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Dermaplast active uni belt chest 65-90cm 1 women
DermaPlast ACTIVE Uni Belt Thorax 1 został zaprojektowany specjalnie dla kobiet o obwodzie talii 65–90 cm. Ten pas żebrowy zapewnia mocne i wygodne podparcie okolicy klatki piersiowej, pomagając w gojeniu i stabilizacji urazów lub złamań żeber. Wykonany z wysokiej jakości materiałów, pasek zapewnia delikatny ucisk, co sprzyja prawidłowemu ułożeniu i zmniejsza ból podczas ruchu. Idealny do pielęgnacji po urazach lub po operacjach, pas DermaPlast ACTIVE Uni Belt Thorax 1 można regulować w celu indywidualnego dopasowania i można go dyskretnie nosić pod ubraniem. Zainwestuj w swoją podróż leczniczą dzięki temu niezawodnemu pasowi żebrowemu zaprojektowanemu z myślą o anatomicznych potrzebach kobiet...
51,67 USD
Dermaplast active uni belt thorax 2 85-115cm kobiety
Elastic rib belt for post-traumatic and postoperative support, stabilization and relief as well as immobilisation of the thorax. Individually adjustable. The universal thorax bandage is used for post-operative and post-traumatic support, stabilization and relief as well as immobilisation of the thorax. It makes breathing / coughing easier after operations, supports the healing process and prevents further injuries. Chest sizes: ? Size 1: 65-90 cm ? Size 2: 85-115 cm. This product is CE-certified . This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
47,70 USD
Dermaplast active uni belt thorax 4 120-150cm męski
The Active Uni Belt Thorax Men by Dermaplast is an elastic rib belt that is suitable for post-traumatic and postoperative support, stabilization and relief as well as immobilisation of the thorax in men. This makes the bandage easier to breathe and cough after operations, supports the healing process and prevents further injuries.The Uni Belt Thorax has an individually adjustable Velcro fastener that enables optimal compression and is made of breathable material. This absorbs body moisture and prevents it from slipping. The bandage offers a secure hold, high stability and is comfortable to wear, and can easily be worn under clothing. Latex-free. ul>Areas of application: Ripe injuriesConsequences of trauma (e.g. contusion of the chest, strain of the chest muscles)Rib fracturesAfter surgery ..
47,70 USD