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Anti brumm naturel roll-on 50ml
ANTI-BRUMM® Naturel ? with a natural active ingredient Composition Citriodiol, Eau, Crodamol DA-LQ-(MH)/Ceraphyl 230, Arlamold HD, Palmerol 6850 MB-RSPO/Lannette O NaTrue, Arlacel 985-SO-(MV), SP Brij S721 Mbal-PA-(SG ), Viscolam AT 100P, Lactate de sodiumt, Esaflor HM-22, EDTA BD / EDTA-Di-Na Sel. Possible allergens: Eucalyptol, Limonene, Linalool, Citronellal, Citronellol.. Properties The practical Anti-Brumm® Naturel Roll-On contains the natural active ingredient Citriodiol® . It reliably protects against mosquitoes for up to 6 hours and against ticks for up to 5 hours. Anti-Brumm® Naturel Roll-On is well tolerated by the skin and is suitable from the age of 1 year. Simple, clean application. Ideal for the face and on the go.Reliably protects against mosquitoes for up to 6 hours and against ticks for up to 5 hours.For children from 1 year.With natural active ingredient. Good skin compatibility - dermatologically tested. Application Anti-Brumm® Naturel Roll-On good shake and apply a thin, even layer to exposed skin (0.3 ml/600 cm2).Repeat application up to three times a day if necessary, especially after bathing or heavy sweating.Use sparingly with small children. Not suitable for infants.Do not apply to wounds or mucous membranes.For children over 1 year. div>..
18,54 USD
Anti brumm ultra-tropical fl 150 ml
The maximum long-term protection against tropical mosquito and tick bites. Anti-Brumm® Ultra Tropical protects against mosquitoes for up to 10 hours and against ticks for up to 8 hours. Composition 50% DEET (diethyltoluamide). Properties Protects effectively and reliably against tropical mosquito and tropical tick bitesRecommended by the Swiss Tropical InstituteHighest dosage available on the market Successfully tested against: Anopheles mosquitoes (carriers of malaria)Aedes (carriers of yellow fever, chikungunya, dengue, zika) li>Culex (carrier of West Nile virus).Hyalomma marignatum tick (tropical species of tick) Application h3> From 2 years.Up to 2 x / day. Repeat application after bathing or heavy sweating. Notes Avoid contact with plastic and painted surfacesApplicable to textiles, except on elastane (Lycra®) and acetate silkPregnancy: use sparingly depending on benefit/risk ..
28,48 USD
Antibrumm forte insekt vapo 150 ml
ANTI-BRUMM® Forte – pålidelig langtidsbeskyttelse mod insektbid Sammensætning..
23,13 USD
Farfalla zedernholz rot äth/öl
Essential oil red cedarwood wild collection. Composition Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) essential oil. Origin: United States. Contains: alpha cedar.. Properties Although it is sold worldwide as "red cedar", the strongly aromatic, reddish wood actually belongs to the cypress family. The wood is very popular because it is rarely attacked by insects. The scent is similar to cedar, but a bit harsher and stricter. The essential oil has an energetically strengthening and energizing effect. Very popular for keeping mosquitoes away. Avoid during pregnancy and with small children.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care. Consult specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Notes Danger.May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. DO NOT induce vomiting. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..
14,67 USD
Finito myggestopprop + væske
Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid Giver myg søvnløse nætter for dig og din familie? Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid er din ultimative myggeafvisende løsning. Det er et 2-i-1 myggeafvisende system, der inkluderer en plug-in enhed og en væskerefill, der giver ultimativ beskyttelse mod myg og andre flyvende insekter. Med Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid kan du nyde en god nats søvn uden at bekymre dig om bid og summende myg. Sådan virker det Plug-in-enheden fra Finito Mosquito Stop Plug frastøder effektivt myg og andre flyvende insekter. Det virker ved at opvarme en afvisende væske af høj kvalitet, der frigiver en fordampet duft. Dampen indeholder en potent blanding af naturlige olier, der frastøder myg og i sidste ende skaber et beskyttende skjold omkring dit opholdsrum. Den flydende refill holder i op til 45 nætter og giver fremragende beskyttelse mod myg. Fordele ved Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid er et effektivt myggeafvisende system, der tilbyder adskillige fordele, herunder: Giver langvarig beskyttelse mod myg og andre flyvende insekter Den afvisende væske er lavet af naturlige olier, der er sikre for mennesker og kæledyr Plug-in-enheden er nem at bruge og genopfylde Den fordampede duft skaber en frisk og behagelig duft i dit opholdsrum Det afvisende system er lydløst og udsender ikke skadelige kemikalier eller dampe Sådan bruges Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid Det er enkelt at bruge Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid. Sæt blot enheden i en stikkontakt i nærheden af din seng, og indsæt væskepåfyldningen. Enheden begynder at varme op med det samme og frigiver kraftige duftdampe, der frastøder myg og andre flyvende insekter. Produktet er velegnet til brug i indendørs områder, såsom soveværelser, køkkener og stuer. Sidste tanker Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid er din ultimative myggeafvisende løsning. Det er en sikker og effektiv måde at beskytte dig selv og dine nærmeste mod myggestik og andre flyvende insekter. Med plug-in-enheden og væskepåfyldningen arbejder sammen, kan du være sikker på en god nats søvn uden afbrydelser fra myggestik og susen. Bestil din Finito Mosquito Stop Plug + Liquid i dag og oplev forskellen. ..
13,63 USD
Finito myggevæskestop 36 ml
The Finito mosquito repellent is odorless, liquid and keeps mosquitoes and tiger mosquitoes away for up to 480 hours. Application: Unscrew the cap and screw the bottle onto the electric vaporizer in the designated place. Plug the electric evaporator into the socket and turn the plug into the correct position.The plug must not be cleaned with detergent, only with paper or a damp cloth after unplugging. Application instructions Use biocides carefully. Always read the label and product information before use...
5,01 USD
Gesal protect mücken-spirale
GESAL PROTECT Mücken-Spirale Looking for a reliable way to keep mosquitoes at bay? Look no further than the GESAL PROTECT Mücken-Spirale! This product is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts looking to enjoy their time outside without having to worry about pesky mosquito bites. The GESAL PROTECT Mücken-Spirale is made with high-quality ingredients that effectively repel mosquitoes and other flying insects, so you can enjoy your outdoor activities without the nuisance of insect bites and stings. What sets the GESAL PROTECT Mücken-Spirale apart from other mosquito-repelling products is its unique spiral design. This design allows the active ingredients to slowly and steadily release, providing long-lasting protection from mosquitoes and other flying insects. Each spiral provides up to 8 hours of continuous protection, making it ideal for use during outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and picnics. The GESAL PROTECT Mücken-Spirale is easy to use. Simply light the end of the spiral and place it in a designated area, such as a camping or picnic area. The spiral will slowly burn, releasing the active ingredients, and providing a barrier against mosquitoes and other flying insects. This product is also environmentally friendly, as it does not contain any harmful chemicals. The active ingredient in the GESAL PROTECT Mücken-Spirale is made from natural plant extracts, making it safe for use around children and pets. Don't let mosquitoes ruin your outdoor fun. Try the GESAL PROTECT Mücken-Spirale today and enjoy your time outside with peace of mind!..
14,21 USD
Kik nature mosquito repellent milk sprayay 100 ml
Karakteristika for Kik NATURE myggespray Mælk 100 mlMængde i pakningen: 1 mlVægt: 130 g Længde: 30 mm Bredde: 55 mm Højde: 145 mm Køb Kik NATURE myggespray Milk 100 ml online fra Schweiz..
17,83 USD
Neocid ekspert mückenstopp kombi 1stk + 30ml
NEOCID EKSPERT Myggeafvisende Combi tilbyder en effektiv løsning til at holde myg på afstand i dine udendørs opholdsrum. Dette 2-i-1 sæt inkluderer en kraftig afvisende enhed og en 30 ml refill, der sikrer langvarig beskyttelse. Ideel til brug i haver, på terrasser og i gårdhaver, bekæmper afskrækningsmidlet irriterende myg og andre insekter og skaber et mere behageligt miljø for afslapning og sociale sammenkomster. Med sin effektive formel giver NEOCID EXPERT Mosquito Repellent Combi en bekvem og pålidelig måde at afskrække insekter på, hvilket giver ro i sindet under udendørs aktiviteter...
18,61 USD
Neocid ekspert mückenstopp nachfüll-plättchen 30 stk
Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Nachfüll-Plättchen 30 Stk Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Nachfüll-Plättchen are the perfect solution for keeping your home and surroundings free from mosquitoes and other flying insects. The pack contains 30 refill pads that can be used with the Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Steckdosen-Vaporizer, which provides long-lasting protection against mosquitoes. Effective Mosquito Repellent Formula The Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Nachfüll-Plättchen come with a highly effective mosquito repellent formula. The vapors of the refill pads repel mosquitoes and other flying insects, ensuring that your living spaces and surroundings are free from these unwanted pests. Easy to Use The Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Nachfüll-Plättchen are very easy to use. Simply plug in the Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Steckdosen-Vaporizer into an electrical outlet, and insert the refill pad into the device. The device will then emit a steady stream of vapors that repel mosquitoes and other flying insects. Long-Lasting Protection The Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Nachfüll-Plättchen provide long-lasting protection against mosquitoes and other flying insects. Each refill pad can last up to 8 hours, making them the ideal choice for overnight protection against mosquitoes and other insects. Safe for Use The Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Nachfüll-Plättchen are completely safe for use in homes and other living spaces. The active ingredients in the refill pads are non-toxic and do not emit any harmful chemicals or fumes. They are also safe for use around pets and children. Conclusion If you're looking for an effective and safe way to keep your home and surroundings free from mosquitoes and other flying insects, then the Neocid EXPERT Mückenstopp Nachfüll-Plättchen are the perfect solution. With their long-lasting protection, easy-to-use design, and safe and non-toxic formula, these refill pads are the ideal choice for anyone looking to enjoy mosquito-free living spaces...
9,03 USD
Phytopharma anti insect natural sprayay 125 ml
Phytopharma Anti Insect Natural Spray 125 ml Phytopharma Anti Insect Natural Spray 125 ml er en naturlig insektafvisende spray, der giver effektiv beskyttelse mod bidende insekter såsom myg, flåter, fluer og andre flyvende og kravlende insekter. Sprayen er lavet med naturlige plantebaserede ingredienser, hvilket gør den sikker til brug på huden og i miljøet. Funktioner: Effektiv beskyttelse mod bidende insekter. Naturlige plantebaserede ingredienser. Sikker til brug på huden og i miljøet. 125 ml sprayflaske er nem at bruge. Sådan bruges: Ryst flasken godt før brug. Spray rigeligt på udsat hud eller tøj, undgå kontakt med øjne, næse og mund. Ansøg igen efter behov. Ingredienser: Citroneukalyptusolie Citronellaolie Lavendelolie Geraniumolie Pebermynteolie Sojabønneolie E-vitamin Phytopharma Anti Insect Natural Spray 125 ml er en sikker og effektiv måde at beskytte dig selv og din familie mod irriterende og potentielt skadelige insektbid. Prøv det i dag, og nyd udendørs uden besværet med irriterende insekter...
29,30 USD
Puressentiel anti-stich abwehr roll on kind
PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind is a highly effective and natural mosquito repellent. This specially formulated insect repellent is safe for children and effectively keeps mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects at bay. This product is perfect for your child's outdoor activities. The PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind is enriched with botanical ingredients such as Geraniol and Citronella oil, which provide a pleasant scent while keeping mosquitoes away. These active ingredients are clinically tested and proven to provide long-lasting protection against mosquito bites, which may cause irritating and infectious diseases such as Malaria and Dengue Fever. The Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind is carefully formulated with natural ingredients and does not contain any synthetic or harmful chemicals, making it safe for your child's delicate skin. The roll-on design of the repellent makes it easy to apply to your child's skin without any mess, and the convenient size is perfect for travel, making it an essential addition to your child's outdoor gear. Protect your little one from insect bites and enjoy your outdoor activities with the PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind. Order yours today! ..
22,89 USD
Puressentiel anti-stich abwehrender roll on bio 50 ml
Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio 50 ml Are you tired of getting bitten by mosquitoes and other bugs during summer? Look no further than the Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio. This 50 ml roll-on product is designed to naturally repel insects and prevent bites. The formula is made with a blend of 11 essential oils that work together to provide protection against various insects. The oils used are all 100% pure and natural, and include citronella, lavender, geranium, and peppermint, among others. What makes this product special is that it is completely organic and free from synthetic ingredients such as DEET. This means that it is safe for use on children and adults alike, even those with sensitive skin. Plus, the roll-on design makes it easy to apply to the skin without any mess. In addition to repelling insects, the essential oils used in this product also have calming and soothing properties. This makes it a great product to use after being outdoors to help soothe any bites or irritation that may have already occurred. If you want an effective and natural solution to keep insects at bay, try out the Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio 50 ml...
24,33 USD
Sensolar zero bite mücken og zeckenschutz
Composition 20g Icaridin, Per 100g. Properties Protects up to 8 hours from mosquitoes and up to 4 hours from ticks. Suitable for children over 2 years old and pregnant women. Also suitable for animals (such as cats, dogs, horses). Waterproof, suitable for the tropics. Composition 20 g Icaridin, Per 100g. Properties Protects against mosquitoes for up to 8 hours and against ticks for up to 4 hours. Suitable for children over 2 years old and pregnant women. Also suitable for animals (such as cats, dogs, horses). Waterproof, suitable for the tropics. ..
22,15 USD
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