otroška medicinska maska
(1 strani)
Timask einweg-medizinmas typ iir kids türk
TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk is a single-use medical mask designed for children. This mask is made with high-quality materials and has been tested to meet European standards, ensuring reliable protection against harmful particles and infectious diseases. Features Comes in a fun, bright turquoise color Fits securely and comfortably on children's faces with elastic ear loops and an adjustable nose clip Filters out at least 98% of bacteria and viruses Constructed with three layers of non-woven fabric for added protection Fluid-resistant to prevent contamination Free from latex, fiberglass, and other harmful substances Uses The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk is suitable for a range of medical and non-medical settings, including: Doctor's offices Hospitals Schools Public transportation Shopping centers and other crowded places Anywhere that requires additional protection against harmful particles and infectious diseases Specifications Size: 145mm x 90mm Packaging: 10 masks per pack Classification: Type IIR according to EN 14683:2019 standards Overall, the TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmas Typ IIR KIDS türk is a reliable and effective option for parents and caregivers who want to protect their children from harmful particles and infectious diseases. Order yours today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your child is safe and protected. ..
2.93 USD
Timask zdravilo za enkratno uporabo tip iir kids sc
TImask medicinska maska za enkratno uporabo tip IIR KIDS črna 10 kosov Timask medicinska maska za enkratno uporabo tip IIR KIDS črna je idealna rešitev za zaščito najmlajših. Te maske so bile razvite posebej za otroke in nudijo optimalno zaščito za otroke, stare od pet do dvanajst let. Maske so izdelane iz visokokakovostnega materiala in zagotavljajo učinkovito filtriranje bakterij in virusov. Te maske so certificirane v skladu s standardom EN 14683:2019 tipa IIR in nudijo visoko odpornost na tekočine in brizge. Posebej primerni so za uporabo v klinikah, zdravstvenih ustanovah, šolah ali za vsakodnevno uporabo. Črni dizajn je moderen in privlačen in bo otrokom zagotovo všeč. Maske so zelo udobne za nošenje in se dobro prilegajo obrazu. Elastične ušesne zanke so mehke in zagotavljajo trden oprijem brez neprijetnega pritiska. Medicinska maska za enkratno uporabo TImask tipa IIR KIDS črna je na voljo v pakiranju po deset kosov. Zaradi svoje velikosti in barve so idealne za otroke, ki morajo v tem času vstopiti v prostore, kjer so maske obvezne. Tako jim lahko zagotovite varnost, hkrati pa ohranite občutek normalnosti. ..
2.93 USD
(1 strani)