Overvågning af blodsukker
(1 Sider)
Abbott freestyle freedom lite blodsukkerovervågningssystemsæt
Kenskaber ved Abbott FreeStyle Freedom Lite blodsukkerovervågningssystemsætCertificeret i Europa CEOpbevaringstemperatur min/maks. 15/30 grader CelsiusMængde i pakke: 1 stk.Vægt: 270g Længde: 72mm Bredde: 128mm Højde: 168mm Køb Abbott FreeStyle Freedom Lite blodsukkerovervågningssystemsæt online fra Schweiz..
54,00 USD
Abbott freestyle precision neo blood glucose monitoring system set
Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set er en letanvendelig, pålidelig og præcis enhed, der hjælper mennesker med diabetes med at styre deres blodsukkerniveauer derhjemme. Dette system leveres med et apparat, teststrimler og en stikkepind, hvilket gør det til en komplet løsning til daglig glukoseovervågning. Funktioner Let og kompakt design for nem transport Ingen kodning kræves for hurtig og nøjagtig test Baggrundsbelyst display til nem læsning af resultater, selv under svagt lys Alternative funktioner til test af websteder for mindre smertefuld test Stor hukommelseskapacitet på 1.000 aflæsninger til nem sporing og trendanalyse Evne til at spore glukoseniveauer før og efter måltid for at træffe informerede beslutninger om madvalg og insulindosering Fordele Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set tilbyder en række fordele for brugerne, herunder: Nøjagtig og pålidelig blodsukkerovervågning fra dit eget hjem Nemt at bruge system med trin-for-trin instruktioner til problemfri test Hurtige resultater med kun en lille blodprøvestørrelse En prisbillig testløsning til personer med diabetes Hjælper brugere med at træffe informerede beslutninger om deres diabeteshåndteringsplan gennem indsamling og analyse af data Inkluderet i sættet Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System-sættet inkluderer: FreeStyle Precision Neo meter 10 FreeStyle Precision Neo teststrimler Prinseenhed med mulighed for alternativ test af websted 10 lancetter Bæretaske til nem opbevaring og transport Brugervejledning og hurtigstartguide for nem opsætning og betjening Samlet set er Abbott FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System Set et pålideligt og præcist system, der tilbyder en række funktioner og fordele for personer med diabetes. Med letanvendelig testteknologi, hurtige resultater og sporingsfunktioner er dette system en overkommelig og effektiv løsning til daglig blodsukkerstyring. ..
54,00 USD
Abbott freestyle precision teststrimler 50 stk
Kenskaber af Abbott Freestyle Precision teststrimler 50 stk.Certificeret i Europa CEOpbevaringstemperatur min/max 15/30 grader CelsiusMængde i pakningen : 50 stykVægt: 35g Længde: 25mm Bredde: 66mm Højde: 116mm Køb Abbott Freestyle Precision teststrimler 50 stk online fra Schweiz..
72,53 USD
Accu-chek mobile test 2 x 50 stk
Kenskaber ved Accu-Chek Mobile test 2 x 50 stk.Certificeret i Europa CEOpbevaringstemp min/max 15/30 grader CelsiusMængde i pakning: 100 stykVægt: 0,00000000g Længde: 0 mm Bredde: 0 mm Højde: 0 mm Køb Accu-Chek Mobile test 2 x 50 stk online fra Schweiz..
122,37 USD
Accu-chek mobilsæt mmol/l
Kenskaber for Accu-Chek Mobile Set mmol / LCertificeret i Europa CEOpbevaringstemperatur min/maks. 15/30 grader CelsiusMængde i pakke: 1 stk.Vægt: 0,00000000g Længde: 0mm Bredde: 0mm Højde: 0mm Køb Accu-Chek Mobile Set mmol / L online fra Schweiz..
115,04 USD
Healthpro axapharm blutzucker-teststreifen 50 stk
Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk - Product Description If you are looking for an effective way to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly, you might want to consider the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk. These test strips are designed to work with various glucometers available in the market, making it easy for you to practice blood glucose monitoring even from the comfort of your home. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a high-quality product designed to deliver accurate results fast and with minimal invasiveness. The test strips are easy to use, and they come in a pack of 50, ensuring you have enough supplies for several rounds of testing. They are also compact, making them ideal for travel or on-the-go use. The test strips work by measuring the amount of glucose in a drop of blood obtained from a fingertip or other appropriate areas. The system uses advanced technology to provide precise readings that help you track your blood glucose levels and adjust your medication accordingly. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk are suitable for use by people with diabetes, those at risk of developing it, or anyone wanting to practice blood sugar monitoring. They are also affordable, making them ideal for individuals who want to manage their glucose levels without breaking the bank. Overall, the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a reliable and efficient solution for monitoring your blood glucose levels, providing you with accurate results, and enabling you to take control of your health. ..
47,76 USD
Mylife pura teststrimmel 50 stk
Kenskaber ved mylife Pura teststrimmel 50 stk.Certificeret i Europa CEOpbevaringstemperatur min/maks. 15/30 grader CelsiusMængde i pakningen: 50 stykVægt: 70 g Længde: 40 mm Bredde: 80 mm Højde: 60 mm Køb mylife Pura teststrimmel 50 stk online fra Schweiz..
61,17 USD
Mylife uac blodsukkerovervågningssystemsæt mmol/l
Karakteristika for mylife UAC blodsukkerovervågningssystemsæt mmol/LCertificeret i Europa CEOpbevaringstemperatur min/maks. 15/30 grader Celsius Mængde i pakken: 1 stk.Vægt: 0,00000000g Længde: 0 mm Bredde: 0 mm Højde: 0 mm Køb mylife UAC blodsukkerovervågningssystemsæt mmol/L online fra Schweiz..
71,36 USD
One touch delica lancetter sterile 200 stk
One Touch Delica Lancets - Sterile 200 pcs The One Touch Delica Lancets are designed to be used with One Touch Delica Lancing Device, which makes testing your blood glucose levels quick and easy. These sterile lancets are specially designed with a thin 33 gauge needle that minimizes pain and discomfort during the lancet insertion process. One Touch Delica Lancets come in a box of 200 pcs and are individually wrapped, which ensures that every lancet is sterile and hygienic. The box is compact and easy to store, making it an excellent choice for people with busy lifestyles who need to carry their blood glucose monitoring equipment with them. The One Touch Delica Lancets are made from high-quality materials and are rigorously tested to ensure that they meet the safety and hygiene standards before being released to market. These lancets are easy to use and require no special training or certification. If you're looking for a reliable, hygienic, and pain-free lancet for your blood glucose monitoring needs, then One Touch Delica Lancets are the perfect choice. Choose One Touch Delica for your daily blood glucose monitoring and stay on top of your health with confidence. ..
43,48 USD
One touch plus delica fingerprikkerenhed
One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is a sleek and compact device designed for people with diabetes to easily and safely monitor their blood sugar levels. This device is part of the One Touch Plus family of products and has been created to offer an alternative to traditional lancets for those who find them uncomfortable or difficult to use. Features and Benefits Extra Fine 33G Lancets: The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device uses the thinnest lancets available for more comfortable and accurate testing results. Advanced Glide Control System: This feature allows users to adjust the depth of the lancet for optimal penetration, making testing as comfortable as possible, even on more sensitive areas of the body. Lancets Ejector: With one simple touch of a button, the lancet used for testing is safely and hygienically ejected from the device without having to touch it or manually remove it. Ergonomic Design: The compact and sleek design makes it easy to carry the One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device with you wherever you go. It fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and is easy to operate with one touch. Compatibility: The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is compatible with the One Touch Ultra, One Touch Verio IQ, and One Touch Select Plus blood glucose monitoring systems for accurate and reliable testing results. How to Use The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is easy to use with just a few simple steps: Insert a new lancet into the device by twisting off the protective cap and inserting the lancet firmly into the holder until it clicks. Adjust the depth of the lancet by twisting the dial until the desired level is reached. Prepare the finger by cleaning it with alcohol or soap and water and allowing it to dry completely. Place the lancet against the side of the finger, push the release button, and then apply pressure to the finger to obtain a drop of blood for testing. Eject the used lancet by pressing the blue button on the top of the device and dispose of it safely and hygienically. Overall, the One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is an essential tool for those with diabetes looking for a safe, comfortable, and accurate way to monitor their blood sugar levels. This device combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design to provide a superior testing experience...
33,75 USD
(1 Sider)