krvi. ACCU-CHEK INSTANT SET, ki je kot nalašč za posameznike s sladkorno boleznijo, ponuja hitre rezultate in zahteva le majhen vzorec krvi. Ostanite na vrhu svojega zdravja s tem bistvenim orodjem, ki vam omogoča sprejemanje premišljenih odločitev o vašem dobrem počutju. Zaupajte ACCU-CHEK za kakovost in učinkovitost spremljanja krvnega sladkorja...
82.84 USD
Accu-chek mobile set mmol/l
Značilnosti Accu-Chek Mobile Set mmol / LCertificirano v Evropi CENajmanjša/največja temperatura shranjevanja 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranje : 1 kosTeža: 0.00000000g Dolžina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Višina: 0mm Kupite Accu-Chek Mobile Set mmol/L prek spleta iz Švice..
115.04 USD
Accu-chek mobile test 2 x 50 kos
Značilnosti testa Accu-Chek Mobile 2 x 50 kosovCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura shranjevanja min/max 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 100 kosovTeža: 0.00000000g Dolžina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Višina: 0mm Kupite Accu-Chek Mobile test 2 x 50 kosov na spletu iz Švice..
122.37 USD
Codan insulin sprayitze 1 ml luer 100 stk
Codan Insulin Spritze 1ml Luer 100 Stk Looking for a reliable insulin syringe for diabetes management? Codan Insulin Spritze 1ml Luer 100 Stk is an ideal choice. Made with high-quality materials, the Codan Insulin Spritze is suitable for precise and comfortable insulin administration. This pack contains 100 insulin syringes, each with a capacity of 1ml, making it a cost-effective solution for your needs. Key Features 1ml capacity Luer lock fitting 100 syringes per pack Designed for single-use Clear scale markings for accurate dosing Easy and safe to handle Benefits The Codan Insulin Spritze is a highly reliable and accurate insulin syringe trusted by healthcare professionals and individuals with diabetes world over. The syringe is designed to make insulin administration easier and more comfortable, with clear scale markings for precise dosing. The Luer lock fitting ensures a secure connection with the insulin vial, reducing the risk of leaks and injections. The pack comes with 100 syringes, making it an affordable solution for frequent insulin injections. The syringes are also easy and safe to handle, ensuring maximum hygiene and minimizing the risk of infections. Usage Instructions The Codan Insulin Spritze 1ml Luer 100 Stk is designed for single-use only. Always use a new syringe for each injection to prevent contamination or infection. Before use, check the syringe for any damage or leakage. Insert the syringe into the insulin vial and draw in the required dose of insulin. Check the dose using the clear scale markings on the syringe barrel. After use, dispose of the syringe in a sharps container as per your local regulations. Get your pack of Codan Insulin Spritze 1ml Luer 100 Stk today and enjoy safe and easy insulin administration...
34.22 USD
Contour naslednji one blutzuckermessgerät
Contour next ONE Blutzuckermessgerät If you are managing diabetes, it is crucial to have a reliable blood glucose monitoring system. The Contour Next ONE Blutzuckermessgerät is a state-of-the-art blood glucose monitoring system that provides accurate and fast results. It is an advanced blood glucose monitoring system that is designed to help manage diabetes effectively. The Contour Next ONE Blutzuckermessgerät is easy-to-use, and the results can be shared with your healthcare provider automatically. Features: SmartLIGHT: The SmartLIGHT feature provides users with instant feedback on their blood glucose levels. The light shows if the results are within the target range, above, or below the target range; this makes it easier to maintain the desired target range. Second-Chance Sampling: The Second-Chance Sampling feature allows users to apply more blood to the test strip if the first sample was insufficient, so there is no wasted strip. Bluetooth Connectivity: The device can be connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth. This feature allows users to access their records and progress, set reminders for testing, and share results with their healthcare provider. Remarkably Accurate Results: The Contour Next ONE Blutzuckermessgerät is accurate due to its advanced testing technology, such as the Advanced Accuracy algorithm, which evaluates each blood sample twice to guarantee precise results. Easy-to-use: The meter has a simple design and a large, easy-to-read display with backlighting, making it easy for users to read the results. Also, it has a simple handling system and has a load-and-go electrode feature. Benefits: Convenient: The Contour Next ONE Blutzuckermessgerät comes with a compact and portable design, so you can carry it with you everywhere you go. Cost-Effective: The system uses Contour Next test strips, which are affordable and can be easily found in pharmacies all over the country. Patient Care: The device allows users to share their results with their healthcare provider, which allows for better communication between the care team and the patient. Improves Diabetes Management: The information that the Contour Next ONE Blutzuckermessgerät provides allows users to make informed decisions about their diet, medication, and exercise, which can help them maintain control of their diabetes. Conclusion: The Contour Next ONE Blutzuckermessgerät is an excellent tool for people who are managing diabetes. It offers a range of features that offer accuracy, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. You can keep track of your blood glucose levels from anywhere, depending on your health and convenience. You need to purchase this product now and see the transformation in your blood glucose monitoring. ..
86.99 USD
Contour next blutzuckermessgerät
CONTOUR NEXT Blutzuckermessgerät CONTOUR NEXT Blutzuckermessgerät is a high-performance blood glucose monitoring system designed to provide accurate and reliable results to help you manage your diabetes. It is a small, portable device that is ideal for people who want to take control of their health and monitor their blood glucose levels at home or on-the-go. Key Features Accurate and reliable results Small, portable and easy to use No coding required Requires a small blood sample size (0.6 µl) Provides results in just 5 seconds Allows alternative site testing (AST) for more flexibility in testing locations High-contrast display for easy reading Memory storage for up to 800 results with time and date stamps Compatible with CONTOUR Diabetes app for seamless data management and reporting Uses CONTOUR Next test strips, which are easy to handle and require no coding How to use CONTOUR NEXT Blutzuckermessgerät? Using CONTOUR NEXT Blutzuckermessgerät is very simple and easy to understand. Just follow these simple steps: Insert a test strip into the meter until it clicks Use the lancet device to prick your finger and place a small drop of blood on the test strip Wait for the meter to beep and display the results You can then record the results in a logbook or transfer them to the CONTOUR Diabetes app for easier management and reporting With CONTOUR NEXT Blutzuckermessgerät, you can be confident that you are getting accurate and reliable results every time you test your blood glucose levels. It is suitable for people of all ages with all types of diabetes, except for those who use medications that interfere with glucose metabolism...
86.73 USD
Healthpro axapharm blutzucker-teststreifen 50 stk
Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk - Product Description If you are looking for an effective way to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly, you might want to consider the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk. These test strips are designed to work with various glucometers available in the market, making it easy for you to practice blood glucose monitoring even from the comfort of your home. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a high-quality product designed to deliver accurate results fast and with minimal invasiveness. The test strips are easy to use, and they come in a pack of 50, ensuring you have enough supplies for several rounds of testing. They are also compact, making them ideal for travel or on-the-go use. The test strips work by measuring the amount of glucose in a drop of blood obtained from a fingertip or other appropriate areas. The system uses advanced technology to provide precise readings that help you track your blood glucose levels and adjust your medication accordingly. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk are suitable for use by people with diabetes, those at risk of developing it, or anyone wanting to practice blood sugar monitoring. They are also affordable, making them ideal for individuals who want to manage their glucose levels without breaking the bank. Overall, the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a reliable and efficient solution for monitoring your blood glucose levels, providing you with accurate results, and enabling you to take control of your health. ..
47.76 USD
Healthpro axapharm kontrolna raztopina normal fl 3,5 ml
Healthpro Axapharm Control Solution Healthpro Axapharm Control Solution je standardna raztopina, ki se uporablja za kalibracijo in preverjanje točnosti merilnikov glukoze v krvi in testnih lističev. Ta rešitev zagotavlja zanesljive in natančne rezultate, ki zagotavljajo pravilno delovanje vašega merilnika glukoze in točnost rezultatov vaših testov. Rešitev je zasnovana tako, da vam pomaga vzdrževati optimalen nadzor glukoze v krvi in učinkovito obvladovati sladkorno bolezen. Rešitev za nadzor Healthpro Axapharm je oblikovana tako, da ustreza normalni ravni glukoze v krvi, zaradi česar je idealna rešitev za nadzor za bolnike s sladkorno boleznijo ali tiste, ki morajo redno spremljati raven glukoze. Raztopina je enostavna za uporabo, združljiva z različnimi merilniki glukoze in na voljo v 3,5 ml viali, ki se lahko uporablja za več testov. Ta kontrolna rešitev, ki jo je zasnoval in proizvedel Healthpro Axapharm, vodilni v proizvodnji medicinskih rešitev, je najvišje kakovosti in zanesljivosti. Uporabite Healthpro Axapharm Control Solution za umerjanje merilnika glukoze v krvi in zagotavljanje točnosti rezultatov testa, kar vam daje samozavest za učinkovito obvladovanje sladkorne bolezni. ..
13.28 USD
Healthpro axapharm lističi za merjenje glukoze v krvi 100 kos
Healthpro Axapharm merilni lističi za merjenje glukoze v krvi ponujajo zanesljivo in natančno spremljanje krvnega sladkorja za obvladovanje sladkorne bolezni. Ta paket vsebuje 100 testnih lističev, namenjenih uporabi z združljivimi merilniki glukoze. Z natančnimi in hitrimi rezultati ti trakovi pomagajo posameznikom pri priročnem spremljanju ravni glukoze doma ali na poti. Napredna tehnologija zagotavlja dosledno delovanje za učinkovito spremljanje. Poskrbite za svoje zdravje s temi visokokakovostnimi testnimi lističi, ki zagotavljajo priročnost in natančnost pri spremljanju ravni sladkorja v krvi. Poskrbite za svoje zdravje z lističi za merjenje glukoze v krvi Healthpro Axapharm...
96.73 USD
Komplet sistema za spremljanje glukoze v krvi abbott freestyle freedom lite
Značilnosti sistema za spremljanje glukoze v krvi Abbott FreeStyle Freedom LiteCertificirano v Evropi CETemp. shranjevanja najmanj/največ 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v paketu : 1 kosTeža: 270g Dolžina: 72mm Širina: 128mm Višina: 168mm Kupite Abbott FreeStyle Freedom Lite sistem za spremljanje glukoze v krvi na spletu v Švici..
54.00 USD
Komplet sistema za spremljanje glukoze v krvi abbott freestyle precision neo
Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set The Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set is an easy-to-use, reliable, and accurate device that helps people with diabetes manage their blood glucose levels at home. This system comes with a meter, test strips, and a lancing device, making it a complete solution for daily glucose monitoring. Features Lightweight and compact design for easy portability No coding required for fast and accurate testing Backlit display for easy reading of results, even in low-light conditions Alternate site testing capabilities for less painful testing Large memory capacity of 1,000 readings for easy tracking and trend analysis Ability to track pre- and post-meal glucose levels to make informed decisions about food choices and insulin dosing Benefits The Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set offers a range of benefits to users, including: Accurate and reliable blood glucose monitoring from the comfort of your own home Easy-to-use system with step-by-step instructions for hassle-free testing Fast results with just a small blood sample size Affordable testing solution for people with diabetes Helps users make informed decisions about their diabetes management plan through the collection and analysis of data Included in the Set The Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set includes: FreeStyle Precision Neo meter 10 FreeStyle Precision Neo test strips Lancing device with alternate site testing capability 10 lancets Carrying case for easy storage and transportation User guide and quick start guide for easy setup and operation Overall, the Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set is a reliable and accurate system that offers a range of features and benefits for people with diabetes. With easy-to-use testing technology, fast results, and tracking capabilities, this system is an affordable and effective solution for daily blood glucose management. ..
54.00 USD
Merilnik glukoze v krvi contour xt
Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT je zanesljiva in natančna naprava, ki vam pomaga obvladovati sladkorno bolezen s spremljanjem ravni glukoze v krvi. Z vmesnikom, ki je preprost za uporabo, in hitrimi rezultati vam Contour XT omogoča, da prevzamete nadzor nad svojim zdravjem in sprejemate informirane odločitve o svojih vsakodnevnih dejavnostih, prehrani in uporabi zdravil. Ključne lastnosti Hitri in natančni rezultati v samo 5 sekundah Kodiranje ni potrebno, zaradi česar je uporaba enostavna Majhen vzorec, ki zahteva samo 0,6 mikrolitra krvi Velik, lahko berljiv zaslon Možnost shranjevanja do 480 rezultatov testov s časom in datumom Označevalec pred in po obroku za pomoč pri spremljanju ravni glukoze v krvi 7, 14 in 30-dnevna povprečja za pomoč pri prepoznavanju trendov in vzorcev Možnost prenosa podatkov za uporabo z aplikacijo Contour Diabetes Kako uporabljati Za uporabo merilnika glukoze v krvi Contour XT: Umijte si roke in jih temeljito osušite Vstavite testni listič v merilnik Zbodite stran prsta z lanceto, ki je priložena kompletu Kapljico krvi položite na konec testnega lističa Meritelj bo po 5 sekundah prikazal vašo raven glukoze v krvi Priporočamo, da se s svojim zdravstvenim delavcem pogovorite o tem, kako pogosto meriti raven glukoze v krvi in kakšen mora biti vaš ciljni razpon. Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT uporabljajte po navodilih in ga hranite čistega in suhega, ko ga ne uporabljate, da zagotovite natančne rezultate. Kaj je v škatli Komplet merilnika glukoze v krvi Contour XT vključuje: Merilnik glukoze v krvi Contour XT Nastavljiva lancetarna naprava Microlet 2 10 barvnih lancet Microlet 10 testnih lističev Contour Next Uporabniški priročnik in hitri referenčni vodnik Torba za prenašanje Začnite samozavestno obvladovati svojo sladkorno bolezen z uporabo merilnika glukoze v krvi Contour XT še danes!..
84.52 USD
Merilnik glukoze v krvi healthpro-x1 axapharm
Značilnosti merilnika glukoze v krvi Healthpro-X1 AxapharmEvropski certifikat CETemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 1 kosTeža: 292g Dolžina: 52mm Širina: 112mm Višina: 181mm Kupite merilnik glukoze v krvi Healthpro-X1 Axapharm v spletu iz Švice..
84.91 USD
Mylife uac sistem za spremljanje glukoze v krvi mmol/l
Značilnosti kompleta sistema za spremljanje glukoze v krvi mylife UAC mmol / LCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura shranjevanja najmanj/največ 15/30 stopinj Celzija Količina v pakiranju: 1 kosTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Višina: 0mm Kupite mylife UAC sistem za spremljanje glukoze v krvi komplet mmol/l na spletu iz Švice..
71.36 USD
Senzorji contour next 50 kos
Karakteristike senzorjev Contour Next 50 kosovCertificirano v Evropi CETemperatura skladiščenja min/max 15/30 stopinj CelzijaKoličina v pakiranju : 50 kosovTeža: 30g Dolžina: 46mm Širina: 46mm Višina: 56mm Kupite Contour Naslednji senzorji 50 kosov na spletu iz Švice..
61.88 USD
(1 strani)