W Beeovita dbamy o Twoje zdrowie i dobre samopoczucie, dlatego dostarczamy Ci optymalne rozwiązania dla alergików ze Szwajcarii. Nasza oferta obejmuje homeopatyczne produkty lecznicze i ich rozcieńczenia, leki przeciwhistaminowe do stosowania ogólnoustrojowego oraz środki naturalne, wszystkie stworzone w celu zwalczania reakcji alergicznych, problemów z oddychaniem, chorób skóry i nie tylko. Osoby o wrażliwej skórze również mogą skorzystać z naszych produktów dermatologicznych. Pożegnaj zatkane zatoki, astmę i podrażnienia skóry dzięki gamie produktów dla alergików Beeovita. Zajmujemy się problemami trawiennymi poprzez naszą ofertę innych środków na przewód pokarmowy i metabolizm. Jeśli szukasz środków dla dzieci, sprawdź Żywność dla niemowląt specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego i kategorię Fuzz dla dzieci. Pamiętaj, że regularna higiena nosa może pomóc w zapobieganiu przewlekłemu zapaleniu zatok i trudnościom w oddychaniu. Przydatne są jego środki, takie jak spraye do nosa, inhalatory i aspiratory do nosa. Oczyszczacze powietrza mogą również złagodzić problemy z oddychaniem. Na koniec oferujemy chusteczki papierowe i inne produkty do użytku domowego. Odkryj Beeovitę i poznaj szwajcarską jakość produktów dla alergików.
Triomer Free Nasal Spray - 15ml
Triomer Free Nasal Spray is an effective solution for clearing nasal congestion, inflammation and irritation. This product provides a hassle-free and gentle way of clearing your nasal passages without the risk of any side effects, unlike some other traditional nasal sprays on the market.
Features and Benefits
Triomer Free Nasal Spray contains an all-natural formula that is safe for use by people of all ages.
The spray is made using a unique blend of herbs and minerals that have been carefully chosen for their ability to provide fast and effective relief for nasal congestion and allergies.
The nasal spray is free from any harmful chemicals or substances that can cause unwanted side effects such as dryness or irritation.
The 15ml bottle is easy to use and is designed to provide long-lasting relief for nasal congestion and irritation.
Triomer Free Nasal Spray is non-addictive, non-drowsy, and is ideal for regular use.
Directions for use
Before using the spray, blow your nose gently to clear any mucus or debris. Shake the bottle well and hold it upright. Insert the nozzle into one nostril and close the other nostril with a finger. Tilt your head forward slightly and gently squeeze the bottle while breathing in through your nose. Repeat the process for the other nostril.
You can use Triomer Free Nasal Spray up to three times a day or as directed by your healthcare provider.
Overall, Triomer Free Nasal Spray is an effective and safe solution for people seeking relief from nasal congestion, inflammation, and allergies. Its all-natural ingredients and safe formulation make this nasal spray an ideal choice for those who want to avoid harsh chemicals and side effects associated with traditional nasal sprays. Give it a try and experience the soothing power of natural ingredients!
Althera PLV Ds 400 g
The Althera PLV Ds 400 g is a specialized infant formula designed for infants and young children who are unable to tolerate traditional cow's milk-based formula due to allergies or other digestive issues.
Formulated with extensively hydrolyzed protein, this formula is gentle on the digestive system and helps to reduce the incidence of allergic reactions. Additionally, the Althera PLV Ds 400 g is fortified with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and other key building blocks that are essential for healthy development.
Easy to prepare and use, this formula is an excellent alternative for parents who are looking for a safe and effective solution for their infant's nutritional needs. The Althera PLV Ds 400 g is also free of lactose, gluten, and soy, making it a highly specialized and easy-to-digest option for infants with sensitive stomachs.
Trust the Althera PLV Ds 400 g to provide your infant with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development, without the added risk of allergic reactions or digestive discomfort...
Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500
The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is an all-in-one device for your home medication needs. This set includes a nebulizer, inhaler, nasal shower, and nasal aspirator - all designed to provide efficient and effective relief from respiratory issues. Whether you have a cold, allergies, asthma, or any other respiratory condition, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need.
The nebulizer is designed to provide quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions. It converts liquid medicine into a mist that can be easily inhaled. The nebulizer is perfect for treating conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. The nebulizer is easy to use and is compact, making it perfect for home use.
The inhaler is designed to provide quick relief for respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis. It is a pocket-sized device that is easy to use and can be used anywhere. The inhaler is perfect for on-the-go use and is great for those who suffer from mild to moderate asthma or other respiratory conditions.
Nasal Shower
The nasal shower is designed to clean and moisturize the nasal passages. It is perfect for those who suffer from allergies, colds, or sinus problems. The nasal shower is easy to use and provides quick relief. It is also great for use as part of your daily nasal hygiene routine.
Nasal Aspirator
The nasal aspirator is designed to provide relief for infants and children who have difficulty breathing due to congestion. It is also great for use in adults who suffer from chronic sinusitis. The nasal aspirator is easy to use and is gentle on delicate nasal passages. It provides quick relief and is perfect for use at home or on-the-go.
The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is the perfect all-in-one device for your home medication needs. It provides quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions, and is easy to use and compact. Whether you have a cold, allergies, or asthma, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need...
Introducing BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J
BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is one of the most advanced inhalation aids available in the market today. Designed to provide relief to people suffering from breathing difficulties such as asthma, coughs, and allergies, this inhalation aid is a must-have for anyone looking to improve their respiratory health.
Easy to Use
The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is incredibly easy to use. The device features a mouthpiece and a chamber that is specifically designed to hold medicine. All you need to do is insert the medicine into the chamber, put the mouthpiece in your mouth, and inhale deeply. The device delivers the medicine straight to your lungs, providing fast and effective relief from breathing difficulties.
Efficient Design
The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is optimally designed to ensure efficient delivery of medicine. The device features a low-resistance valve that allows for easy inhalation of the medicine. Furthermore, the inhalation aid is compatible with a wide range of nebulizers, making it a versatile choice for anyone looking for an effective inhalation aid.
Compact and Portable
The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is compact and portable, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. Whether you're traveling, at work, or simply at home, the inhalation aid can be easily stored in your bag or suitcase.
High-Quality Construction
The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is made from high-quality materials, ensuring that it lasts for a long time. The device is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring the highest levels of hygiene and cleanliness.
Invest in Good Health
If you're tired of struggling with breathing difficulties, invest in the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J today. This inhalation aid is among the best in the market, delivering fast and effective relief from breathing difficulties whenever you need it most. Easy to use and compact, this inhalation aid is a must-have for anyone looking to take control of their respiratory health...
Ceres Mercurialis D 6 Rozcieńczenie Fl 20 mlCeres Mercurialis D 6 Rozcieńczenie Fl 20 ml to homeopatyczny rozcieńczalnik sporządzony z rośliny Mercurialis perennis, powszechnie znanej jako psia rtęć. Jest przygotowywany zgodnie z zasadami homeopatii, co oznacza, że składnik aktywny jest silnie rozcieńczany i wstrząsany, aby uwolnić swoje właściwości lecznicze.Ten produkt jest bezpieczny, delikatny i nietoksyczny, dzięki czemu jest odpowiedni dla osób w każdym wieku. Jest skuteczny w leczeniu szerokiego zakresu schorzeń, w tym alergii, problemów z oddychaniem i chorób skóry. Dodatkowo produkt pomaga w łagodzeniu dolegliwości menstruacyjnych i zaburzeń trawiennych.Korzyści:
Leczy alergie, problemy z oddychaniem i choroby skóry.
Ukojenie przy zaburzeniach menstruacyjnych i trawiennych.
Nietoksyczny i bezpieczny dla wszystkich grup wiekowych.
Skuteczne rozcieńczenie homeopatyczne.
Sposób użycia:Ceres Mercurialis D 6 Rozcieńczenie Fl 20 ml należy spożywać zgodnie z zaleceniami pracownika służby zdrowia lub zgodnie ze wskazaniami na opakowaniu. Ważne jest również, aby postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami dotyczącymi dawkowania i częstotliwości, aby uzyskać najlepsze wyniki. Ogólnie zaleca się przyjmowanie 5-10 kropli rozcieńczenia trzy razy dziennie.Ostrzeżenia:Ceres Mercurialis D 6 Rozcieńczenie Fl 20 ml jest lekiem homeopatycznym i nie powinien zastępować leczenia. Jeśli objawy utrzymują się lub masz jakiekolwiek obawy, przed użyciem tego produktu zaleca się skonsultowanie się z pracownikiem służby zdrowia. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Ceres Mercurialis D 6 Dilution Fl 20 ml jest całkowicie naturalnym, bezpiecznym i skuteczne rozcieńczenie homeopatyczne, które może pomóc złagodzić różne stany i dolegliwości...