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Velkommen til Beeovita, din destination for glutenfri sundheds- og skønhedsprodukter fra Schweiz. Vores glutenfri sortiment er designet til de sundhedsbevidste og er perfekt til dem med diætrestriktioner på grund af cøliaki, eller som foretrækker at fjerne gluten fra deres livsstil. Vores omfattende udvalg omfatter glutenfri produkter på tværs af kategorier såsom kosttilskud, helsekost, diæt- og slankeprodukter og meget mere. Vi tilbyder produkter af høj kvalitet beriget med protein, vitaminer, antioxidanter og andre økologiske ingredienser for at understøtte forskellige aspekter af dit helbred, fra fordøjelse og immunfunktion til hudsundhed. Gennemse en række glutenfrit brød, pasta, kiks og snacks for at tilfredsstille dine trang uden at gå på kompromis med din kost. Udforsk vores glutenfri babymad og kæledyrsmad sektioner for at sikre hele din families velvære. Hver vare er nøje udvalgt for at sikre, at den lever op til vores schweiziske højkvalitetsstandarder. Gør til din foretrukne kilde til glutenfri sundheds- og skønhedsprodukter, hvilket sikrer, at du lever en sundere livsstil.
Biotta breuss bio 6 fl 5 dl

Biotta breuss bio 6 fl 5 dl

Produktkode: 7787673

Biotta Breuss Bio 6 Fl 5 dl Biotta Breuss Bio 6 Fl 5 dl is a 100% natural and organic juice made with six different vegetables. The juice is made from beetroot, carrot, celery root, potato, radish, and white cabbage, which are all grown organically. This juice is not only healthy but also tasty and refreshing. Biotta Breuss Bio 6 Fl 5 dl is free from any artificial preservatives or additives. It is also gluten-free and vegan, making it an ideal drink for people with dietary restrictions. This juice is packed with essential nutrients and vitamins that can help boost your immune system and improve your overall well-being. Biotta Breuss Bio 6 Fl 5 dl is produced using a gentle extraction method that preserves the natural goodness of the vegetables. This method also ensures that the juice retains its full flavor and color. The juice is also bottled in glass bottles, which helps preserve the freshness and taste of the juice. This juice is perfect for people who want to detoxify their body, boost their energy levels, and improve their digestion. The vegetables in this juice contain a high fiber content, which can help improve your digestion and keep your gut healthy. The juice can also help regulate your blood sugar levels, making it ideal for people with diabetes. Biotta Breuss Bio 6 Fl 5 dl is a must-have for anyone who cares about their health and wants to enjoy a tasty and refreshing drink. Order yours today and experience the numerous health benefits of this amazing juice. ..

39,51 USD

Holle bio-crunchy snack hirse mango 25 g

Holle bio-crunchy snack hirse mango 25 g

Produktkode: 7773526

Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g is a delicious organic snack made with crunchy hirse flakes and sweet, juicy mango pieces. This snack is perfect for those who enjoy snacking on healthier options that are also tasty, as it is free of artificial flavors or colors. The hirse flakes in this snack are made from organic grains, which have been grown according to strict organic farming regulations. This means that the grains have been grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, and have not been genetically modified. The mango pieces in this snack are also organic, and have been dried slowly to retain their natural sweetness and flavor. They are a source of natural vitamins and minerals, making them a perfect addition to any healthy diet. The Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g snack is also a great option for those following special diets, as it is gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan. It can be enjoyed as a quick snack on the go, or as a topping for yogurts, smoothie bowls, or porridges. Each package of Holle Bio-Crunchy Snack Hirse Mango 25 g contains 25 grams of the organic snack, making it a convenient and portable option for those who enjoy healthy snacking. ..

3,52 USD

Ialuril soft gels 60 pieces

Ialuril soft gels 60 pieces

Produktkode: 7806864

Komposition Mellemkædede triglycerider, gelatine, chondroitinsulfat (10,2%), quercetin (10,2%), gurkemejeekstrakt kompleksbundet med sojaphospholipider (10,2%), opstrammende middel: E422, hyaluronsyre (5,1%), emulgator: sojalecithin (E322), phosphatidylcholin i mellemkædet triglycerider (soja) (E322), farvestof: E172.. Kenskaber Glutenfri; laktosefri. 1 kapsel indeholder 100mg chondroitinsulfat. Ansøgning Det anbefales at tage 2 kapsler som en enkelt dosis kontinuerligt én gang dagligt i mindst 30 dage. Tip Anvendelse af produktet frarådes, hvis der er ændringer i lever- og galdeblærefunktionen eller galdesten. Hvis du tager medicin, bør du søge råd hos din læge...

68,65 USD

Jentschura morgenstund' 1000 g

Jentschura morgenstund' 1000 g

Produktkode: 7792328

Jentschura MorgenStund' 1000 g Hirse boghvede Grød med frugter og frø. Komposition Hirse*; Boghvede*, tørret frugt 13,5% (ananas*, æble*), oliefrø 8,5% (græskarkerner*, solsikkekerner*, søde mandler*), amarant*. *Fra økologisk landbrug... Egenskaber Vegansk. Uden tilsat sukker (indeholder naturligt sukker). Ansøgning MorgenStund' Bland 3 spsk (ca. 35g) med ca. 120-140ml kogende vand og lad det svulme i 1-2 minutter. Eller rør MorgenStund ud i ca. 160-180 ml vand med et piskeris. Bring det i kog under omrøring og lad det simre ved svag varme i 1-2 minutter. Ernæringsværdier NæringsværdiQuantitypro%målenøjagtighed energi 1606 kJ100 gEnergi381 kcal100 gFedt7;30 g td>100 gFedt; heraf mættede fedtsyrer0;95 g100 g Kulhydrater62;50 g100 g kulhydrater; heraf sukker12;82 g100 g Fiber6;80 g100 gProtein 12;90 g100 gSalt0;04 g100 gThiamin (vitamin B1)0;32 mg100 g Pyridoxin (Vitamin B6)0;28 mg100 g Biotin µg100 gNiacin4;66 mg100 gKalium380 mg100 gMagnesium170 mg100 gZink 2;70 mg100 gJern2;50 mg100 g AllergenerFri for Kornprodukter indeholdende gluten og kornprodukter indeholdende glutenMælkesukker (laktose) Bemærkninger Opbevar efter åbning på et tørt og lukket sted. Fremstillet: I Tyskland. ..

37,23 USD

Jentschura morgenstund' 2000 g

Jentschura morgenstund' 2000 g

Produktkode: 7788972

Jentschura MorgenStund' 2000 g Hirse boghvede Grød med frugter og frø. Komposition Hirse*; Boghvede*, tørret frugt 13,5% (ananas*, æble*), oliefrø 8,5% (græskarkerner*, solsikkekerner*, søde mandler*), amarant*. *Fra økologisk landbrug... Egenskaber Vegansk. Uden tilsat sukker (indeholder naturligt sukker). Ansøgning MorgenStund' Bland 3 spsk (ca. 35g) med ca. 120-140ml kogende vand og lad det svulme i 1-2 minutter. Eller rør MorgenStund ud i ca. 160-180 ml vand med et piskeris. Bring det i kog under omrøring og lad det simre ved svag varme i 1-2 minutter. Ernæringsværdier NæringsværdiQuantitypro%målenøjagtighed energi 1606 kJ100 gEnergi381 kcal100 gFedt7;30 g td>100 gFedt; heraf mættede fedtsyrer0;95 g100 g Kulhydrater62;50 g100 g kulhydrater; heraf sukker12;82 g100 g Fiber6;80 g100 gProtein 12;90 g100 gSalt0;04 g100 gThiamin (vitamin B1)0;32 mg100 g Pyridoxin (Vitamin B6)0;28 mg100 g Biotin µg100 gNiacin4;66 mg100 gKalium380 mg100 gMagnesium170 mg100 gZink 2;70 mg100 gJern2;50 mg100 g AllergenerFri for Kornprodukter indeholdende gluten og kornprodukter indeholdende glutenMælkesukker (laktose) Bemærkninger Opbevar efter åbning på et tørt og lukket sted. Fremstillet: I Tyskland. ..

65,34 USD

Livsane a-z multivitamin depot tabl ch version 60 stk

Livsane a-z multivitamin depot tabl ch version 60 stk

Produktkode: 7810562

Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk The Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a comprehensive multivitamin that provides essential vitamins and minerals in a convenient and easy-to-use format. It is designed to provide daily nutritional support for people of all ages and is particularly helpful for those who may not be getting enough vitamins and minerals from their diets alone. This multivitamin contains a wide range of vitamins including A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D3, E, and KIt also contains essential minerals like iron, zinc, selenium, and copper. This combination of essential vitamins and minerals provides a comprehensive nutritional supplement for optimal health and wellbeing. The Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a very convenient way to ensure that you are getting all the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. It comes in a depot tablet form, which is easy to swallow and guarantees slow release of nutrients over a period of time. The product is also vegetarian-friendly and does not contain unnecessary additives, artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors. Additionally, the product is gluten-free and lactose-free, making it a suitable choice for people with specific dietary requirements. Overall, Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a high-quality product that provides essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health and wellbeing. Its convenient depot tablet format, comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals, and vegetarian-friendly and gluten-free formulation makes it a great choice for anyone looking to boost their nutritional intake...

47,25 USD

Moltein pro 1.5 schokolade

Moltein pro 1.5 schokolade

Produktkode: 7811742

MOLTEIN PRO 1.5 chokolade Moltein PRO er en proteinrig, kalorieholdig, afbalanceret drikkemad. Moltein PRO indeholder højkvalitets valleprotein, essentielle aminosyrer, fedtstoffer, kulhydrater og alle vitaminer og mineraler. Den høje protein- og L-leucin koncentration stimulerer muskelopbygning og bidrager tilsammen til vedligeholdelse og udvikling af muskler. Moltein PRO er en fødevare til særlige medicinske formål til diætbehandling af proteinunderernæring og alders- og sygdomsrelateret muskeltab (sarkopeni). Egenskaber - højt kalorieindhold - højt indhold af protein (100% valleprotein) - glutenfri - lavt indhold af laktose - med MCT og Omega-3 - uden konserveringsmidler, farvestoffer - vegetarisk Tilberedning 1. Løsn pulveret (vip kortvarigt flasken på hovedet ) 2. Fyld væsken op til kanten af ​​etiketten eller påfyldningsmærket og skru låget fast 3. Vend flasken på hovedet og ryst den forsigtigt 4. Drik og nyd Vand, mælk, sojadrik eller frugtjuice kan bruges til at tilbered det - alt efter din individuelle smag. Den samlede daglige mængde afhænger af individuelle behov og den respektive ernæringsterapi. Næringsoplysninger pr. portion (34 g) Energi: 150 kcal (628 kJ) Fedt: 5 g Kulhydrater: 5 g Protein: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Tilladt i henhold til retningslinjerne fra det schweiziske selskab for klinisk ernæring (GESKES). p> Moltein PRO er en proteinrig, kalorieholdig, afbalanceret drikkemad. Moltein PRO indeholder højkvalitets valleprotein, essentielle aminosyrer, fedtstoffer, kulhydrater samt alle vitaminer og mineraler. Den høje protein- og L-leucin-koncentration stimulerer muskelopbygning og bidrager tilsammen til vedligeholdelse og udvikling af muskler. Moltein PRO er en fødevare til særlige medicinske formål til diætstyring i tilfælde af proteinunderernæring samt alder -relateret og sygdomsrelateret muskeltab (sarkopeni). Egenskaber - højt kalorieindhold - rig på protein (100 % valleprotein) - glutenfri - lavt indhold af laktose - med MCT og Omega-3 - uden konserveringsmidler, farvestoffer < p>- vegetarisk Til tilberedning Vand, mælk, sojadrik eller frugtjuice kan bruges - alt efter individuel smag. Den samlede daglige mængde afhænger af individuelle behov og den respektive ernæringsterapi. Ernæringsoplysninger pr. portion (34 g) Energi: 150 kcal (628 kJ) Fedt: 5 g Kulhydrater: 5 g Protein: 21 g L-Leucin: 5 g Godkendt iflg. retningslinjerne Swiss Society for Clinical Nutrition (GESKES). ..

86,73 USD

Morga gemüse bouillon paste go clean bio ds 400 g

Morga gemüse bouillon paste go clean bio ds 400 g

Produktkode: 7747229

Morga Gemüse Bouillon Paste go clean Bio Ds 400 g The Morga Gemüse Bouillon Paste go clean Bio Ds 400 g is the perfect solution for all your cooking needs. This vegetable bouillon paste is not only delicious, but also organic and free of any artificial additives or preservatives. The vegetables used to make this bouillon paste are carefully selected and sourced from organic farms, ensuring that you get the highest quality product possible. The paste is then mixed with a blend of herbs and spices to create a savory, flavorful base for your soups, stews, and other dishes. The Morga Gemüse Bouillon Paste go clean Bio Ds 400 g is also incredibly easy to use. Simply dissolve a small amount of the paste in hot water to create a delicious vegetable broth. You can also use this paste to add flavor to your favorite recipes, such as stir-fries, casseroles, and sauces. Thanks to its organic and clean ingredients, this bouillon paste is suitable for people following vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and other special diets. It is also a great way to add more nutrition to your meals, as it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals naturally found in vegetables. So whether you're looking for an easy way to add more flavor to your meals or simply want to enjoy a delicious, nutritious broth, the Morga Gemüse Bouillon Paste go clean Bio Ds 400 g is the perfect choice...

22,87 USD

Omni-biotic 10 plv

Omni-biotic 10 plv

Produktkode: 7785856

Composition Maize starch, maltodextrin, inulin, potassium chloride, rice protein, magnesium sulfate, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), lactic acid bacteria, corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus acidophilus W55, and Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, and Lactobacillus paracasei W72, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus W71, and Enterococcus faecium W54, and Lactobacillus salivarius W24, and Lactobacillus plantarum W62, and Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, and Bifidobacterium lactis W18, and Wumido1lasium, Enzyme long (A5ido1lasiumen), Vanilla Flavouring, Manganese Sulfate, Per Bag. Features Gluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free, non-GMO, vegetarian, vegan. Application Stir 1 sachet (5 g) in a glass of water (approx. 125 ml) 1-2 times a day, wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. Notes Suitable for diabetics, pregnant and breastfeeding women, children from 1 year. Composition Maize starch, maltodextrin, inulin, potassium chloride, rice protein, magnesium sulfate, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), lactic acid bacteria, corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus acidophilus W55, et Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus paracasei W72, et Lactobacillus rhamnosus W71, et Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactobacillus salivarius W24, et Lactobacillus plantarum W62, et Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, et Bifidobacterium lactis W18, et Bifidobacterium longum W51, vanillaar (Amylasen) Manganese sulfate, per sachet. Features Gluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free, non-GMO, vegetarian, vegan. Application Stir 1 sachet (5 g) in a glass of water (approx. 125 ml) 1-2 times a day, wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. Notes Suitable for diabetics, pregnant and breastfeeding women, children from 1 year. ..

34,97 USD

Omni-biotic 6 plv ds 60 g

Omni-biotic 6 plv ds 60 g

Produktkode: 7785872

Sammensætning Majsstivelse, maltodextrin, fructooligosaccharider (FOS), inulin, polydextrose, kaliumchlorid, mælkesyrebakterier, korresp.:, ud Bifidobacterium animalis W53, og Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactobacillus acidophilus W55, et Lactobacillus lactis W58, et Lactobacillus salivarius W57, et Lactobacillus casei W56, risprotein, magnesiumsulfat, enzymer (amylaser), mangansulfat, pr. 1 g. Egenskaber Glutenfri , laktosefri, gærfri, ikke-GMO, vegetar, vegansk. Anvendelse 1-2 gange dagligt 1 plan måleske (2 g) eller rør 1 pose (3 g) i et glas vand (ca. 125 ml) , vent 1 minut på aktivering, rør rundt og drik. Næringsværdier Ernæringsmæssige værdier værdi Mængde pr. % Målenøjagtighed Energi 1292 kJ 100 g Energi 309 kcal 100 g td> Fedt 0,01 g 100 g Fedt, heraf mættede fedtsyrer 0,01 g 100 g Protein 2,51 g 100 g Kulhydrater 69,43 g 100 g Kulhydrater, herunder sukker 2,37 g 100 g Salt 0,63 g 100 g Noter h3> Velegnet til diabetikere, gravide og ammende kvinder, børn fra 1 år. Komposition Majsstivelse, maltodextrin, fructooligosaccharider (FOS), inulin, polydextrose, kaliumchlorid, mælkesyrebakterier, tilsvarende:, ud Bifidobacterium animalis W53, et Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactobacillus, et Lactobacillus W55, et Lactobacillus W55, et Lactophilactis W55, W55. Lactobacillus salivarius W57, et Lactobacillus casei W56, risprotein, magnesiumsulfat, enzymer (amylaser), mangansulfat, pr. 1 g. Funktioner Glutenfri, laktosefri, gærfri, ikke-GMO, vegetar, vegansk. Ansøgning 1-2 1 niveau måleske (2 g) eller 1 pose (3 g) i et glas vand (ca. 125 ml), vent 1 minut på aktivering, rør rundt og drik. Ernæringsværdier ErnæringsværdiAmountper%Målenøjagtighed Energi1292 kJ100 gEnergi 309 kcal100 gFedt0,01 g100 gFedt, heraf mættede fedtsyrer td>0,01 g100 gprotein2,51 g100 gKulhydrater69,43 af sukker g1007, g sukker g107, g 100 g sukker gSalt0, 63g100g Bemærkninger Velegnet til diabetikere, gravide og ammende kvinder, børn over 1 år. ..

77,73 USD

Omni-biotic power plv 28 btl 4 g

Omni-biotic power plv 28 btl 4 g

Produktkode: 7785863

Composition Corn Dextrin, Magnesium Citrate, Corn Starch, Vegetable Protein, Potassium Chloride, Natural Blood Orange Flavor, Lactic Acid Bacteria, corresp.:, ut Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactococcus lactis W58 , et Lactobacillus acidophilus W22, et Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, et Lactobacillus brevis W63, et Bifidobacterium lactis W51, Magnesium sulphate, Manganese sulphate, Maltodextrin, Per sachet. Properties Gluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free, GMO-free, vegetarian, vegan. Application Once a day, 1 sachet (4 g) in a glass of water (approx. 125 ml ) stir in, wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. Notes Suitable for diabetics, pregnant and breastfeeding women, children over 3 years. Composition Corn dextrin, magnesium citrate, corn starch, vegetable protein, potassium chloride , Natural blood orange aroma, lactic acid bacteria, corresp.:, ut Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactococcus lactis W58, et Lactobacillus acidophilus W22, et Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, et Lactobacillus brevis W63, et Bifidobacterium lactis W51, magnesium sulphate, manganese sulphate, maltodextrin, per sachet. Features Gluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free, GMO-free, vegetarian, vegan. Application 1 sachet (4 g) in a glass of water (approx. 125 ml), wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. Notes Suitable for diabetics, pregnant and breastfeeding women, children from 3 years of age . ..

89,70 USD

Omni-biotic reise plv (neu)

Omni-biotic reise plv (neu)

Produktkode: 7785864

OMNI-BIOTIC Travel Plv (ny) Rejsekammeraten? for hele familien Mælkesyrebakterierne i OMNi-BiOTiC® Travel er nyttige ?hjælpere? for hver dag i din ferie. Ønsket om at rejse i stedet for frustrationen ved ferie..

48,28 USD

Omni-biotic reise plv 28 btl 5 g

Omni-biotic reise plv 28 btl 5 g

Produktkode: 7785877

OMNi-BiOTiC Travel Plv 28 poser 5 g Rejsekammeraten? for hele familien Mælkesyrebakterierne i OMNi-BiOTiC® Travel er nyttige ?hjælpere? for hver dag i din ferie. Ønsket om at rejse i stedet for frustrationen ved ferie..

79,47 USD

Omni-biotisk stress plv

Omni-biotisk stress plv

Produktkode: 7796071

OMNI-BIOTISK STRESS PLV 28 BTL 3 G OMNi-BiOTiC Stress er et mangfoldigt tarmflora-støttesystem til stressede tider. Det fremmer en sund tarmflora og støtter din psyke i hektiske faser af livet. Stress og hektisk liv viser, hvor vigtig en sund tarm er. Et effektivt fungerende tarmmikrobiom kan være forskellen mellem effektiv stresshåndtering eller nervøs svaghed. OMNi-BiOTiC Stress er specielt designet til at understøtte din tarmflora i stressede tider. Med gavnlige mælkesyrebakterier og B-vitaminer hjælper det med at holde din tarmflora sund. Derudover nyder din psyke godt af et mangfoldigt og optimalt afbalanceret tarmmikrobiom, som kan bidrage til en sund bearbejdning af stress. Tarmslimhinden er særligt udfordret under stress den skal optimalt udnytte fødevarekomponenter og give energi. OMNi-BiOTiC Stress understøtter din tarmslimhinde og fremmer dens ydeevne. Med en kombination af ni udvalgte bakteriestammer sikrer OMNi-BiOTiC Stress en mangfoldig tarmflora. Det tolereres godt og er fri for gluten, laktose, animalsk protein og gær. OMNi-BiOTiC Stress er velegnet til hele familien, inklusive gravide og ammende kvinder...

77,66 USD

Phytopharma echinacea pastille

Phytopharma echinacea pastille

Produktkode: 7786815

Sugar-free lozenges with Stevia sweetener. Composition Gelling agent gum arabic, 100 mg Echinacea purpurea mother tincture, sugar substitutes sorbitol and maltitol syrup, sweetener Stevia rebaudiana, glazing agent vegetable oil and carnauba wax. Properties Lactose-free, gluten-free. Use 6 - 10 lozenges per day. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy tr> Energy213 kcal100 g td>Energy872 kJ100 gFat2.09 g100 g Fat, thereof monounsaturated fatty acids (cis)2.09 g100 gCarbohydrates39.56 g100 g tr>Carbohydrates, including polyhydric alcohols39.56 g100 gDietary fiber47.8 g100 g Protein0.98 g100 g salt0 g100 g table> ..

17,55 USD

Phytopharma schwarz knoblauch weissdo kaps

Phytopharma schwarz knoblauch weissdo kaps

Produktkode: 7783185

Composition 200 mg black garlic extract (origin: Spain), 100 mg hawthorn extract (origin: France), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), per capsule. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Capsule shell made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Take 2 capsules daily. Composition 200 mg black garlic extract (origin: Spain ), 100 mg hawthorn extract (origin: France), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), per capsule. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten free. Capsule shell made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Take 2 capsules daily. ..

52,10 USD

Phytopharma vegan power kaps ds 90 stk

Phytopharma vegan power kaps ds 90 stk

Produktkode: 7805602

Composition Iron (from curry leaf), calcium (from Atlantic red algae - Lithothamnion), iodine (from Norwegian kelp), vitamin A (beta- carotene), nicotinamide, zinc bisglycinate, selenium (from mustard seeds), bulking agent: rice extract, inositol, calcium D-pantothenate, vitamin D3 (from algae), vitamin K2-MK7, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, folic acid, choline bitartrate, D-biotin, Vitamin B12 (Hydroxycobalamin, Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin).. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Capsule shell made from hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Take 1-2 capsules daily. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Beta carotene; Provitamin A 2.4 mg 1 Capsule Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 0.75 mg 1 Capsule Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.95 mg 1 Capsule Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3) 12 mg 1 Capsule Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 4.5 mg 1 Capsule Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 1.05 mg 1 Capsule Biotin 5.05 µg 1 Capsule Folic acid 150 µg 1 Capsule Vitamin B12 80 µg 1 Capsule Colecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 10 µg 1 Capsule Menaquinone (vitamin K2) 25 µg 1 Capsule Calcium 60 mg 1 Capsule Zinc 2.65 mg 1 capsule / Capsule Iron 7 mg 1 Capsule Selenium 27.5 µg 1 Capsule Iodine 75 µg 1 Capsule Choline, total 50 µg 1 Capsule Composition Iron (from curry leaf ), calcium (from the Atlantic red algae - lithothamnion), iodine (from Norwegian kelp), vitamin A (beta-carotene), nicotinamide, zinc bisglycinate, selenium (from mustard seeds), bulking agent: rice extract, inositol, calcium D-pantothenate, vitamin D3 (from Algae), Vitamin K2-MK7, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Choline Bitartrate, D-Biotin, Vitamin B12 (Hydroxycobalamin, Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin).. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Capsule shell made from hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Take 1-2 capsules daily. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Beta carotene; Provitamin A2.4 mg1 Capsule Thiamin (Vitamin B1)0.75 mg1 Capsule Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0.95 mg1 Capsule Nicotinamide (vitamin B3)12 mg1 capsule Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)4.5 mg1 capsule td>Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)1.05 mg1 Capsule Biotin5.05 µg1 Capsule Folic acid150 µg1 capsule Vitamin B1280 µg1 Capsule Colecalciferol (Vitamin D3)10 µg1 Capsule Menaquinone (vitamin K2)25 µg1 capsule td>Calcium60 mg1 Capsule Zinc2.65 mg1 Capsule Iron7 mg1 Capsule Selenium27.5 µg1 Capsule Iodine75 µg1 Capsule Choline, total50 µg1 Capsule ..

49,20 USD

Phytopharma vitamin b12 lutschtabl 500 mcg

Phytopharma vitamin b12 lutschtabl 500 mcg

Produktkode: 7784465

Dietary supplement with vitamin B12 and sweetener (sucralose), raspberry flavor. Composition 500 µg cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), per lozenge. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Application 1 lozenge daily. ..

44,56 USD

Phytopharma vitamin d3 tabl vegansk 60 stk

Phytopharma vitamin d3 tabl vegansk 60 stk

Produktkode: 7790165

Composition 20 µg colecalciferol (vitamin D3), corresp.:, per tablet. Properties Vitami D3 from lichen. Vegan, lactose free, gluten free. Application Take 1 tablet once a day. Composition 20 µg colecalciferol (vitamin D3), corresp.:, per tablet. Properties Vitami D3 from lichen. Vegan, lactose free, gluten free. Application Take 1 tablet once a day. ..

29,66 USD

Rabenhorst pflaumi

Rabenhorst pflaumi

Produktkode: 7740951

RABENHORST Pflaumi RABENHORST Pflaumi is a delicious and healthy fruit juice made from the finest plums. Produced by Rabenhorst in Germany, this juice is made using only carefully selected, sun-ripened plums which are gently squeezed to preserve their natural goodness and sweetness. As a fruit juice, RABENHORST Pflaumi provides a wealth of health benefits. Plums are known for their high antioxidant content, which can help support the immune system and protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. They are also a good source of fiber and contain essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. RABENHORST Pflaumi is perfect for those looking for a refreshing and healthy drink option. It can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with other juices to create your own unique blend. The bottle size of 750ml makes it perfect for sharing with friends and family. This product is non-alcoholic, vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and does not contain any artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. It is also free from added sugars, making it a great choice for those watching their sugar intake or looking for a healthier alternative to sugary drinks. Order your bottle of RABENHORST Pflaumi today and experience the delicious taste and numerous health benefits of this pure fruit juice. ..

10,82 USD

Sinergy traubenzucker maracuja 15 x 40 g

Sinergy traubenzucker maracuja 15 x 40 g

Produktkode: 7783404

Sinergy Traubenzucker Maracuja 15 x 40 g Sinergy Traubenzucker Maracuja 15 x 40 g Looking for a tasty alternative to traditional energy bars and drinks? Try Sinergy Traubenzucker Maracuja! Made with grape sugar (also known as glucose), this product provides a quick and efficient source of energy. The added maracuja (also known as passionfruit) flavoring makes these easy-to-consume tablets a delicious treat for anyone on the go. Each package contains 15 individually wrapped portions of 40 g each. Perfect for athletes, hikers, students, or anyone who needs a quick energy boost. Made with high-quality, natural ingredients, Sinergy Traubenzucker Maracuja is free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and suitable for all age groups. Whether you're running a marathon, hitting the books for exam season, or just need a quick pick-me-up in the middle of the day, Sinergy Traubenzucker Maracuja is the perfect solution. So why wait? Try it today and see for yourself!..

46,86 USD

Sn allerlibre tabel

Sn allerlibre tabel

Produktkode: 7804036

SN Allerlibre Tabl: The Ultimate Allergy Relief Solution If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from allergies, you know how frustrating and debilitating they can be. Sneezing, itching, congestion, and watery eyes can make it difficult to work, socialize, or even sleep. Fortunately, there is a solution: SN Allerlibre Tabl. What is SN Allerlibre Tabl? SN Allerlibre Tabl is an all-natural, gluten-free, non-sedating, and non-drowsy allergy relief supplement. It's formulated with a blend of herbs and vitamins that work together to combat the symptoms of allergies and promote overall respiratory health. The Benefits of SN Allerlibre Tabl: Relieves sneezing, itching, congestion, and watery eyes Boosts immune system function to prevent allergy flare-ups Improves overall respiratory health All-natural formula with no harmful chemicals or additives Non-drowsy and non-sedating, so you can take it anytime Gluten-free for those with gluten sensitivities Active Ingredients: Quercetin - a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps reduce allergy symptoms Vitamin C - boosts the immune system and helps the body fight off allergen attacks Bromelain - a digestive enzyme that helps break down mucus and reduce inflammation Nettle Leaf Extract - reduces inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine Butterbur Extract - reduces inflammation and promotes respiratory health Directions for Use: Take two tablets of SN Allerlibre Tabl twice a day, preferably with meals. For best results, take consistently for at least 4-6 weeks. Conclusion: Don't let allergies control your life. Try SN Allerlibre Tabl today and experience the relief you've been searching for. With its all-natural, non-drowsy, and gluten-free formula, you can finally say goodbye to allergy symptoms and enjoy the great outdoors again...

40,75 USD

Symbiolact plv

Symbiolact plv

Produktkode: 7808018

Food supplement powder with lactic acid bacteria and biotin Composition Maltodextrin, freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria* 3%, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, biotin. *Lactobacillus paracasei (LC-01 TM), Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-5®), Lactococcus lactis (R-707-1 T), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12®). May contain traces of MILK protein.. Properties Biotin helps maintain normal mucous membranes (e.g. in the intestines).Free from lactose and gluten. Application 1-2 times a day, pour the contents of one sachet into a glass, add 100-150 ml of non-carbonated water, stir and drink at the beginning of a main meal . The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Nutritional values Nutritional value Amountper%Measurement accuracy Biotin60 µg2 bags / sachets Allergens Free from Cereals containing gluten and cereal products containing glutenMilk sugar (lactose) May contain Milk and milk products Notes May contain traces of milk protein. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store at room temperature, in a dry place and out of the reach of small children. ..

200,46 USD

Symbiolact plv 30 btl 2 g

Symbiolact plv 30 btl 2 g

Produktkode: 7808017

Kosttilskudspulver med mælkesyrebakterier og biotinSammensætning Maltodextrin, frysetørrede mælkesyrebakterier* 3%, antiklumpningsmiddel siliciumdioxid, biotin. *Lactobacillus paracasei (LC-01 TM), Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-5®), Lactococcus lactis (R-707-1 T), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12®). Kan indeholde spor af MÆLK-protein..EgenskaberBiotin hjælper med at opretholde normale slimhinder (f.eks. i tarmene).Fri for laktose og gluten . Anvendelse1-2 gange om dagen, hæld indholdet af en pose i et glas, tilsæt 100-150 ml ikke-kulsyreholdigt vand, omrør og drik i begyndelsen af ​​et hovedmåltid. Den anbefalede daglige dosis må ikke overskrides.NæringsværdierNæringsværdi Beløbpr.%Målenøjagtighed Biotin60 µg2 poser / poser AllergenerFri forKornprodukter indeholdende gluten og kornprodukter indeholdende glutenMælkesukker (laktose)Kan indeholdeMælk og mælkeprodukterBemærkninger Kan indeholde spor af mælkeprotein. Kosttilskud bør ikke bruges som erstatning for en varieret og afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil. Opbevares ved stuetemperatur, på et tørt sted og utilgængeligt for små børn. ..

75,81 USD

Zwicky vitaglucan knuspermix

Zwicky vitaglucan knuspermix

Produktkode: 7788856

ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix Vi introducerer den perfekte blanding af lækker og sund snacking - ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix. Denne sprøde og smagfulde blanding er spækket med essentielle næringsstoffer, som din krop har brug for for at forblive sund.Produktdetaljer: Ingredienser: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix er sammensat af en perfekt balance af vitaminer, mineraler, fibre og proteiner. Den er lavet med fuldkornshave, græskarkerner, mandler og tranebær. Alle de anvendte ingredienser er økologiske og fri for skadelige kemikalier eller konserveringsmidler. Ernæring: En portion ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix indeholder 155 kalorier, 4 g protein, 19 g kulhydrater, 9 g fedt og 4 g fibre. Det er en fremragende kilde til antioxidanter, Omega-3 fedtsyrer og essentielle vitaminer og mineraler som jern, calcium og kalium. Sunde fordele: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix er en perfekt snackmulighed for folk, der er bevidste om deres sundhed og fitness. Fuldkornhavre og fiberrige ingredienser holder dig mæt i længere tid, reducerer kolesterolniveauet og forbedrer fordøjelsen. Blandingen er glutenfri og mælkefri, hvilket gør den til en ideel mulighed for mennesker med fødevareallergi eller intolerance. Brug: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix er en alsidig snacksmulighed, der kan nydes når som helst på dagen. Du kan få det som en hurtig morgenmadsmulighed, mellemmåltid midt på dagen eller som topping på din smoothie eller yoghurtskål. Du kan også tilføje det til dine hjemmelavede granolabarer eller trailmix. Emballage: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix kommer i en genlukkelig pose, hvilket gør den nem at bære og opbevare. Emballagen bevarer blandingens friskhed og smag i længere tid. Nyd godheden af ​​sunde ingredienser med ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix. Det er den perfekte blanding af smag og sundhed, der giver dig det energiboost, du har brug for for at styrke din dag...

11,05 USD

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