
Βιολογικό αιθέριο έλαιο

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(2 Σελ.)
Ζήστε την καλύτερη ποιότητα βιολογικών αιθέριων ελαίων στο Ως μέρος των χημικών και τεχνικών προϊόντων και των πρώτων υλών μας, προσφέρουμε μια ποικιλία αιθέριων ελαίων που χρησιμεύουν ως ισχυρά προϊόντα υγείας, φυσικές θεραπείες και λύσεις φυτοθεραπείας. Εξερευνήστε τη σειρά αιθέριων ελαίων μας από το καταπραϋντικό αιθέριο έλαιο Tea Tree, το αιθέριο έλαιο λεβάντας Aromasan μέχρι το αρωματικό έλαιο Γεράνι. Η συλλογή λαδιών μας είναι ιδανική για προϊόντα αρωματοθεραπείας, περιποίησης σώματος και περιποίησης δέρματος. Τα μοναδικά, φρέσκα και ποώδη χαρακτηριστικά αυτών των αιθέριων ελαίων έχουν αγαπηθεί στα καλλυντικά και στη ρουτίνα περιποίησης σώματος εδώ και χρόνια. Γνωστά για τις αντιικές, αντιβακτηριακές και αντιμυκητιακές ιδιότητές τους, είναι χρήσιμα κατά της ακμής, της πιτυρίδας και άλλων δερματικών παθήσεων. Όχι μόνο χρησιμεύουν ως ένα εξαιρετικό εντομοαπωθητικό, αλλά κάνουν τα μπάνια σας χαλαρωτικά. Τα λάδια μας είναι ιδανικά για όλους τους τύπους δέρματος και στοχεύουν στην ενίσχυση της υγείας του δέρματος και των μαλλιών σας. Ανακαλύψτε το μυστικό της ελβετικής υγείας και ομορφιάς με τη συλλογή μας με βιολογικά αιθέρια έλαια στο
Aroma stick οσφρητική καρφίτσα 100% βιολογική relax bag

Aroma stick οσφρητική καρφίτσα 100% βιολογική relax bag

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7752993

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The Aromastick Relax has relaxing properties and helps you to think positively. For inner peace. Ideal for on the wayFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic lavender oil, organic mandarin oil, organic vetiver oil...

16.51 USD

Aromalife top περγαμόντο äth/öl bio

Aromalife top περγαμόντο äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7843343

AROMALIFE TOP Bergamotte Äth/Öl BIO AROMALIFE TOP Bergamotte Äth/Öl BIO is a high-quality essential oil that is extracted from the bergamot fruit, Citrus bergamia, through a steam distillation process. This product is certified organic, meaning it is grown and processed without the use of synthetic pesticides and chemicals, ensuring its safety and purity. The bergamot essential oil is known for its refreshing, citrusy aroma, which makes it a popular ingredient in perfumes, colognes, and other beauty products. It is also widely used in aromatherapy due to its many benefits for the mind and body. The oil is believed to have natural stress-reducing properties, which can help to soothe nerves and promote relaxation. In addition, AROMALIFE TOP Bergamotte Äth/Öl BIO is also known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which make it an excellent natural disinfectant. It can be used in cleaning products or added to a diffuser to freshen up any room. AROMALIFE TOP Bergamotte Äth/Öl BIO can also be used topically when diluted with a carrier oil. It is believed to help soothe skin irritations, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It can also be used to promote hair growth and scalp health, by adding a few drops to shampoo or hair rinse. Overall, AROMALIFE TOP Bergamotte Äth/Öl BIO is a versatile and beneficial essential oil that can be used in a variety of ways. Whether you're looking to enhance your mood, disinfect your home, or improve your skin and hair health, this product is an excellent choice. ..

21.34 USD

Aromalife top τριαντάφυλλο 10% äth/öl bio

Aromalife top τριαντάφυλλο 10% äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7843372

AROMALIFE TOP Rose 10% Äth/Öl BIOΤο AROMALIFE TOP Rose 10% Äth/Öl BIO είναι ένα αιθέριο έλαιο από βιολογικά τριαντάφυλλα που έχουν αναμειχθεί προσεκτικά με ένα λάδι μεταφοράς για ευκολία χρήσης. Αυτό το αιθέριο έλαιο εξαιρετικής ποιότητας είναι ιδανικό για όσους θέλουν να ζήσουν τις χαλαρωτικές και ηρεμιστικές επιδράσεις του ροδέλαιου και είναι κατάλληλο τόσο για προσωπική όσο και για επαγγελματική χρήση. Το αιθέριο έλαιο AROMALIFE TOP Rose 10% Äth/Öl BIO έχει ένα όμορφο άρωμα που θα σας κάνει να νιώσετε χαλαροί και ανανεωμένοι. Το έλαιο τριαντάφυλλου είναι γνωστό για τις εξισορροπητικές του ιδιότητες και όταν συνδυάζεται με έλαιο μεταφοράς, απλώνεται εύκολα στο δέρμα σας ή χρησιμοποιείται σε διαχύτη. Το αιθέριο έλαιο AROMALIFE TOP Rose 10% Äth/Öl BIO είναι κατασκευασμένο από οργανικά τριαντάφυλλα υψηλής ποιότητας και είναι απαλλαγμένο από πρόσθετα ή συντηρητικά. Είναι επίσης vegan και χωρίς σκληρότητα, καθιστώντας το την τέλεια επιλογή για όσους έχουν ηθική σκέψη. Το AROMALIFE TOP Rose 10% Äth/Öl BIO αιθέριο έλαιο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί με διάφορους τρόπους. Μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί απευθείας στο δέρμα σας ή να αραιωθεί με λάδι φορέα για μασάζ ή αρωματοθεραπεία. Μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε διαχύτη για να δημιουργήσει μια χαλαρωτική και χαλαρωτική ατμόσφαιρα στο σπίτι ή το γραφείο σας. Συνολικά, αν ψάχνετε για ένα αιθέριο έλαιο εξαιρετικής ποιότητας που είναι κατασκευασμένο από βιολογικά τριαντάφυλλα και δεν περιέχει πρόσθετα ή συντηρητικά, το AROMALIFE TOP Rose 10% Äth/Öl BIO είναι η τέλεια επιλογή για εσάς. Δοκιμάστε το σήμερα και ζήστε τα οφέλη αυτού του όμορφου αιθέριου ελαίου...

38.78 USD

Aromalife top lemongras äth/öl bio

Aromalife top lemongras äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7843350

AROMALIFE TOP Lemongras Äth/Öl BIO Αυτό το AROMALIFE TOP Lemongras Äth/Öl BIO είναι ένα 100% αγνό και φυσικό αιθέριο έλαιο που εξάγεται από φρέσκα φυτά λεμονόχορτου. Είναι πιστοποιημένο βιολογικό και απαλλαγμένο από συνθετικά πρόσθετα, καθιστώντας το ασφαλές και εξαιρετικά ωφέλιμο για αρωματοθεραπεία και άλλες θεραπευτικές εφαρμογές. Άρωμα: Φρέσκο, εσπεριδοειδές και αναζωογονητικό Βοτανική ονομασία: Cymbopogon citratus Χώρα προέλευσης: Σρι Λάνκα Εκχύλιση: Απόσταξη με ατμό φρέσκων φύλλων και μίσχων λεμονόχορτου Ιδιότητες: Αντιοξειδωτικό, αντιμικροβιακό, αντιφλεγμονώδες, αναλγητικό, ηρεμιστικό, εντομοκτόνο, χωνευτικό, διουρητικό και άλλα Χρησιμοποιήσεις: Αρωματοθεραπεία, μασάζ, διάχυση, εισπνοή, περιποίηση δέρματος, περιποίηση μαλλιών, φυσικός καθαρισμός και άλλα Μέγεθος φιάλης: 10ml Το αιθέριο έλαιο λεμονόχορτου χρησιμοποιείται εδώ και αιώνες στην παραδοσιακή ιατρική και τις πνευματικές πρακτικές. Πιστεύεται ότι έχει καθαριστική επίδραση στο μυαλό, το σώμα και την ψυχή και μπορεί να προάγει τη χαλάρωση, να ανακουφίσει το άγχος και να βελτιώσει την εστίαση και τη διανοητική διαύγεια. Στην αρωματοθεραπεία, το έλαιο λεμονόχορτου είναι μια δημοφιλής επιλογή για τη δημιουργία μιας αναζωογονητικής και δυναμωτικής ατμόσφαιρας που μπορεί να βελτιώσει τη διάθεση, τη δημιουργικότητα και την παραγωγικότητα. Συνδυάζεται καλά με άλλα έλαια εσπεριδοειδών, καθώς και με λεβάντα, βασιλικό, ευκάλυπτο, μέντα και τζίντζερ. Το έλαιο λεμονόχορτου είναι επίσης γνωστό για τις αντιμικροβιακές του ιδιότητες, οι οποίες το καθιστούν αποτελεσματικό φυσικό φάρμακο για μυκητιασικές και βακτηριακές λοιμώξεις, καθώς και για τσιμπήματα και τσιμπήματα εντόμων. Μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως φυσικό αποσμητικό, αποσμητικό χώρου και εντομοαπωθητικό. Όταν χρησιμοποιείται τοπικά, το έλαιο λεμονόχορτου μπορεί να βοηθήσει στη βελτίωση της υγείας του δέρματος και των μαλλιών μειώνοντας τη φλεγμονή, αποτρέποντας την ακμή και προάγοντας την ανάπτυξη των μαλλιών. Μπορεί επίσης να προστεθεί σε νερό μπάνιου ή λάδι μασάζ για να προωθήσει τη χαλάρωση και να ανακουφίσει τον πόνο και τη δυσκαμψία των μυών. Συνολικά, το AROMALIFE TOP Lemongras Äth/Öl BIO είναι ένα ευέλικτο και υψηλής ποιότητας αιθέριο έλαιο που μπορεί να ωφελήσει όποιον αναζητά έναν φυσικό και αποτελεσματικό τρόπο για να βελτιώσει την υγεία και την ευεξία του, τόσο σωματικά όσο και πνευματικά. ..

14.82 USD

Aromalife top rosmarin cineol äth/öl bio

Aromalife top rosmarin cineol äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7843354

AROMALIFE TOP Rosmarin Cineol Äth/Öl BIO AROMALIFE TOP Rosmarin Cineol Äth/Öl BIO is a high-quality and organic essential oil that is extracted from the leaves of the Rosmarinus officinalis plant. It is known for its refreshing, stimulating, and invigorating fragrance, making it a popular choice for aromatherapy and beauty purposes. Benefits Helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression Enhances mental clarity and focus Improves respiratory health and eases breathing difficulties Relieves sore muscles, joint pain, and headaches Boosts immunity and supports digestion Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties Uses Add a few drops to a diffuser or vaporizer to create a calming and uplifting atmosphere Dilute with a carrier oil and apply to the skin to promote hair growth and improve skin health Use in a massage oil to soothe sore muscles and joints Add to a warm bath to relax and unwind Mix with a carrier oil and apply to the chest to ease respiratory congestion AROMALIFE TOP Rosmarin Cineol Äth/Öl BIO is 100% organic, vegan-friendly, and free from synthetic additives, making it a safe and natural option for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being...

13.88 USD

Aromalife top thymian linalol äth/öl bio

Aromalife top thymian linalol äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7843356

AROMALIFE TOP Thymian Linalol Äth/Öl BIO AROMALIFE TOP Thymian Linalol Äth/Öl BIO is a high-quality essential oil extracted from the Thymus vulgaris plant through steam distillation. The oil has a pale yellow color and a pleasant, herbaceous aroma with floral notes. The Thymian Linalol Äth/Öl BIO variant is certified organic, ensuring that the oil is free from synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or other external additives. Benefits and Uses Antibacterial and antifungal properties make it an effective natural remedy for skin infections or wounds. Diluted thyme oil can be applied topically on affected areas. Can be used as a disinfectant in household cleaning products or air fresheners. Has expectorant properties that help relieve respiratory issues like coughs, colds or bronchitis when used in a diffuser or steam inhalation. Stimulates circulation and is used in massage or bath oils to help with muscle pain or stiffness. May boost immunity and improve digestion when ingested in small doses or added to food. Caution and Safety Information AROMALIFE TOP Thymian Linalol Äth/Öl BIO is for external use only and should not be ingested without proper guidance. Pregnant women or children under the age of six should not use thyme oil without consulting a physician. Always dilute the oil before using it topically or in a diffuser. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. Storage and Handling Store the oil in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight or high temperatures. Ensure that the cap is tightly secured before storing the bottle. Use within the expiry date mentioned on the packaging. Conclusion AROMALIFE TOP Thymian Linalol Äth/Öl BIO is a versatile and natural product that offers an array of benefits for your health and wellbeing. Its organic certification ensures that you can enjoy the benefits of thyme oil without worrying about toxins or contaminants. Nevertheless, it is important to follow proper safety precautions and use the oil in moderation to avoid adverse reactions. ..

25.11 USD

Aromalife top weissanne äth/öl bio

Aromalife top weissanne äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7843359

AROMALIFE TOP Weisstanne Äth/Öl BIO AROMALIFE TOP Weisstanne Äth/Öl BIO is an essential oil made from 100% organic Swiss silver fir (Weisstanne) trees. This oil is extracted using a steam distillation process that preserves the natural properties and fragrance of the plant. Weisstanne essential oil is known for its healing and soothing properties, making it a popular choice in aromatherapy. The oil has a fresh, woody scent that is reminiscent of the forest. Its therapeutic properties promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and can help ease respiratory issues such as a cough or congestion. This essential oil can be used in a variety of ways. It can be added to a diffuser to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere, used in a massage oil to soothe sore muscles, or added to a bath for a luxurious and spa-like experience. It can also be added to homemade cleaning products to provide a natural and refreshing scent. AROMALIFE TOP Weisstanne Äth/Öl BIO is packaged in a dark glass bottle that helps protect the oil from sunlight and oxidation. Its convenient dropper cap makes it easy to dispense the desired amount of oil. Experience the natural benefits of Weisstanne essential oil with AROMALIFE TOP Weisstanne Äth/Öl BIO...

22.30 USD

Farfalla blutorange äth/öl bio 10 ml

Farfalla blutorange äth/öl bio 10 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7739623

Organic Blood Orange Essential Oil. Composition Essential Oil cold-pressed blood orange peel (Citrus sinensis ssp. sanguinella), from contr. organic farming. Origin: Italy. Contains limonene, alpha-pinene, linalool, delta-3-carene.. Properties A beautiful essential oil with a distinct red color and a distinct blood orange note. The scent of the organic blood orange is warm, fresh and fruity and relaxes the mind and soul. It makes you happy and cheerful, harmonizes and brings a touch of the sunny south to our region. A classic Christmas scent that children love. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care. Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Notes Warning. Flammable liquid and vapour. Causes skin irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Rinse skin with water. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

14.67 USD

Farfalla ingwer äth/öl bio granulesd cru 5 ml

Farfalla ingwer äth/öl bio granulesd cru 5 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7751238

Ginger Essential Oil Organic Grand Cru. Composition Essential oil from ginger root (Zingiber officinale), from contr. organic farming. Origin: Madagascar. Contains: citral, alpha-pinene, limonene, geraniol.. Properties In Madagascar, plant collectors like to have fun, their guests a freshly grown one Have a taste of ginger root. With childish joy, they then delight in the guests, who are surprised by the enormous heat. The essential oils of organic ginger warm and have a stimulating and aphrodisiac effect. A good essence in the cold season.Vegan. Application For room scenting and personal aroma care. Consult specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Notes Danger. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. DO NOT induce vomiting. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

21.82 USD

Farfalla lemongrass äth/öl bio granulesd cru 10 ml

Farfalla lemongrass äth/öl bio granulesd cru 10 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7751243

Essential oil Lemongrass Bio Grand Cru. Composition Essential oil from lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), from contr. organic farming. Origin: Indian. Contains: geranial, geraniol, neral, linalool, limonene.. Properties Scent: fresh, sweet, lemony. Effect: improves concentration, cleansing. Helps with: buzzing nuisances, overwork, stress. Ensures: joie de vivre, concentration, creativity, activity. The refreshing fragrance cheers you up when you are stressed and overworked, invigorates when you are tired and lack of concentration and protects against bad vibrations. Organic Lemongrass (= lemongrass) is refreshing and encouraging when you are stressed and overworked, invigorating when you are tired and lack of concentration. The essential oil is ideal for cleaning the room atmosphere and protects against bad vibrations.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care . Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Tips: On long car journeys, a car fragrance sprinkled with a few drops of lemongrass will keep your senses awake. Lemongrass is often used in Asia to deter insects and mosquitoes. To clean the room, add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the cleaning water. Notes Danger. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye damage. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic organisms, with long-term effect. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

17.63 USD

Farfalla pfefferminze äth/öl bio granulesd cru

Farfalla pfefferminze äth/öl bio granulesd cru

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7751264

Essential oil of peppermint Bio Grand Cru. Composition Essential oil from peppermint herbs, from contr. organic farming. Origin: Italy. Contains menthol, limonene, menthofuran, beta-pinene, linalool.. Properties Fragrance: fresh, herbaceous, clear. Effect: refreshing, air-purifying, improves concentration. Application: aroma care, cosmetics, perfume, room scenting. Helps with: tiredness, head and stomach discomfort, heat. Ensures: energy, freshness, clear thoughts, concentration. The peppermint for this essential oil comes from a cooperative in southern Piedmont. The cooling and cleansing peppermint oil is pleasantly refreshing, especially when travelling, and has a beneficial spectrum of effects. Not only drivers should therefore always have it with them on the go! Irritant at high concentration, not suitable for children under the age of 6 and during pregnancy.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care . Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy! Tips: ? 1 drop on the temples and neck clears the head ? for a good stomach feeling after a heavy meal, add 1 drop of peppermint oil to 1 teaspoon of Basic Organic Body Oil and gently massage the stomach. Notes Warning. Flammable liquid and vapour. Harmful if swallowed. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Rinse skin with water. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

22.00 USD

Farfalla ravintsara äth / λάδι bio granulesd cru 5 ml

Farfalla ravintsara äth / λάδι bio granulesd cru 5 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7751252

Ravitsara Essential Oil Bio Grand Cru. Composition Essential oil from Ravintsara leaves (Cinnamomum camphora), from contr. organic farming. Origin: Madagascar. Contains alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, limonene.. Properties Odor: herbaceous, camphoraceous. Properties: refreshing, liquefying, air-purifying, strengthening, protective. The "good leaf" from Madagascar is a traditional remedy that is well known on the island. Beneficial and indispensable in winter. One of the best essential oils for cleaning living spaces and exerting a revitalizing effect. Helps with frailty, difficulty breathing in winter, weakness. Provides protection, warmth, vibrancy and clarity. Tips: If employees in the office suffer from colds, set up an aroma lamp containing a mixture of 3 drops of Ravintsara. Inhale directly from the bottle for winter ailments. For use in aromatherapy, please consult the relevant specialist literature!Vegan. Application For room scenting and personal aroma care. Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy! Tips: If everyone in the office has a cold, set up an aroma lamp with 3 drops of Ravintsara. Sniff the bottle at signs of winter ailments. Put 6 drops of tea tree oil with 3 drops of Ravintsara in a glass with 4 tablespoons of "Coconut Foam Base" and stir well. Distribute in the warm bath water. A soothing bath that strengthens, warms and strengthens the immune system. For a soothing massage oil, add 3 drops of Ravintsara to 10 ml of almond oil and first massage the mixture well into the soles of your feet. Massage the remaining mixture into the chest area in circular motions. Strengthens the immune system and is beneficial and liberating. Notes Danger. Flammable liquid and vapour. Causes skin irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. DO NOT induce vomiting. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Rinse skin with water. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

16.13 USD

Farfalla tea tree äth / λάδι βιολογικής άγριας συλλογής granulesd cru 5 ml

Farfalla tea tree äth / λάδι βιολογικής άγριας συλλογής granulesd cru 5 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7751255

Χαρακτηριστικά του τεϊόδεντρου farfalla Äth / έλαιο βιολογικής συλλογής άγριας φύσης Grand Cru 5 mlΠοσότητα σε συσκευασία: 1 mlΒάρος: 42 g Μήκος: 24mm Πλάτος: 24mm Ύψος: 60mm Αγοράστε farfalla tea tree Äth / λάδι βιολογικής άγριας συλλογής Grand Cru 5 ml online από την Ελβετία..

14.67 USD

Farfalla zypresse äth/öl wkba 5 ml

Farfalla zypresse äth/öl wkba 5 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 3085936

Βιολογικό Αιθέριο Έλαιο Κυπαρισσιού.ΣύνθεσηΑιθέριο έλαιο. Λάδι από κλαδιά κυπαρισσιού (Cupressus sempervirens), από συζ. βιολογική γεωργία.Προέλευση: Ισπανία. Περιέχει: άλφα-πινένιο, δέλτα-3-καρένιο, λιμονένιο, τερπινολένιο..ΙδιότητεςΤα κυπαρίσσια χαρακτηρίζουν τα τοπία της Τοσκάνης και της Προβηγκίας. Η εντυπωσιακή υπογραφή τους δίνει την τυπική μεσογειακή πινελιά. Αυτή η ευθύτητα διαμορφώνει επίσης τον χαρακτήρα του αιθέριου ελαίου, το οποίο μεταδίδει αξιοπρέπεια, θάρρος και αποφασιστικότητα. Καταπραϋντικό, εξισορροπητικό και καλό για την έλλειψη συγκέντρωσης. Πολύ καλό σε συνδυασμό με λάδι λεμονιού. Δεν είναι κατάλληλο για μικρά παιδιά.Vegan.ΕφαρμογήΓια αρωματισμό δωματίου και για προσωπική φροντίδα αρωμάτων. Συμβουλευτείτε εξειδικευμένη βιβλιογραφία για χρήση στην αρωματοθεραπεία.ΣημειώσειςΚίνδυνος. Εύφλεκτα υγρά και ατμοί. Προκαλεί ερεθισμό του δέρματος. Προκαλεί σοβαρό οφθαλμικό ερεθισμό. Μπορεί να προκαλέσει αλλεργική δερματική αντίδραση. Μπορεί να προκαλέσει ερεθισμό του αναπνευστικού συστήματος. Μπορεί να είναι θανατηφόρο εάν καταποθεί και εισέλθει στους αεραγωγούς. Πολύ τοξικό για τους υδρόβιους οργανισμούς με μακροχρόνιες επιπτώσεις. Εάν χρειάζεστε ιατρική συμβουλή, να έχετε μαζί σας την ετικέτα. Να φυλάσσεται μακριά από παιδιά. Διαβάστε την ετικέτα πριν από τη χρήση. ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΚΑΤΑΠΟΣΗΣ: Καλέστε αμέσως το ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΔΗΛΗΤΗΡΙΑΣΕΩΝ/γιατρό. ΜΗΝ προκαλείτε εμετό. ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΕΠΑΦΗΣ ΜΕ ΤΟ ΔΕΡΜΑ (ή στα μαλλιά): Ξεπλύνετε το δέρμα με νερό. ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΕΠΑΦΗΣ ΜΕ ΤΑ ΜΑΤΙΑ: Ξεπλύνετε προσεκτικά με νερό για αρκετά λεπτά. Εάν είναι δυνατόν, αφαιρέστε τους φακούς επαφής. Συνεχίστε το ξέπλυμα. Απόρριψη του περιεχομένου/περιέκτη σύμφωνα με τους τοπικούς κανονισμούς...

14.67 USD

Puressentiel αιθέρας/έλαιο μανταρίνι βιολογικό 10 ml

Puressentiel αιθέρας/έλαιο μανταρίνι βιολογικό 10 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 5930459

The Puressentiel® Mandarin Äth / oil Bio 10 ml is a must-have essential oil for any home. This pure and natural oil is extracted from the fruit of the mandarin tree using traditional distillation methods. It is certified organic, making it a safe and ethical choice for anyone looking for a quality essential oil. The mandarin essential oil has a sweet, tangy aroma that is both uplifting and calming. It is known for its therapeutic properties, which include promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, easing digestive issues, and boosting the immune system. This versatile oil can be used in a variety of ways. It can be added to a warm bath for a relaxing and rejuvenating soak. It can also be diffused in a room or added to a massage oil blend for aromatherapy benefits. For those suffering from digestive issues, it can be applied topically to the abdominal area for relief. At Puressentiel®, we are committed to providing our customers with natural and effective solutions for their health and wellness needs. Our Mandarin Äth / oil Bio 10 ml is no exception. It is free from synthetic fragrances, colors, and preservatives, ensuring that you are getting the purest and most potent essential oil possible. Order your Puressentiel® Mandarin Äth / oil Bio 10 ml today and experience the benefits of this 100% pure and natural essential oil for yourself. ..

21.45 USD

Puressentiel γαρύφαλλα äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel γαρύφαλλα äth / oil bio 5ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 5930407

Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a pure and natural essential oil that is extracted from the buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree. This essential oil is certified organic and is free from any harmful chemicals or additives. It is a highly concentrated oil that is rich in beneficial compounds that can be used for a variety of purposes. Uses and Benefits Relieves Pain and Inflammation: This essential oil is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain and inflammation. It is commonly used to ease toothache, joint pain, and even headaches. Fights Infections: Clove essential oil has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is commonly used to treat respiratory infections and other types of infections. Boosts Immunity: This essential oil can stimulate the immune system and help fight off infections. It can also improve blood circulation and increase white blood cell count. Improves Digestion: Clove essential oil can help regulate digestion and relieve digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, and nausea. Improves Skin Health: This oil has antioxidant properties that can protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It can also help treat skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. How to Use Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml can be used in a variety of ways including: Aromatherapy: Add a few drops of the oil into a diffuser or vaporizer to enjoy its aromatic properties. Topical Application: Dilute a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and apply it to the skin. This can help relieve pain, improve digestion, and improve skin health. Internal Use: This oil can be used internally, but caution should be taken as it is highly concentrated. It is best to consult a healthcare professional before ingesting essential oils. Conclusion Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a versatile and beneficial essential oil that can be used for a variety of purposes. Its natural and organic composition makes it safe for use and its many health benefits make it a great addition to any household. Use it to alleviate pain, fight infections, improve digestion, boost immunity, and improve skin health. ..

22.91 USD

Puressentiel γεράνι άνθη αρωματικά äth ​​/ oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel γεράνι άνθη αρωματικά äth ​​/ oil bio 5ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 5930399

Χαρακτηριστικά του Puressentiel Γεράνι αρωματικά άνθη Äth / Oil Bio 5mlΘερμοκρασία αποθήκευσης ελάχιστη/μέγιστη 15/25 βαθμοί ΚελσίουΠοσότητα σε συσκευασία: 1 mlΒάρος: 39 g Μήκος: 20 χιλιοστά Πλάτος: 30 χιλιοστά Ύψος: 80 χιλιοστά Αγοράστε Puressentiel λουλούδια Γεράνι αρωματικά Äth ​​/ Oil Bio 5ml online από την Ελβετία..

37.68 USD

Puressentiel θυμάρι äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel θυμάρι äth / oil bio 5ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 5930525

Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil Bio is a 100% pure and natural essential oil that is extracted by steam distillation from the aerial parts of thyme plant. This oil has a warm, herbal aroma that is commonly used in aromatherapy to support respiratory health and to promote relaxation and calmness. The oil is certified organic by ECOCERT, meaning it has been sourced from plants that have been grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals. Key Features: Pure and natural essential oil Warm, herbal scent Extracted from thyme plant through steam distillation Certified organic Comes in a compact 5ml bottle Benefits: Thyme essential oil is renowned for its various benefits, including: Supporting respiratory health by clearing airways and reducing coughs and congestion Helping to alleviate stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and calming the mind Relieving sore muscles and joints when used topically Boosting immune system function with its natural antiseptic properties Being an effective insecticide, helping to keep bugs and pests at bay Directions for Use: For aromatherapy, add a few drops of Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil to a diffuser and inhale the vapors for 15-20 minutes at a time. For topical use, dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as almond or coconut oil before applying it to the skin. Always patch test first to ensure no allergic reaction occurs. This product is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women or for children under 7 years old. If you have a medical condition, always consult a healthcare professional before using essential oils. Experience the natural benefits of thyme essential oil with Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil Bio 5ml. Place your order now and get ready to enjoy optimal benefits of nature...

27.38 USD

Puressentiel ceylon cinnamon eth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel ceylon cinnamon eth / oil bio 5ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 6338390

Puressentiel Ceylon Cinnamon Essential Oil (Bio) 5ml Puressentiel Ceylon Cinnamon Essential Oil (Bio) 5ml is a high-quality, natural essential oil that is extracted from the bark of the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree. This oil is produced through organic farming methods, without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other harmful substances. Ceylon Cinnamon Essential Oil has a warm, sweet and spicy aroma that is reminiscent of a freshly baked cinnamon roll. It is commonly used for its therapeutic properties, which include reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and supporting digestive health. This essential oil is also known for its high levels of antioxidants, which help protect the body from oxidative stress and can support overall well-being. Its properties make it a popular choice for aromatherapy, massage, and other holistic health practices. Puressentiel Ceylon Cinnamon Essential Oil (Bio) 5ml is packaged in a dark glass bottle to protect the essential oil from light and preserve its freshness. The bottle also features a dropper cap, which makes it easy to measure and dispense the oil in precise amounts. With its many beneficial properties and its delicious aroma, Puressentiel Ceylon Cinnamon Essential Oil (Bio) 5ml is a must-have for anyone seeking to support their health and wellbeing naturally...

44.19 USD

Puressentiel laurel äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel laurel äth / oil bio 5ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 6338438

Puressentiel laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a high-quality essential oil, extracted through the steam distillation method from the leaves of the Laurus nobilis plant. This organic oil is 100% pure and natural, without any chemical additives, making it beneficial for various uses. Laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is known for its powerful and pleasant aroma that can be used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. It has a woody, spicy, and sweet fragrance that creates a relaxing and soothing atmosphere, ideal for aromatherapy. Not only does the essential oil have a fantastic scent, but it also contains many health benefits. It helps to stimulate the immune system, relieve respiratory issues, and promote digestive health. Moreover, the antibacterial and antifungal properties make it effective for combating infections and reducing inflammation. Furthermore, this essential oil can also be used in beauty and skincare products, as it helps to improve hair strength and growth, prevent dandruff and dry scalp, and promote clear and healthy skin. Puressentiel laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is an all-natural and environmentally friendly product. The packaging is small, making it easy to store and take on the go. It can be used in a diffuser, blended with carrier oils, or inhaled directly for aromatherapy purposes. Experience the benefits of this organic essential oil and add it to your collection today! ..

27.38 USD

Puressentiel ravintsara äth/öl bio

Puressentiel ravintsara äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7798053

PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio is a 100% pure and organic essential oil made from the leaves of the Ravintsara tree, native to Madagascar. Recognized for its numerous medicinal properties, Ravintsara essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy to relieve respiratory ailments, prevent infections, and promote relaxation and well-being. This top-quality essential oil is carefully extracted from the leaves of the Ravintsara tree through steam distillation, ensuring maximum purity and potency. It is certified organic, meaning it is free from synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms. With its fresh, camphor-like aroma, PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio is highly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. It can be diffused, inhaled, or applied topically, diluted with a carrier oil, to obtain its numerous health benefits. Thanks to its powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, Ravintsara essential oil is highly effective in boosting the immune system and preventing infections. It is also an excellent remedy for respiratory ailments, including flu, cold, bronchitis, and sinusitis, as it helps to clear congestion, reduce inflammation, and promote breathing. Furthermore, PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio can also help to ease stress, anxiety, and insomnia, promoting relaxation, and aiding restful sleep. It is also great for uplifting the mood, improving focus, and increasing energy levels. In summary, this essential oil is a must-have for any home looking to promote overall wellness and health. With its natural, organic, and therapeutic properties, PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio is a great addition to any aromatherapy routine...

29.43 USD

Puressentiel ravintsara äth / oil bio 30ml

Puressentiel ravintsara äth / oil bio 30ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7637746

Puressentiel Ravintsara Eth / Oil Bio 30ml If you're someone who is looking for a natural and organic remedy to prevent seasonal respiratory problems or improve your overall well-being, then Puressentiel Ravintsara Eth / Oil Bio 30ml might be the perfect solution for you. This 100% natural and pure essential oil from Puressentiel is derived from the leaves of the plant Cinnamomum camphora, which is natively found in Madagascar, and extracted using steam distillation. Benefits: Helps prevent seasonal respiratory problems like cold, cough, and flu Boosts immunity and helps cure infections Reduces muscle and joint pains Acts as a natural antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral agent Relieves headaches and migraines How to use: There are several ways to use this essential oil, including: A few drops in a diffuser to purify and disinfect the air and help fight respiratory infections. A few drops rubbed on your chest, back, or feet to prevent respiratory problems and boost immunity. A few drops mixed with a carrier oil and applied as a massage oil to relieve pain and improve blood flow. A few drops added to hot water and inhaled to relieve respiratory congestion and headaches. Why choose Puressentiel Ravintsara Eth / Oil Bio 30ml? Puressentiel is a trusted brand that has been offering natural and organic remedies since They use only the best ingredients to ensure maximum effectiveness and quality, so you can trust that this essential oil is pure, natural, and safe to use. Additionally, this essential oil is certified organic by Ecocert, meaning that it is free from any harmful chemicals, pesticides, or synthetic additives. If you're looking for a natural and effective remedy to prevent seasonal respiratory problems and improve your overall well-being, choose Puressentiel Ravintsara Eth / Oil Bio 30ml today!..

58.83 USD

Puressentiel strohblume äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel strohblume äth / oil bio 5ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 5930413

Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is an essential oil that is extracted from the blooms of the Helichrysum italicum, a plant also known as the everlasting or immortelle. It is distilled in France and certified organic. Benefits: The Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-histaminic and healing properties. It is known to relieve pain and reduce swelling, making it perfect for sore muscles, sprains or arthritis. It also helps heal bruises and scars, and soothes skin irritations such as eczema, psoriasis or acne. How to use: Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml can be used in a variety of ways. It can be diluted in a carrier oil and applied topically to the affected area, or added to a bath to alleviate muscle pain. It can also be diffused in a diffuser to purify and freshen the air, and relieve respiratory problems such as allergies, asthma or bronchitis. It can also be used as a natural insect repellent. Ingredients: 100% pure and natural essential oil of Helichrysum italicum, certified organic. Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a must-have essential oil for anyone looking to promote healing, reduce pain and improve their overall well-being in a natural and organic way. Its versatile properties make it a valuable addition to any natural medicine cabinet. ..

75.94 USD

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 6702588

Ζήστε τις αναζωογονητικές και τονωτικές ιδιότητες του PURESSENTIEL Lemon-Eucalyptus Ethereal Oil Organic. Προέρχεται από βιολογικά συστατικά εξαιρετικής ποιότητας, αυτό το αιθέριο έλαιο προσφέρει μια απολαυστική συγχώνευση λεμονιού και αναζωογονητικά αρώματα ευκαλύπτου. Γνωστό για τις ευέλικτες εφαρμογές του, αυτό το αιθέριο έλαιο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για αρωματοθεραπεία, μασάζ ή να προστεθεί στα προϊόντα περιποίησης και καθαρισμού της επιδερμίδας DIY. Αξιοποιήστε τη δύναμη της φύσης με αυτό το αγνό και φυσικό αιθέριο έλαιο, απαλλαγμένο από επιβλαβείς χημικές ουσίες ή πρόσθετα. Αναβαθμίστε την ευεξία και το περιβάλλον σας με το ζωντανό άρωμα λεμονιού και ευκαλύπτου, που σας φέρνει η PURESSENTIEL...

18.31 USD

Taoasis teebaum äth/öl bio fl 10 ml

Taoasis teebaum äth/öl bio fl 10 ml

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 7811139

Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml The Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml is a premium quality organic essential oil that is extracted from the leaves of tea tree plants through steam distillation. This essential oil is known for its versatile uses and is popularly used for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is a pure and natural product that has been produced without the use of any harmful chemicals or additives. Benefits of Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml Has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties Helps in fighting against infections and flu symptoms A natural remedy to treat acne, dandruff and other skin conditions Can be used as an effective insect repellant Has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body How to use Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml This essential oil can be used in a variety of ways: For topical use, it can be mixed with carrier oils like coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil and applied on the affected area For aromatherapy, it can be added to a diffuser or vaporizer to create a calming and refreshing ambiance Add a few drops to your bath water for a relaxing and refreshing bath experience Can be added to homemade cleaning products for its anti-bacterial properties The Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml is a must-have for any natural and organic skincare routine and is suitable for all skin types. Store in a cool and dark place away from sunlight and heat...

21.90 USD

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