schweizisk sten fyr
(1 Sider)
Aromalife arve rumspray fl 100 ml
The Arve room spray emits the unique scent of the Swiss stone pine, which is a complex combination of over 100 ingredients.Stored in the wood cells, they exude the fresh, balmy smell for centuries.The essential oil calms and energizes physical and mental exhaustion and strengthens the mental balance.The room spray consists of ORGANIC -Alcohol and ORGANIC pine oil. Notes May trigger an allergic reaction. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from sources of ignition and do not smoke. ..
31,92 USD
Farfalla stenfyr arve æter/olie økologisk vildopsamlingsflaske 5 ml
Økologisk æterisk olie schweizisk fyr (schweizisk stenfyr), vild samling.SammensætningÆterisk olie af fyrregrene (Pinus cembra), fra kontr. økologisk landbrug. Oprindelse: Østrig. Indeholder alfa-pinen, limonen, beta-pinen, delta-3-caren..EgenskaberDen æteriske olie fra schweizisk stenfyr, også kaldet stenfyr , er lavet af træaffald som følge af stormskader og skovvedligeholdelse. Denne fyrreart vokser i de højeste alpine områder og er meget sej og modstandsdygtig. Hovedtemaerne for æterisk olie er styrke, modstandsdygtighed, mod og beslutsomhed. Det rydder hovedet og tankerne, men fremmer også livsglæde, afslapning og en god nattesøvn.Vegan.AnvendelseTil duftende rum og til personlig aromapleje. Se specialistlitteratur til brug i aromaterapi.BemærkningerFare. Brandfarlig væske og damp. Forårsager hudirritation. Forårsager alvorlig øjenirritation. Kan forårsage en allergisk hudreaktion. Kan forårsage irritation af luftvejene. Kan være dødeligt, hvis det indtages og kommer i luftvejene. Meget giftig for vandlevende organismer med langvarige virkninger. Hvis lægehjælp er nødvendig, skal du have etiketten ved hånden. Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn. Læs etiketten før brug. VED INDTAGELSE: Ring omgående til en GIFTINFORMATION/læge. Fremkald IKKE opkastning. VED KONTAKT MED HUDEN (eller håret): Skyl huden med vand. VED KONTAKT MED ØJNENE: Skyl forsigtigt med vand i flere minutter. Fjern om muligt kontaktlinser. Fortsæt med at skylle. Bortskaf indholdet/beholderen i overensstemmelse med lokale regler. ..
14,67 USD
Zirb klassik äth/öl can 30 ml
Product Description: zirb Klassik Äth/Öl Ds 30 ml The zirb Klassik Äth/Öl Ds 30 ml is a premium essential oil that is extracted from the Swiss stone pine (Pinus Cembra) using a proprietary distillation process. This oil is carefully crafted to ensure that it captures the natural aroma and therapeutic properties of the Swiss stone pine. The Swiss stone pine has been cherished for centuries for its unique benefits, including its soothing scent that promotes relaxation and induces sleep. This oil can be used in a variety of ways to harness its amazing properties, including diffusing it in a room, adding it to a bath or massage oil, or simply inhaling it from the bottle. The zirb Klassik Äth/Öl Ds 30 ml is a versatile essential oil that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is perfect for individuals who want to create a relaxing and calming environment in their home, office or any other space. It is also great for individuals who struggle with sleep and want to promote restful, deep sleep. Additionally, it is a great addition to any natural or aromatherapy-based wellness routine. When you purchase the zirb Klassik Äth/Öl Ds 30 ml, you can rest assured that you are getting a high-quality essential oil that is made with natural and organic ingredients. This oil is free from harmful chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and additives, making it safe and effective for use for individuals of all ages. If you are looking for a premium essential oil that can help you create a relaxing and rejuvenating environment, then the zirb Klassik Äth/Öl Ds 30 ml is the perfect product for you. Don't wait, order your bottle today and experience the soothing benefits of this amazing oil. ..
66,87 USD
(1 Sider)