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Kapsule za bergle sahag 16 mm sive 1 par
Product Description: Sahag Crutch Capsules 16mm Gray 1 Pair Are you looking for a comfortable, durable, and easy-to-use solution for your crutch tips? Look no further than Sahag Crutch Capsules! With a 16mm diameter that fits most crutch tips, these gray capsules are the perfect replacement or upgrade for your crutches. Made from high-quality materials, these capsules are designed to provide superior grip and stability on any surface, so you can stay safe and secure while using your crutches. Not only are these capsules functional and long-lasting, but they are also stylish and customizable. They come in a sleek gray color that complements any crutch design, and they can be easily trimmed for a perfect fit. Plus, you can choose from a variety of color options for the cap, so you can match your crutches to your personality or style. As a pair, these capsules provide complete coverage for both crutch tips, ensuring that your crutches remain stable and supportive during use. And with their easy-to-install design, you can quickly and easily replace your old, worn-out crutch tips with Sahag Crutch Capsules, providing instant comfort and functionality. So why wait? Upgrade your crutches today with Sahag Crutch Capsules 16mm Gray 1 Pair and experience the ultimate in comfort, style, and functionality!..
17.63 USD
Ossenberg bergla alu / siva trd ročaj 140kg 1 par
Alu bergla Ossenberg / siv trd ročaj 140 kg 1 parPredstavljamo berglo Ossenberg alu / siv trd ročaj 140 kg 1 par, popoln pripomoček pri gibanju za tiste, ki morajo svojo poškodovano okončino nekoliko podpreti. Bergla je izdelana iz visokokakovostnega aluminija in je opremljena s trdim sivim ročajem, ki je preprost in udoben za oprijem. Omejitev teže 140 kg zagotavlja, da bergla z lahkoto prenese različne telesne teže. Zasnovana za notranjo in zunanjo uporabo, Ossenbergova bergla Alu/siv trdi ročaj 140 kg 1 par je lahka in dovolj okretna, da jo zlahka premikate, medtem ko vas nedrseča gumijasta noga varuje na kateri koli površini. Bergla je opremljena tudi z nastavljivo višino, ki zagotavlja popolno prileganje vašemu telesu, s parom pa boste imeli dve bergli za podporo obeh strani telesa. Če potrebujete kakovostno berglo, potem je bergla Ossenberg Alu/siv s trdim ročajem 140 kg 1 par odlična izbira. Preprost in enostaven za uporabo ponuja odlično podporo, ko jo najbolj potrebujete. Iz visokokakovostnega aluminija Trd siv ročaj za enostaven oprijem Omejitev teže 140 kg Nastavljive nastavitve višine Nedrseča gumijasta noga Vključuje par bergel ..
65.34 USD
Ossenberg bergla met modra/črna mehak oprijem 140kg 1 par
Ossenberg Crutch with Blue/Black Soft Grip 140kg 1 Pair The Ossenberg Crutch with Blue/Black Soft Grip 140kg 1 Pair is a versatile and reliable crutch that provides support and stability during walking. This crutch is designed to provide comfort and durability for users who weigh up to 140 kilograms. It features a soft grip handle that reduces pressure on the hands and wrists, making it an ideal walking aid for those with arthritis or other hand-related issues. These crutches feature a premium quality aluminum construction, which not only makes them lightweight but also ensures durability and strength. The crutch has a height-adjustable function that allows you to adjust the height of the crutch to suit your needs. This feature also ensures that the crutch can be used by people of all heights comfortably. The blue/black soft grip handle of the crutch provides a comfortable and secure grip, ensuring that the user has a stable hold while walking. This feature also ensures that the user can use the crutch for long periods without experiencing any hand fatigue or pain. The crutch has a non-slip rubber tip that prevents slips and falls, making it perfect for use in wet or slippery conditions. The Ossenberg Crutch with Blue/Black Soft Grip 140kg 1 Pair is an ideal walking aid for anyone who needs support and stability during walking. Whether you have sustained an injury or have a chronic condition, this crutch will provide the support that you need to move around safely and comfortably. So, if you are looking for a reliable and comfortable crutch that offers superior performance, the Ossenberg Crutch with Blue/Black Soft Grip 140kg 1 Pair is the perfect choice for you. ..
83.40 USD
Ossenberg krücke alu/schwarz hartgriff 140kg 1 par
Značilnosti bergle Ossenberg alu / črn trd ročaj 140kg 1 parCertificirano v Evropi CEKoličina v pakiranju: 1 parTeža: 0,00000000g Dolžina: 0 mm Širina: 0 mm Višina: 0 mm Kupite berglo Ossenberg alu / črn trd ročaj 140 kg 1 par na spletu pri Švica..
65.34 USD
Sahag krückenkapseln 19mm grau btl 1 paar
Izboljšajte udobje in stabilnost svoje bergle s kapami Sahag Crutch Caps v elegantni sivi barvi. Ti pokrovčki so oblikovani tako, da se prilegajo berglam s premerom 19 mm, zagotavljajo varen oprijem in zmanjšujejo pritisk na vaše roke in zapestja, zaradi česar je vaš pripomoček za gibanje udobnejši za uporabo. Vsak paket vključuje en par pokrovčkov za bergle, ki ponujajo praktično rešitev za nadgradnjo vašega pripomočka za hojo. Ne glede na to, ali okrevate po poškodbi ali potrebujete dolgoročno podporo, so pokrovčki Sahag Crutch Caps dragocen dodatek k vaši zdravstveni rutini. Izkusite izboljšano podporo in zmanjšano obremenitev s temi visokokakovostnimi dodatki za bergle...
18.41 USD
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