Sponzor Long Energy Berry Ds 1200 g

SPONSER Long Energy Berry

Kód produktu: 3078250
80.60 USD
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Sponser Long Energy is a high quality sports drink with 79% carbohydrates and 10% protein in the form of protein hydrolyzates. The combination of different types of sugar with different glycemic index provides energy for long endurance exercise. VITARGOTM, a patented carbohydrate made from barley starch with a molecular weight around 100 times greater than maltodextrin, causes deep osmolarity.

Sponser Long Energy is additionally enriched with the minerals sodium, potassium, chromium, zinc and magnesium. Potassium and magnesium are used for normal muscle function. Magnesium also reduces tiredness and helps maintain an electrolyte balance. Chromium supports the maintenance of blood glucose levels.


Ingestion as a sports and competition drink, especially during activities longer than two hours.
Tip: If the energy requirement is very high, the concentration can be increased to 120 g powder per liter.

Which packs are available?

  • Sponser Long Energy Berry 1200 g