Raziščite našo ponudbo deodorantov, posebej oblikovanih za občutljivo kožo. Ti izdelki ne vsebujejo alkohola, so hipoalergeni in zagotavljajo dolgotrajno zaščito pred znojem in neprijetnim vonjem, hkrati pa pomirjajo in hranijo občutljivo kožo pod pazduho. Naši dezodoranti z naravnimi izvlečki in inovativnimi formulami zagotavljajo svežino brez draženja, zaradi česar so idealni za vsakogar z občutljivo ali nežno kožo. Odkrijte učinkovite rešitve dezodorantov v naši zbirki 'Nega telesa in dezodoranti', ki so vsi ponosno izdelani v Švici.
Borotalco Deodorant Active Spray Mandarin and Neroli Spr 150 ml
Stay fresh and confident all day with the Borotalco Deodorant Active Spray Mandarin and Neroli. This refreshing and long-lasting deodorant spray is specially formulated to provide effective protection against sweat and odors. The unique blend of mandarin and neroli extracts not only provides a delightful fragrance but also nourishes, soothes, and softens the skin.
Long-lasting protection:
This antiperspirant spray is designed to provide long-lasting protection against sweat and odors. It contains active ingredients that work to reduce sweat production and neutralize the bacteria responsible for the formation of unpleasant odors. The result is a refreshing and clean sensation that lasts all day.
Natural fragrance:
The Borotalco Deodorant Active Spray is infused with the delightful fragrance of mandarin and neroli extracts. The sweet and citrusy aroma of mandarin blends perfectly with the floral and woody notes of neroli to create a refreshing and energizing fragrance that lasts all day. The natural extracts also nourish and soothe the sensitive underarm skin.
Gentle formula:
The Borotalco Deodorant Active Spray is free from alcohol, parabens, and silicones, making this a gentle and safe option for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The formula is enriched with natural nutrients that nourish and rejuvenate the underarm skin. It is also non-greasy, dries quickly, and does not leave any marks on clothing.
User-friendly spray bottle:
The Borotalco Deodorant Active Spray comes in a 150 ml aerosol spray bottle that delivers a fine mist of antiperspirant spray. The nozzle is designed for easy and precise application, allowing you to target specific areas and control the amount of spray used. The compact and portable size makes it easy to carry in your bag or luggage.
Order your Borotalco Deodorant Active Spray Mandarin and Neroli Spr 150 ml today and enjoy the refreshing and long-lasting protection against sweat and odors...
Antiperspirant roll-on deodorant, with lime blossom extract & allantoin, alcohol-free.
Allantoin, linden blossom extract.
The Eduard Vogt ORIGIN deodorant roll-on was specially developed for sensitive skin. The mild roll-on deodorant releases a pleasant emulsion. The emulsion can be applied practically and sparingly thanks to the large dispenser ball.
The Eduard Vogt Antiperspirant Roll-on inhibits excessive sweat production and unpleasant odors.Active ingredients from the plant-based Lime blossom extract has an antibacterial effect and gives the deodorant a pleasant scent.Allantoin, which occurs naturally in comfrey and wheat germ, soothes the skin and reduces sweating. div>
Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo -20% 2 Roll-On 50 mlOstanite sveži in samozavestni ves dan z Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo. Ta inovativni dezodorant je zasnovan tako, da zagotavlja dolgotrajno zaščito pred znojem in neprijetnim vonjem, hkrati pa neguje občutljivo kožo pod pazduho. Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo je na voljo v paketu dveh priročnih roll-on stekleničk, od katerih vsaka vsebuje 50 ml izdelka. S tem dvojnim paketom dobite dva dezodoranta za ceno enega, tako da imate enega doma, enega pa v telovadni torbi ali torbici za popravke na poti.Ključne lastnosti:
Dve 50-ml plastenki na rolo
Zagotavlja dolgotrajno zaščito pred znojem in neprijetnim vonjem
Neguje občutljivo kožo pod pazduho
Vsebuje aktivne sestavine proti potenju za uravnavanje izločanja potu
Obogatena z mineralizirajočo termalno vodo Vichy za pomiritev in krepitev kože
Ne pušča belih sledi ali rumenih madežev na oblačilih
Hitrosušeča formula, ki na koži ne bo lepljiva ali težka
Hipoalergeno in brez parabenov
Ena od izjemnih lastnosti Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo je njegova sposobnost upreti se stresu. Stres je pogost sprožilec prekomernega znojenja, kar lahko povzroči neprijeten telesni vonj in splošno nelagodje. Ta dezodorant je zasnovan tako, da uravnava nastajanje znoja, kar zagotavlja največjo zaščito pred znojem in neprijetnim vonjem tudi v stresnih situacijah.Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo je obogaten tudi z mineralizirajočo termalno vodo Vichy, ki je znana po pomirjanju in krepitvi lastnosti. Ta z minerali bogata voda pomaga pomiriti in navlažiti občutljivo kožo pod pazduho ter jo narediti mehko in gladko.Formula tega deodoranta se hitro suši in na njej ne pušča belih ali rumenih madežev. oblačila. Je tudi hipoalergen in brez parabenov, zaradi česar je primeren za tiste z občutljivo kožo.Na splošno je Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo učinkovit in zanesljiv dezodorant, ki zagotavlja dolgotrajno zaščito pred znojem in neprijetnim vonjem ter hkrati neguje za vašo kožo. Pridobite ta dvojni paket še danes in uživajte v brezskrbnosti, ki jo prinaša svež in samozavesten ves dan...