
Understøttelse af fordøjelsen

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Udforsk vores omfattende udvalg af fordøjelsesstøttende sundheds- og skønhedsprodukter håndplukket fra Schweiz på En one-stop destination for alle dine sundhedskrav, vi tilbyder forskellige produkter fra kategorier som naturmidler, fytoterapi, sundhed + ernæring, kost, slankeprodukter, kosttilskud, te/kaffe/drikke osv. Et af vores bedst sælgende produkter , Fresubin 2 kcal Fiber DRINK chokolade fungerer ikke kun som en drik med højt kalorieindhold, der booster dine energiniveauer, men understøtter også din fordøjelse, immunforsvar og kardiovaskulær sundhed. Gennemse vores kollektion nu for effektive løsninger til at nære, helbrede og bevare din krop naturligt.
Aptamil profutura 2 can 800 g

Aptamil profutura 2 can 800 g

Produktkode: 7829954

Description The Aptamil Profutura 2 Ds 800 g is a premium follow-on formula milk developed to support the nutritional needs of babies from six to twelve months old. It contains a unique blend of ingredients that includes vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, and probiotics to support your baby's digestion, immune health, and physical development. This formula is designed to complement a varied diet as your baby transitions from exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding. Key Features Contains a unique blend of ingredients including prebiotics and probiotics to support digestion and immune health Provides complete nutrition for babies from six to twelve months old Contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support your baby's physical development Easy to digest and absorb Usage Instructions Use only as directed by your healthcare professional. Prepare formula milk according to the on-pack instructions. Always use a clean and sterilized feeding bottle, teat, and ring. Do not add cereals, other liquids or food to the formula milk. Discard any leftover formula milk after feeding, and do not reuse within an hour. Store in a cool, dry place. Note: As an AI language model, some HTML tags may not appear in the output...

56,68 USD

Biotta apfel rande ingwer bio

Biotta apfel rande ingwer bio

Produktkode: 7787574

BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio is an organic juice that combines the sweet and tangy flavors of apple with the earthy and slightly sweet taste of beetroot and the subtle spiciness of ginger. Made from organic fruits and vegetables, this juice is not only delicious but also rich in nutrients that support your overall health and wellness. Benefits Supports cardiovascular health: Beetroot is rich in nitrates, which help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow, while apple contains antioxidants that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Boosts immunity: Apple is a good source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system, while ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight infections. Supports digestion: Beetroot is rich in fiber, which can help promote digestive health, while ginger has been traditionally used to relieve digestive problems. Can help with exercise performance: The nitrates in beetroot can improve oxygen delivery to muscles, which can enhance exercise performance. Usage BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio can be enjoyed as a refreshing drink anytime, anywhere. It can be served chilled or at room temperature depending on your preference. Shake well before opening and consume within 7 days of opening. This juice can also be used as a base for smoothies or mixed with other juices for a unique flavor punch. Ingredients Organic apple juice 59% Organic beetroot juice 39.6% Organic ginger juice 1.4% About BIOTTA BIOTTA is a Swiss brand that has been producing high quality organic juices since They use only the finest organic fruits and vegetables and do not add any preservatives or artificial flavorings to their products. BIOTTA juices are not only delicious but also offer numerous health benefits, making them a great addition to your daily routine. ..

34,46 USD

Bitterliebe tropfen fl 50 ml

Bitterliebe tropfen fl 50 ml

Produktkode: 7782554

Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml is a natural and effective way to boost your digestion, support your immune system, and promote overall health and wellness. This product contains a unique blend of natural bitter substances that are carefully selected for their health benefits. Features and Benefits Contains a natural blend of bitter substances Helps support digestion and gut health May help regulate appetite and reduce sugar cravings May support liver function and detoxification Can help improve sleep and mood How to use Simply add a few drops of Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml to a glass of water or tea before or after meals. You can also add it to smoothies or other beverages for a health boost. Start with a small amount and gradually increase the dosage if desired. Ingredients Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml contains a unique blend of natural bitter substances, including gentian root, dandelion, artichoke, ginger, and turmeric. These ingredients are carefully selected for their health benefits and are combined in a potent formula that is easy to use and highly effective. Quality Assurance All Bitterliebe products are made in Germany using high-quality ingredients and a rigorous quality control process. We use only the finest natural ingredients and never use any artificial additives, preservatives, or fillers. Buy With Confidence Try Bitterliebe Tropfen Fl 50 ml today and see the difference it can make in your health and wellness. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can buy with confidence knowing that you are getting a product that is safe, effective, and backed by a commitment to quality...

28,52 USD

Creon 10000 kaps fl 50 stk

Creon 10000 kaps fl 50 stk

Produktkode: 6723366

Creon indeholder den aktive ingrediens pancreatin med de enzymer, der er vigtige for fordøjelsen af ​​mad (lipase, amylase og protease) i koncentreret form. Disse nedbryder fedtstoffer, proteiner og kulhydrater i maden til brugbare komponenter. På anvisning fra lægen, farmaceuten eller lægen kan Creon også bruges til at behandle eller supplere utilstrækkelig bugspytkirtelfunktion, det vil sige i tilfælde af mangel på eller fravær af fordøjelsesenzymer, fx efter akut pancreatitis i begyndelsen af ​​genoptagelse af mad eller kunstig ernæring, kronisk pancreatitis, cystisk pancreasfibrose eller efter kirurgiske indgreb i fordøjelseskanalen. Creon indeholder pancreatin i form af såkaldte mikropellets. Disse fyldes i kapsler, som opløses i maven i løbet af få minutter. Fordøjelsesenzymerne frigives kun fra mikropellets i tyndtarmen og nedbryder hurtigt fedt, proteiner og kulhydrater. Madens fordøjelsesprodukter kan nu optages fra tarmen, ligesom den naturlige fordøjelsesproces. Schweizisk-godkendte patientoplysningerCreon®Mylan Pharma GmbHHvad er Creon, og hvornår bruges det?Indeholder Creon den aktive ingrediens pancreatin med de enzymer, der er vigtige for fordøjelsen af ​​mad (lipase, amylase og protease) i koncentreret form. Disse nedbryder fedtstoffer, proteiner og kulhydrater i maden til brugbare komponenter. På anvisning fra lægen, farmaceuten eller lægen kan Creon også bruges til at behandle eller supplere utilstrækkelig bugspytkirtelfunktion, det vil sige i tilfælde af mangel på eller fravær af fordøjelsesenzymer, fx efter akut pancreatitis i begyndelsen af ​​genoptagelse af mad eller kunstig ernæring, kronisk pancreatitis, cystisk pancreasfibrose eller efter kirurgiske indgreb i fordøjelseskanalen. Creon indeholder pancreatin i form af såkaldte mikropellets. Disse fyldes i kapsler, som opløses i maven i løbet af få minutter. Fordøjelsesenzymerne frigives kun fra mikropellets i tyndtarmen og nedbryder hurtigt fedt, proteiner og kulhydrater. Madens fordøjelsesprodukter kan nu optages fra tarmen, ligesom den naturlige fordøjelsesproces. Hvad bør overvejes?For at understøtte behandlingen og forbedre dit velbefindende bør du dele din daglige mængde mad op i flere mindre måltider (evt. snacks). Der skal sikres tilstrækkelig hydrering under hele behandlingen. Hvornår skal du ikke tage Creon?Hvis du er overfølsom (allergisk) over for nogle af indholdsstofferne i lægemidlet. Hvornår skal man udvise forsigtighed, når man tager Creon?Børn med cystisk fibrose i bugspytkirtlen, som får langtidsbehandling med præparater til bugspytkirtelenzymer, bør have regelmæssig kontrol hos specialiserede centre. Specific forsnævring af tyktarmen er blevet observeret hos nogle patienter med mucoviscidose (cystisk fibrose) under behandling med pancreasenzympræparater. Disse førte til mavesmerter, opkastning og forstoppelse og krævede i nogle tilfælde operation. Hvis sådanne symptomer opstår, skal præparatet straks seponeres og lægen konsulteres med det samme. Dette lægemiddel indeholder mindre end 1 mmol natrium (23 mg) pr. kapsel, dvs. stort set "natriumfrit". den er næsten «natriumfri». Fortæl det til din læge, apoteket eller lægen, hvis du •  lider af andre sygdomme, • har allergier eller • Tag anden medicin (inklusive dem, du selv har købt!) eller brug dem eksternt! Kan Creon tages, mens du er gravid eller ammer?Hvis du er gravid eller planlægger at blive gravid, eller hvis du ammer, bør du kun bruge Creon efter at have konsulteret tages af lægen. Hvordan bruger du Creon?Lægen vil bestemme den korrekte dosis til dig. Kapslerne sluges hele med tilstrækkelig væske under eller umiddelbart efter måltider eller snacks. Til patienter, der har problemer med at sluge kapsler (f.eks. små børn eller ældre), kan kapslerne åbnes og indholdet enten gives til blød mad (f.eks. æblemos eller yoghurt) - for at undgå at tygge - eller indholdet til sure Drik væske ( æble-, appelsin- eller ananasjuice). Kapselindholdet må ikke opløses, knuses eller tygges, og det må ikke blandes med ikke-sur mad eller væske (f.eks. mælk eller mælkegrød) for at undgå at ødelægge mikropellets beskyttende film. Dette kan føre til for tidlig frigivelse af det aktive stof, forårsage betændelse i slimhinden i munden og reducere effektiviteten af ​​Creon. Creon-kapsler eller deres indhold bør ikke opbevares i munden. Enhver rekonstitution af indholdet af kapslen med mad eller væske skal tages med det samme og må ikke opbevares. Hold dig til den dosis, der er angivet i indlægssedlen eller som ordineret af din læge. Hvis du mener, at medicinen er for svag eller for stærk, skal du tale med din læge, apoteket eller lægen. Hvilke bivirkninger kan Creon have?Creon bør ikke bruges, hvis du er allergisk over for svinekødsprotein, men det er yderst sjældent. Følgende bivirkninger kan forekomme, når du tager Creon: Meget almindelig (påvirker mere end 1 ud af 10 brugere)Mavesmerter. Almindelig (påvirker 1 til 10 brugere ud af 100)Kvalme, opkastning, forstoppelse, gas, diarré. Ikke almindelig (påvirker 1 til 10 brugere ud af 1000)Hudreaktioner. Creon kan også forårsage andre alvorlige allergiske reaktioner, såsom vejrtrækningsproblemer eller hævede læber. Bivirkningerne behøver ikke nødvendigvis at være relateret til lægemidlet, men kan også være relateret til utilstrækkelig bugspytkirtelfunktion. Særlig indsnævring af tyktarmen er blevet observeret hos nogle patienter med cystisk fibrose, som får høje doser pancreas enzymbehandling. Disse førte til mavesmerter, opkastning og forstoppelse og krævede i nogle tilfælde operation. Hvis sådanne symptomer opstår, skal præparatet straks seponeres og lægen konsulteres med det samme. Hvis du får bivirkninger, så tal med din læge, apotek eller læge. Dette gælder især også for bivirkninger, som ikke er nævnt i denne indlægsseddel. Hvad skal der ellers overvejes?OpbevaringstidLægemidlet må kun anvendes op til dato markeret på beholderen med "EXP:" angivet dato kan bruges. Anvendes senest efter åbningNår beholderen er blevet åbnet, kan Creon-kapslerne opbevares i 6 måneder. OpbevaringsvejledningOpbevares ved stuetemperatur (15 - 25 °C). Hold beholderen tæt lukket for at beskytte mod fugt. Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn. Yderligere informationDin læge, apotek eller læge kan give dig yderligere oplysninger. Disse mennesker har de detaljerede oplysninger til specialister. Hvad indeholder Creon?Aktive ingredienser1 kapsel Creon 10'000 indeholder 135,0 - 165,0 som en aktiv ingrediens mg pancreatin med 10.000 enheder lipase, 8.000 enheder amylase og 600 enheder protease ifølge Ph. Eur. 1 Creon 20.000 kapsel indeholder som aktiv ingrediens 270,0 - 330,0 mg pancreatin med 20.000 enheder lipase, 16.000 enheder amylase og 1.200 enheder protease ifølge Ph. Eur.. 1 Creon 25.000 kapsel indeholder 270,0 - 330,0 mg pancreatin med 25.000 enheder lipase, 18.000 enheder amylase og 1.000 enheder protease som aktiv ingrediens ifølge Ph. Eur.. 1 Creon 35.000 kapsel indeholder 378,0 - 462,0 mg pancreatin med 35.000 enheder lipase, 25.200 enheder amylase og 1.400 enheder protease som aktiv ingrediens ifølge Ph. Eur.. HjælpestofferCreon 10'000, Creon 20'000 og Creon 35'000:Macrogol 4000, Hypromellosephthalat, cetylalkohol, triethylcitrat, dimeticon 1000. Kapselskallen: Gelatine, E172 (Gul), E172 (Sort), E172 (Rød), E171, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Creon 25'000:Macrogol 4000, hypromellosephthalat, cetylalkohol, triethylcitrat, dimeticon 1000. Kapselskall: gelatine, E172 (gul), E172 (rød), natriumlaurylsulfat. Godkendelsesnummer38'219 (Swissmedic). Hvor kan du få Creon? Hvilke pakker er tilgængelige?På apoteker og apoteker uden en læges recept. Creon 10'000 / 20'000 / 25'000 / 35'000: pakker med 50 og 100 kapsler. Indehaver af autorisationMylan Pharma GmbH, 6312 Steinhausen Denne indlægsseddel blev sidst kontrolleret af Lægemiddelstyrelsen (Swissmedic) i november 2022. [Version 210 D] ..

37,94 USD

Lactibiane plus 5m kaps

Lactibiane plus 5m kaps

Produktkode: 7819025

LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is a dietary supplement designed to support gut health by providing a unique combination of probiotic strains along with prebiotics. It contains 5 billion live cells of five different probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Streptococcus thermophilus. These strains are known to improve the balance of gut microorganisms, support healthy digestion, and strengthen the immune system. The prebiotic fibers in this supplement come from chicory root extract, which helps nourish the probiotic strains and supports their growth in the gut. This combination of probiotics and prebiotics also helps maintain a healthy gut lining, which can improve nutrient absorption and reduce inflammation in the gut. LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is convenient and easy to take, with one capsule per day recommended for adults. This product is gluten-free, non-GMO, and free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. It is also suitable for vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. Whether you are looking for a way to improve gut health, support digestion, or boost your immune system, LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is the perfect supplement for you. Order now and experience the benefits of a healthy gut! ..

88,52 USD

Morga tausendgüldenkrauttee bag 20 stk

Morga tausendgüldenkrauttee bag 20 stk

Produktkode: 1509088

Kenskaber for Morga Tausendgüldenkrauttee Btl 20 stk.Anatomisk terapeutisk kemikalie (АТС): A16AX99Opbevaringstemperatur min/maks. 15/25 grader CelsiusMængde i pakke: 20 stykVægt: 0,00000000g Længde: 0 mm Bredde: 0 mm Højde: 0 mm Køb Morga Tausendgüldenkrauttee Btl 20 stk online fra Schweiz..

6,73 USD

Naturstein basen kaps

Naturstein basen kaps

Produktkode: 7774063

NATURSTEIN Basen Kaps: Promotes a Healthy Acid-Base Balance Maintaining a healthy acid-base balance is essential for overall health and wellbeing. However, modern lifestyles and diets often lead to an acidic environment in our bodies. This can take a toll on our health and lead to a range of problems, including fatigue, inflammation, weakened immune systems, and even chronic disease. NATURSTEIN Basen Kaps is a natural supplement that can help you maintain a healthy pH balance in your body. It's made with a combination of alkaline minerals and herbs that work together to neutralize excess acid and promote a healthy acid-base balance. Each capsule contains a blend of magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and selenium, as well as extracts from nettle, green tea, and artichoke. The Benefits of NATURSTEIN Basen Kaps Helps maintain a healthy acid-base balance Neutralizes excess acid in the body Promotes healthy digestion Boosts immune system function Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress May help prevent chronic diseases 100% natural ingredients How to Use NATURSTEIN Basen Kaps Take two capsules per day, preferably with meals. For best results, drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out excess acids and toxins from your body. Order Your NATURSTEIN Basen Kaps Today If you're looking for a natural way to maintain a healthy acid-base balance and promote overall wellbeing, NATURSTEIN Basen Kaps is a great choice. Order your bottle today and start feeling the benefits of a healthy pH balance! ..

37,47 USD

Naturstein bockshornklee plus kaps glas 100 stk

Naturstein bockshornklee plus kaps glas 100 stk

Produktkode: 1004231

Naturstein Bockshornklee plus Kaps Glas 100 Stk Introducing the Naturstein Bockshornklee plus Kaps Glas 100 Stk, the perfect supplement for maintaining good health and vitality. This product is a combination of natural ingredients that have been carefully selected to ensure maximum effectiveness in supporting the body's natural functions. What is Bockshornklee? Bockshornklee, also known as fenugreek, is an herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is a good source of fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients, and has been used to support various functions in the body, including digestion, hormone balance, and blood sugar regulation. Why choose Naturstein Bockshornklee plus Kaps Glas 100 Stk? Our product is made with high-quality, natural ingredients, and is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and colors. Each capsule is carefully formulated to ensure the maximum absorption of nutrients, providing you with the optimal benefits of Bockshornklee and other natural ingredients. Additionally, our product comes in a convenient glass bottle, ensuring that your supplements remain fresh and potent for longer. What are the benefits of Naturstein Bockshornklee plus Kaps Glas 100 Stk? Supports digestion Regulates blood sugar levels Supports hormone balance Boosts overall health and vitality Easy to take - Simply swallow the recommended dosage with water How to use Take one capsule daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Overall, Naturstein Bockshornklee plus Kaps Glas 100 Stk is the perfect addition to your daily supplement routine. Its natural ingredients provide the body with essential nutrients and support various vital functions, ensuring that you maintain optimum health and vitality...

30,20 USD

Puressentiel frisk ingefær äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel frisk ingefær äth / oil bio 5ml

Produktkode: 6338421

Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Experience the powerful benefits of ginger essential oil with Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml. Ginger has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties, including its ability to ease nausea, improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost energy levels. This essential oil extract is made from fresh, organic ginger roots and is 100% natural and pure, without any synthetic fragrances or additives. Benefits of Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml With its warming and stimulating effects, ginger essential oil can provide a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml: Relieves digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, and gas Calm nausea and vomiting, including morning sickness and motion sickness Reduces inflammation and pain in muscles and joints Boosts circulation, improving blood flow to the extremities Helps to fight respiratory infections, cough, and colds Improves concentration and cognitive function Lifts mood and reduces stress and anxiety How to Use Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml The versatile nature of ginger essential oil makes it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Here are some ways to use Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml: Add a few drops to your bath or shower for a revitalizing and energizing experience Dilute in a carrier oil, such as almond or coconut oil, and apply to sore muscles or joints for relief Inhale directly from the bottle or using a diffuser to reduce nausea or improve concentration Add a drop or two to a cup of hot water or tea for digestive support and immune system boost Use in cooking and baking to add a spicy and warm flavor to your dishes Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml is the perfect addition to your essential oil collection, offering a variety of health and wellness benefits for your body, mind, and soul...

24,42 USD

Spagyros gemmo ulmus minor glyc maz d 1

Spagyros gemmo ulmus minor glyc maz d 1

Produktkode: 2740422


64,67 USD

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