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Oplev vores udvalg af effektive slimlindringsprodukter, designet til at lindre hæshed, hoste og katar. Disse produkter, inklusive hostebolcher og brusetabletter, er formuleret med kraftfulde ingredienser som N-acetylcystein, der nedbryder genstridigt slim for lettere vejrtrækning. Ideel til at bekæmpe forkølelse, influenza og andre luftvejslidelser, vores slimlindringsløsninger er tilgængelige i forskellige former, smagsvarianter og styrker, så de passer til dine præferencer. Disse midler er sikre for voksne og børn over bestemte aldre og er afgørende for at opretholde åndedrætssundhed og komfort.
A. vogel santasapina cough drops 100 g

A. vogel santasapina cough drops 100 g

Produktkode: 851258

Cough sweets for hoarseness, cough, catarrh and mucus. Contains glutenLactose free Use Suck 1 candy several times a day...

5,99 USD

Fluimucil 600 mg 12 tablets

Fluimucil 600 mg 12 tablets

Produktkode: 6347064

What is Fluimucil and when is it used?Fluimucil contains the active ingredient acetylcysteine. This active ingredient liquefies and loosens the tough, stuck mucus in the airways and promotes expectoration.The secretion present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract plays an important role in the defense against inhaled pollutants such as bacteria, dust and chemical impurities. These irritants are held in the secretion, where they are rendered harmless and excreted with the sputum.With infections caused by bacteria and viruses (colds, flu, bronchitis) and with chronic irritations caused by harmful substances, the production of mucus increases. The thickening of the mucus can cause the airways to become blocked, causing breathing difficulties and sputum problems.Due to the expectorant effect of Fluimucil, the thick mucus liquefies and can be coughed up better. This reduces the risk of infection. If the airways are clear, the cough subsides and breathing becomes easier.Fluimucil is therefore suitable for the treatment of cold cough with excessive mucus formation.What precautions should be taken?The effect of Fluimucil is promoted by copious drinking. Smoking contributes to the excessive formation of bronchial mucus. By giving up smoking, you can support the effect of Fluimucil.Diabetics are allowed to take Fluimucil ready-made syrup as it does not contain any diabetogenic sweeteners.When should Fluimucil not be taken?Fluimucil should not be taken if you are known to be hypersensitive to the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​or any other ingredient (e.g. if you are allergic to the para group to the auxiliary substance methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate [E218] or if you are hypersensitive to the preservative sodium benzoate [E211]) and in the case of gastric and intestinal ulcers .Fluimucil should also not be taken together with cough suppressants (antitussives), as these drugs suppress the cough and the natural self-cleaning of the airways, which impairs the coughing up of the liquefied mucus and leads to a congestion of the bronchial mucus with the risk of bronchial spasms and Respiratory infections can occur. Your doctor will know what to do in such cases.Fluimucil must not be used in young children under 2 years of age.When should caution be taken when taking Fluimucil?The use of Fluimucil, especially at the beginning of treatment, can lead to a liquefaction of the bronchial secretions and promote expectoration. If the patient is not able to cough up this sufficiently, the doctor can take supportive measures.If you have noticed rashes or breathing difficulties while taking a medicine with the same active substance as Fluimucil Cold Cough before, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist about this before you start taking it of the drug.Using certain other medicines at the same time can affect each other's effects. The effectiveness of certain agents against circulatory disorders of the coronary arteries (eg nitroglycerin for angina pectoris) can be increased.Simultaneous administration of acetylcysteine ​​and carbamazepine can lead to a decrease in the concentration of carbamazepine.The simultaneous administration of cough suppressants (antitussives) can impair the effectiveness of Fluimucil (see above: “When should Fluimucil cold cough not be taken?”). Furthermore, you should not take antibiotics at the same time as Fluimucil, but at least 2 hours apart.Excipients of particular interestFluimucil ready-made syrup contains:38.21 mg sodium (main component of table salt / table salt) per 10 ml ready-made syrup. This corresponds to 1.9% of the maximum recommended daily dietary sodium intake for an adult.small amounts of ethanol (alcohol), less than 100 mg per 10 ml of ready-to-use syrup.19.8 mg propylene glycol (E1520) per 10 ml ready-made syrup.10 mg methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (E218) per 10 ml ready-made syrup. This preservative can cause allergic reactions, including late reactions.15 mg sodium benzoate (E211) per 10 ml ready-made syrup.Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you havesuffer from other diseases,have allergies ortake other medicines (including ones you have bought yourself!) or apply them externally!Can Fluimucil be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding?Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child if used as intended. Systematic scientific research was never carried out. As a precautionary measure, you should avoid medication if possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.No information is available on the excretion of acetylcysteine ​​in breast milk. You should therefore only use Fluimucil while breastfeeding if your doctor considers it necessary.How do you use Fluimucil?Unless otherwise prescribed, the usual dosage is:Children from 2 to 12 years: 100 mg (5 ml ready-to-use syrup) 3 times a day or 200 mg (10 ml ready-to-use syrup) twice a day.Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults: 600 mg daily, divided into one (1 tablet) or several doses (e.g. 3 times 10 ml ready-to-use syrup).If you have a cough that lasts longer than 2 weeks, you must consult a doctor or pharmacist.The number of ml of ready-to-use syrup is measured with the measuring cup included in the package.Swallow the tablets whole with some liquid.When the blister is torn open, a slight smell of sulfur is perceptible. This is typical for the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​and does not affect its effect.Adhere to the dosage given in the package insert or prescribed by your doctor. If you think that the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Fluimucil have?The following side effects can occur when taking Fluimucil: occasionally gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain or inflammation of the oral mucosa, as well as hypersensitivity reactions, hives, headache and fever. Furthermore, an accelerated pulse, low blood pressure and ringing in the ears, heartburn, as well as bleeding and water retention on the face can occasionally occur.Allergic symptoms of a general nature (such as skin rashes or itching) can also occur. If the hypersensitivity reactions also cause breathing difficulties and bronchial cramps, which can happen in rare cases, you must stop treatment with Fluimucil immediately and consult a doctor.The breath may temporarily get an unpleasant odor.If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet.What should also be noted?The drug may only be used up to the date marked “EXP” on the container.Storage adviceStore at room temperature (15–25 ° C), protected from light and moisture and out of the reach of children.Use-by period after openingOnce opened, Fluimucil Cold Cough Ready-Made Syrup can be kept for 15 days at room temperature (15–25 ° C).More informationYour doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists.What is in Fluimucil?Active ingredients5 ml ready-made syrup with raspberry flavor contain 100 mg acetylcysteine.1 tablet contains 600 mg acetylcysteine.Auxiliary materialsReady-to-use syrup : Carmellose sodium, disodium edetate , raspberry flavor (contains ethanol and propylene glycol [E1520]), the preservatives methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (E218) and sodium benzoate (E211), sodium cyclamate (E952), sodium hydroxide, sucrose sodium (E954), and sucralose sodium (E954) (E955), purified water.Tablet: microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, hydroxypropyl cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.Approval number54081, 65500 (Swissmedic).Where can you get Fluimucil? Which packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.The following packs are available:Ready-to-use syrup with raspberry flavor: 100 ml and 200 ml with measuring cup.Fluimucil 600 mg 12 tabletsMarketing authorization holderZambon Schweiz AG, 6814 Cadempino...

35,52 USD

Fluimucil brausetabl 600 mg adults citron (d) 10 pcs

Fluimucil brausetabl 600 mg adults citron (d) 10 pcs

Produktkode: 1307077


14,14 USD

Fluimucil cold cough brausetable 600 mg 12 pcs

Fluimucil cold cough brausetable 600 mg 12 pcs

Produktkode: 6685921

Hvad er Fluimucil, og hvornår bruges det?Fluimucil indeholder den aktive ingrediens acetylcystein. Denne aktive ingrediens gør flydende og løsner det seje, fastsiddende slim i luftvejene og fremmer ekspektorering. Sekretionen på slimhinden i luftvejene spiller en vigtig rolle i forsvaret mod indåndede forurenende stoffer såsom bakterier, støv og kemiske urenheder. Disse irriterende stoffer opbevares i sekretet, hvor de uskadeliggøres og udskilles med sputum. Ved infektioner forårsaget af bakterier og vira (forkølelse, influenza, bronkitis) og ved kroniske irritationer forårsaget af skadelige stoffer øges slimproduktionen. Fortykkelsen af ​​slimet kan forårsage, at luftvejene blokeres, hvilket medfører åndedrætsbesvær og opspyt problemer. På grund af Fluimucils slimløsende effekt bliver det tyktflydende slim flydende og kan hostes bedre op. Dette reducerer risikoen for infektion. Når luftvejene er frie, aftager hosten, og vejrtrækningen bliver lettere. Fluimucil er velegnet til behandling af alle luftvejssygdomme, der fører til overdreven slimproduktion, såsom forkølelse eller influenzasygdomme med hoste og katar samt akut og kronisk bronkitis, bihulebetændelse, hals- og svælginfektioner, bronkial astma og ( som en ekstra behandling) cystisk fibrose. Hvilke forholdsregler skal tages?Effekten af ​​Fluimucil fremmes ved at drikke rigeligt. Rygning bidrager til overdreven dannelse af bronkialslim. Du kan understøtte effekten af ​​Fluimucil ved at holde op med at ryge. Hvornår bør Fluimucil ikke tages?Fluimucil må ikke tages, hvis du er kendt at være overfølsom over for det aktive stof acetylcystein eller ethvert andet indholdsstof, og hvis du har mave- eller tarmsår. Fluimucil bør heller ikke tages sammen med hostedæmpende midler (hostedæmpende midler), da disse midler undertrykker hosten og den naturlige selvrensning af luftvejene, hvilket hæmmer ophostningen af ​​det flydende slim og fører til en tilstopning af bronkierne slim med risiko for bronkialkramper og infektioner luftvejene kan komme. Brusetabletterne og brevene med granulat på 600 mg må ikke anvendes til børn under 12 år (hos børn med stofskiftesygdommen cystisk fibrose under 6 år) på grund af deres høje indhold af aktiv ingrediens. Din læge vil vide, hvad den skal gøre i sådanne tilfælde. Fluimucil må ikke anvendes til små børn under 2 år. Under hvilke omstændigheder skal der udvises forsigtighed, når man tager Fluimucil?Brugen af ​​Fluimucil, især i begyndelsen af ​​behandlingen, kan føre til en fortætning af bronkiernes sekret og fremme ekspektorering.Hvis patienten ikke er i stand til at hoste dette tilstrækkeligt op, kan lægen tage støttende foranstaltninger.Hvis du har observeret udslæt eller vejrtrækningsbesvær, mens du tager en medicin med det samme aktive stof som Fluimucil før, bør du informere din læge eller apoteket, før du begynder at tage Start-præparatet. Anvendelse af visse andre lægemidler på samme tid kan påvirke hinandens virkninger. Effektiviteten af ​​visse midler mod kredsløbsforstyrrelser i kranspulsårerne (f.eks. nitroglycerin mod angina pectoris) kan øges. Samtidig administration af acetylcystein og carbamazepin kan føre til et fald i koncentrationen af ​​carbamazepin. Samtidig administration af hostedæmpende midler (hostestillende midler) kan forringe effektiviteten af ​​Fluimucil (se ovenfor: “Hvornår bør Fluimucil ikke tages?”). Desuden bør du ikke tage antibiotika samtidig med Fluimucil, men som minimum 2 timers mellemrum. Vigtig information om nogle af Fluimucils hjælpestofferFluimucil-granulat indeholder:Aspartam:25 mg aspartam pr. 100 mg og 200 mg breve og 75 mg aspartam pr. 600 mg breve. Aspartam er en kilde til phenylalanin. Det kan være skadeligt, hvis du har phenylketonuri (PKU) ), en sjælden arvelig tilstand, hvor phenylalanin opbygges, fordi kroppen ikke kan nedbryde det nok.Sorbitol: 775 mg sorbitol pr. 100 mg pose, 675 mg sorbitol pr. 200 mg pose og 2025 mg sorbitol pr. 600 mg pose. Sorbitol er en kilde til fruktose. Tal med din læge, før du (eller dit barn) tager eller får denne medicin, hvis din læge har fortalt dig (eller dit barn), at du (eller dit barn) ) har en intolerance over for nogle sukkerarter, eller hvis du har en arvelig fruktoseintolerance (HFI) sjælden arvelig tilstand, hvor en person ikke er i stand til at nedbryde fruktose - er blevet identificeret.Glucose og laktose: Tag kun denne medicin efter at have konsulteret din læge, hvis du ved, at du er intolerant over for sukker.Fluimucil brusetabletter indeholder:Aspartam:20 mg aspartam pr. brusetablet. Aspartam er en kilde til phenylalanin. Det kan være skadeligt, hvis du har phenylketonuri (PKU), en sjælden arvelig tilstand hvor phenylalanin ophobes, fordi kroppen ikke kan nedbryde det nok.Glucose: Tag kun denne medicin efter at have konsulteret din læge, hvis du ved, at du er intolerant over for sukker.156,9 mg natrium (hovedbestanddelen af ​​bordsalt / bordsalt) pr. brusetablet. Dette svarer til 7,8 % af det maksimale anbefalede daglige natriumindtag i kosten for en voksen. Tal med din læge eller apotek, hvis du har brug for brusetabletter i længere tid eller brusetabletterne på 200 mg dagligt, især hvis du er på natriumfattig diæt. Fluimucil-granulat eller Fluimucil-tabletter bør anvendes i sådanne tilfælde, som er "natriumfrie", eller et andet saltfrit acetylcysteinpræparat er tilrådeligt.Fortæl din læge, apotek eller læge, hvis du har lider af andre sygdomme,har allergi ellertager anden medicin (også den du selv har købt!) eller påfører dem eksternt!Kan Fluimucil bruges under graviditet eller amning?Baseret på tidligere erfaringer , er der ingen kendt risiko for barnet, hvis det bruges efter hensigten. Systematisk videnskabelig forskning blev aldrig udført. Som en sikkerhedsforanstaltning bør du undgå medicin, hvis det er muligt under graviditeten, eller spørge din læge, apotek eller læge til råds. Der er ingen tilgængelige oplysninger om udskillelse af acetylcystein i modermælk. Du bør derfor kun bruge Fluimucil under amning, hvis din læge, der behandler dig, mener, det er nødvendigt. Hvordan bruger du Fluimucil?Medmindre andet er foreskrevet, er den sædvanlige dosis for akutte sygdomme er: Børn fra 2 til 12 år:1 pose med 100 mg granulat 3 gange dagligt eller 200 mg 2 gange dagligt (f.eks. 1 brusetablet eller 1 pose med 200 mg). Unge over 12 år og voksne:600 mg dagligt, fordelt på én (1 brusetablet eller 1 pose med 600 mg granulat) eller flere doser (f.eks. 3 gange 1 brusetablet eller 1 pose med 200 mg granulat). Hvis den overdrevne slimdannelse og den tilhørende hoste ikke aftager efter 2 ugers behandling, bør du kontakte en læge, så denne kan afklare årsagen mere præcist og udelukke en mulig ondartet sygdom i luftvejene. Langtidsbehandling for kroniske sygdomme(kun på recept): 400-600 mg dagligt, fordelt på en eller flere doser, behandlingsvarighed begrænset til maksimalt 3-6 måneder. Cystisk fibrose:som ovenfor, men til børn fra 6 år, 1 pose granulat eller 1 brusetablet á 200 mg 3 gange dagligt eller 1 pose granulat eller 1 brusetablet med 600 mg én gang dagligt. Opløs brusetabletten eller granulatet i et glas koldt eller varmt vand og drik det med det samme. Opløs ikke anden medicin i vandet samtidig med Fluimucil, da dette kan påvirke eller stoppe effektiviteten af ​​både Fluimucil og anden medicin. Når poserne eller folierne rives op, kan man mærke en let svovllugt. Dette er typisk for det aktive stof acetylcystein og påvirker ikke dets virkning. Overhold den dosis, der er angivet i indlægssedlen eller ordineret af din læge. Hvis du mener, at medicinen er for svag eller for stærk, skal du tale med din læge, apoteket eller lægen. Hvilke bivirkninger kan Fluimucil have?Følgende bivirkninger kan forekomme, når du tager Fluimucil : gastrointestinale lidelser såsom opkastning, diarré, kvalme, mavesmerter eller betændelse i mundslimhinden, samt overfølsomhedsreaktioner, nældefeber, hovedpine og feber. Yderligere kan der opstå en accelereret puls, lavt blodtryk og ringen for ørerne, halsbrand samt blødninger og væskeophobning i ansigtet. Allergiske symptomer af generel karakter (såsom hududslæt eller kløe) kan også forekomme. Hvis overfølsomhedsreaktionerne forårsager åndedrætsbesvær og bronkialkramper, som kan forekomme i sjældne tilfælde, skal du straks stoppe behandlingen med Fluimucil og konsultere en læge. Åndedrættet kan midlertidigt få en ubehagelig lugt. Hvis du får bivirkninger, så tal med lægen, apoteket eller lægen. Dette gælder især for bivirkninger, som ikke er nævnt i denne indlægsseddel. Hvad skal også bemærkes?Brug kun medicinen op til datoen mærket “ EXP” på beholderen. OpbevaringsrådGranuler: Må ikke opbevares over 30 °C. Brusetabletter: Opbevares ved stuetemperatur (15–25 °C). Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn. Mere informationDin læge, apotek eller læge kan give dig yderligere oplysninger. Disse personer har de detaljerede oplysninger til specialister. Hvad indeholder Fluimucil?Aktive ingredienser1 pose granulatindeholder 100 mg, 200 mg eller 600 mg acetylcystein. 1 brusetabletindeholder 200 mg eller 600 mg acetylcystein. HjælpematerialerGranuler:aspartam (E951), appelsinsmag (indeholder glucose og laktose), sorbitol (E420) ). Brusendetablet: aspartam (E951), citronsyre, natriumcarbonat og natriumhydrogencarbonat, citronsmag (indeholder glucose). Godkendelsesnummer37561, 45179 (Swissmedic). Hvor kan du få Fluimucil? Hvilke pakninger er tilgængelige?På apoteker og apoteker, uden recept: Fluimucil30 breve på 100 mggranulat.Fluimucil30 breve på 200 mggranulat.Fluimucil10 breve på 600 mg granulat.Fluimucil30brusetablettera 200 mg.Fluimucil10brusetablettera 600 mg .På apoteker, kun efter recept: Fluimucil90 breve à 200 mggranulat.Fluimucil30 breve à 600 mggranulat.Fluimucil30 og 100brusetablettera 600 mg.Indehaver af markedsføringstilladelse Zambon Schweiz AG, 6814 Cadempino. ..

30,53 USD

Muco mepha 600 mg 10 effervescent tablets

Muco mepha 600 mg 10 effervescent tablets

Produktkode: 1575062

What is Muco-Mepha and when is it used?Muco-Mepha contains the active ingredient acetylcysteine. This active ingredient liquefies and loosens the tough, stuck mucus in the airways and promotes expectoration.The secretion present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract plays an important role in the defense against inhaled pollutants such as bacteria, dust and chemical impurities. These irritants are held in the secretion, where they are rendered harmless and excreted with the sputum.With infections caused by bacteria and viruses (colds, flu, bronchitis) and with chronic irritations caused by harmful substances, the production of mucus increases. The thickening of the mucus can cause the airways to become blocked, causing breathing difficulties and sputum problems.The expectorant effect of Muco-Mepha liquefies the tough mucus and makes it easier to cough up. This reduces the risk of infection. If the airways are clear, the cough subsides and breathing becomes easier.Muco-Mepha is suitable for the treatment of all respiratory diseases that lead to excessive mucus production, such as colds or flu with coughs and catarrh as well as acute and chronic bronchitis, sinus infections, throat and pharynx infections, bronchial asthma and (as an additional treatment) cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) ).What precautions should be taken?The effect of Muco-Mepha is enhanced by drinking plenty of it. Smoking contributes to the excessive formation of bronchial mucus. You can support the effectiveness of Muco-Mepha by giving up smoking.For diabeticsMuco-Mepha effervescent tablets can be taken by diabetics as they do not contain any diabetogenic sweeteners.When should Muco-Mepha not be taken?Muco-Mepha must not be taken if you are known to be hypersensitive to the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​or any other ingredient or if you have stomach or intestinal ulcers.Muco-Mepha should also not be taken together with cough suppressants (antitussives), as these agents suppress the cough and the natural self-cleaning of the airways, which impairs the coughing up of the liquefied mucus and leads to a congestion of the bronchial mucus with the risk of bronchial spasms and respiratory infections can occur.The effervescent tablets of 600 mg must not be used in children under 12 years of age (in children with the metabolic disease cystic fibrosis under 6 years of age) because of their high content of active ingredient.Your doctor will know what to do in such cases.Muco-Mepha must not be used in young children under 2 years of age.When should caution be required when taking Muco-Mepha?The use of Muco-Mepha, especially at the beginning of treatment, can lead to a liquefaction of the bronchial secretions and promote expectoration. If the patient is not able to cough up this sufficiently, the doctor can take supportive measures. If you have observed rashes or breathing difficulties while taking a medicine with the same active substance as Muco-Mepha before, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist before you start using the Start taking the preparation.If you suffer from high blood pressure, the Muco-Mepha effervescent tablets are not suitable for you, as they contain approximately 194 mg sodium per Muco-Mepha 200 mg effervescent tablet, corresponding to 494 mg table salt, and per Muco-Mepha 600 mg effervescent tablet approximately 149 mg sodium corresponding to 376 mg The salt released after ingestion can increase your blood pressure even further and reduce the effectiveness of medicines for high blood pressure.Using certain other medicines at the same time can affect each other's effects. The effectiveness of certain agents against circulatory disorders of the coronary arteries (eg nitroglycerin for angina pectoris) can be increased.Simultaneous administration of acetylcysteine ​​and carbamazepine can lead to a decrease in the concentration of carbamazepine.The simultaneous administration of cough suppressants (antitussives) can impair the effectiveness of Muco-Mepha (see above: “When should Muco-Mepha not be taken?”). Furthermore, you should not take antibiotics at the same time as Muco-Mepha, but at least 2 hours apart.Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you havesuffer from other diseases,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those you have bought yourself) or use them externally.Can Muco-Mepha be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding?Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child if used as intended. Systematic scientific research was never carried out. As a precautionary measure, you should avoid medication if possible during pregnancy or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.No information is available on the excretion of acetylcysteine ​​in breast milk. Therefore you should only use Muco-Mepha during breastfeeding if your doctor treating you thinks it is necessary.How do you use Muco-Mepha?Unless otherwise prescribed, the usual dosage for acute illnesses is :Children from 2 to 12 years: 1 effervescent tablet of 200 mg twice a day.Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults: 600 mg daily, divided into 1 effervescent tablet of 600 mg or several doses (3 times 1 effervescent tablet of 200 mg).If the excessive mucus formation and the associated cough do not subside after 2 weeks of treatment, you should consult a doctor so that he can clarify the cause more precisely and rule out a possible malignant disease of the respiratory tract.Long-term treatment for chronic diseases (only on medical prescription) : 400–600 mg daily, divided into one or more doses, duration of treatment limited to a maximum of 3–6 months.Cystic fibrosis: as above, but for children from 6 years of age, 1 effervescent tablet of 200 mg or 1 effervescent tablet of 600 mg once a day.Dissolve the effervescent tablet in a glass of cold or hot water and drink it immediately. Do not dissolve other medicines in the water at the same time as Muco-Mepha, as this can affect or stop the effectiveness of both Muco-Mepha and the other medicines.When opening the tube, a slight smell of sulfur is noticeable. This is typical for the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​and does not affect its effect.Adhere to the dosage given in the package insert or prescribed by your doctor. If you think that the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Muco-Mepha have?The following side effects may occur when taking Muco-Mepha:Gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain or inflammation of the oral mucosa, as well as hypersensitivity reactions, hives, headache and fever.Furthermore, an accelerated pulse, low blood pressure and ringing in the ears, heartburn, as well as bleeding and water retention on the face can occur.Allergic symptoms of a general nature (such as skin rashes or itching) can also occur. If the hypersensitivity reactions also cause breathing difficulties and bronchial cramps, which can happen in rare cases, you must stop treatment with Muco-Mepha immediately and consult a doctor.The breath may temporarily get an unpleasant odor.If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What should also be noted?The drug may only be used up to the date marked “EXP” on the container.Store below 25 ° C and protected from moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.More informationYour doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists.What is in Muco-Mepha?1 effervescent tablet Muco-Mepha 200 mg contains:Active ingredient: acetylcysteine ​​200 mg.Auxiliary substances: sweetener aspartame, flavorings, as well as the preservative sulfur dioxide (E220) and other auxiliary substances.1 effervescent tablet Muco-Mepha 600 mg contains:Active ingredient: acetylcysteine ​​600 mg.Auxiliary substances: sweetener aspartame, flavorings, as well as the preservative sulfur dioxide (E220) and other auxiliary substances.Approval number52385 (Swissmedic).Where can you get muco-mepha? Which packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Muco Mepha 200 mg 30 effervescent tabletsMuco Mepha 600 mg 10 effervescent tabletsMarketing authorization holderMepha Pharma AG, Basel...

13,66 USD

Sidroga børne bronchial te 20 poser 1,5 g

Sidroga børne bronchial te 20 poser 1,5 g

Produktkode: 2025240

Sidroga children's bronchial tea is used when there is excessive build-up of viscous mucus, e.g. when coughing up a cold. Swissmedic-approved Patient information Sidroga® Children's bronchial tea Sidroga AGHerbal medicinal product What is Sidroga children's bronchial tea and when is it used? Sidroga children's bronchial tea contains the following plant parts in dried form and finely chopped quality (tested according to the pharmacopoeia): marshmallow root , cowslip blossoms, plantain leaves, liquorice root and thyme. The plants contained in Sidroga children's bronchial tea are traditionally said to have anti-irritant, expectorant and expectorant properties.Sidroga children's bronchial tea is used in cases of excessive formation of viscous mucus, e.g. when coughing up a cold. What should be considered? Make sure your child's room air is sufficiently humid and give him plenty to drink. If the cough lasts longer than seven days, a doctor must be consulted to clarify the cause. When should Sidroga Kinder Bronchialtee not be used or only used with caution ? Sidroga children's bronchial tea should only be drunk when coughing up a cold. It must not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients (see "What does Sidroga Children's Bronchial Tea contain?").In small children under the age of 2 years, Sidroga Children's Bronchial Tea should only be used on medical prescription.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if your child suffers from other diseaseshas or has allergies Takes other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). How do you use Sidroga Kinder Bronchialtee? Children from 2 years take 1 cup 3 to 4 times a day between meals.Preparation: Pour boiling water over one tea bag per cup and leave Cover and steep the bag for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then take out the tea bag and squeeze it out lightly over the cup. Only use one tea bag per cup of tea and only sweeten the tea after removing the tea bag from the cup. Both natural and artificial sugar can be used for sweetening. The effect of Sidroga Children's Bronchial Tea is supported by the addition of candy sugar and honey. For small children under the age of 2 years, only use if prescribed by a doctor. Observe the information given in the leaflet or dosage prescribed by the doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong for your child, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga Kinder Bronchialtee have? The following side effects can occur when taking Sidroga Kinder Bronchialtee: occasional stomach problems or diarrhea. If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga children's bronchial tea is at Store at room temperature (15?25 °C) and out of the reach of children. The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the container. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga Children's Bronchial Tea contain? 1 double chamber bag contains in dried form and finely chopped quality 1.5 g of a mixture consisting of: marshmallow root 20%, cowslip blossoms 20%, ribwort plantain leaves 30%, liquorice root 10% and thyme 20%. Authorization number 54096 (Swissmedic) Where can you get Sidroga Kinder Bronchialtee? Which packs are available? This is an over-the-counter medicinal product. Boxes with 20 double-chamber sachets in aroma-protection packaging. Authorization holderSidroga AG, 4310 RheinfeldenThis leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2010. ..

14,19 USD

Solmucol cold cough syrup 100 mg / 5 ml 90 ml

Solmucol cold cough syrup 100 mg / 5 ml 90 ml

Produktkode: 3571849

What is Solmucol cold cough and when is it used?Solmucol cold cough contains the active ingredient acetylcysteine. This active ingredient liquefies and loosens the tough, stuck mucus in the airways and promotes expectoration.The secretion present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract plays an important role in the defense against inhaled pollutants such as bacteria, dust and chemical impurities. These irritants are held in the secretion, where they are rendered harmless and excreted with the sputum.Mucus production increases with infections caused by bacteria and viruses (colds, flu, bronchitis) and with chronic irritations caused by harmful substances. The thickening of the mucus can cause the airways to become blocked, causing breathing difficulties and sputum problems.Due to the expectorant effect of Solmucol cold cough, the tough mucus liquefies and can be coughed up better. This reduces the risk of infection. If the airways are clear, the cough subsides and breathing becomes easier.Solmucol cold cough is therefore suitable for the treatment of cold cough with excessive mucus formation.What precautions should be taken?The effect of Solmucol cold cough is enhanced by drinking copious amounts of water. Smoking contributes to the excessive formation of bronchial mucus. By giving up smoking, you can support the effect of Solmucol cold cough.Diabetics are allowed to take Solmucol cold cough as it does not contain any diabetogenic sweeteners.Nevertheless, the following should be noted:each granulate bag has a total calorie content of 8 kcal or 34 kJ;each effervescent tablet contains 2.7 kcal or 11.3 kJ;each 100 mg lozenge contains 5 kcal or 21 kJ;each 200 mg lozenge contains 4.6 kcal or 19 kJ;5 ml of syrup for children contains 15 kcal (63 kJ);10 ml of syrup for adults contains 30 kcal (126 kJ).When should Solmucol cold cough not be used?Solmucol cold cough should not be taken if you are known to be hypersensitive to the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​or any other ingredient or if you are hypersensitive to the preservative sodium benzoate [E211]) and if you have stomach or intestinal ulcers.Lozenges of 200 mg should not be taken in the presence of a rare hereditary metabolic disease (so-called phenylketonuria) that requires a strict diet.Lozenges of 100 mg and 200 mg must not be taken in the presence of a rare hereditary disease of the sugar metabolism (fructose intolerance).Solmucol cold cough should also not be taken together with cough suppressants (antitussives), as these drugs suppress the cough and the natural self-cleaning of the airways, which impairs the coughing up of the liquefied mucus and leads to a congestion of the bronchial mucus with the risk of bronchial spasms and Respiratory infections can occur. Your doctor will know what to do in such cases.Solmucol cold cough must not be used in young children under 2 years of age.Because of the high content of active ingredients, Solmucol 600 cold cough granules or effervescent tablets must not be used in children under 12 years of age.When should caution be exercised when taking Solmucol cold cough?The use of Solmucol cold cough, especially at the beginning of treatment, can lead to a liquefaction of the bronchial secretion and promote expectoration. If the patient is not able to cough up this sufficiently, the doctor can take supportive measures.If you have noticed rashes or breathing difficulties while taking a medicine with the same active ingredient as Solmucol Cold Cough, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist before you start taking it of the drug.If you suffer from high blood pressure, the effervescent tablets Solmucol cold cough are not suitable for you , as they contain approximately 194 mg sodium per effervescent tablet, corresponding to 493 mg table salt. The salt released after ingestion can increase your blood pressure even further and reduce the effectiveness of medicines for high blood pressure.Using certain other medicines at the same time can affect each other's effects. In this way, the effectiveness of certain agents against circulatory disorders of the coronary arteries (eg nitroglycerin for angina pectoris) can be increased.Simultaneous administration of acetylcysteine ​​and carbamazepine can lead to a decrease in the concentration of carbamazepine.The simultaneous administration of cough suppressants (antitussives) can impair the effectiveness of Solmucol cold cough (see above: “When should Solmucol cold cough not be taken?”).Furthermore, you should not take antibiotics at the same time as Solmucol cold cough, but at least 2 hours apart.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking or applying other medicines (including those you have bought yourself).Can Solmucol cold cough be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as intended. Systematic scientific research was never carried out. As a precautionary measure, you should avoid medication if possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.No information is available on the excretion of acetylcysteine ​​in breast milk. Therefore, you should only use Solmucol cold cough while breastfeeding if your attending doctor deems it necessary.How do you use Solmucol cold cough?Unless otherwise prescribed, the usual dosage is:Children from 2 to 12 years: 3 times a day 5 ml syrup for children or 3 times a day 1 lozenge of 100 mg.Adolescents over 12 years and adults: 600 mg daily, divided into one (1 effervescent tablet or 1 sachet of 600 mg granules) or several doses (e.g. 3 times 10 ml syrup for adults or 3 times 1 lozenge of 200 mg).If you have a cough that lasts longer than 2 weeks, you must consult a doctor or pharmacist.Dissolve the effervescent tablet or granules in a glass of cold or hot water and drink it immediately. Do not dissolve other medicines with Solmucol cold cough in the water at the same time, because this can impair or cancel the effectiveness of both Solmucol cold cough and the other medicines.The lozenges can dissolve in the mouth slowly.Preparation of the syrupRemove the security seal and screw the lid down until the powder it contains falls into the bottle. Shake vigorously until the solution is clear.To take the medicine, unscrew the lid and pour the prescribed amount of syrup into the measuring cup up to the corresponding mark. After each removal, screw the cover back on carefully.When opening the bag, the blister or the syrup bottle, a slight smell of sulfur is noticeable. This is typical for the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​and does not affect its effect.Adhere to the dosage given in the package insert or prescribed by your doctor. If you think that the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Solmucol cold cough have?The following side effects can occur when taking Solmucol: occasionally gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain or inflammation of the oral mucosa, as well as hypersensitivity reactions, hives, headache and fever. Furthermore, an accelerated pulse, low blood pressure and ringing in the ears, heartburn, as well as bleeding and water retention on the face can occasionally occur.Allergic symptoms of a general nature (such as skin rashes or itching) can also occur. If the hypersensitivity reactions also cause breathing difficulties and bronchial cramps, which can happen in rare cases, you must stop treatment with Solmucol cold cough immediately and consult a doctor.The breath may temporarily get an unpleasant odor.If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor or pharmacist.What should also be noted?Store at room temperature (15–25 ° C), effervescent tablets at 15–30 ° C, protected from light and moisture and out of the reach of children.Once prepared, Solmucol cold cough syrup can be kept for 14 days at room temperature (15–25 ° C).The drug may only be used up to the date marked “EXP” on the container.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists.What is in Solmucol cold cough?1 sachet of granules contains 600 mg acetylcysteine; Auxiliary substances : saccharin, orange aroma, antioxidant: butylhydroxyanisole (E320) and other auxiliary substances.1 effervescent tablet contains 600 mg acetylcysteine; Excipients : saccharin, orange flavor and other excipients.1 lozenge of 100 mg contains 100 mg acetylcysteine; Excipients: xylitol, sorbitol, orange flavor and other excipients.1 lozenge of 200 mg contains 200 mg acetylcysteine; Excipients: xylitol, sorbitol, aspartame, lemon flavor and other excipients.Syrup for children contains the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​100 mg per 5 ml;Syrup for adults contains the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​200 mg per 10 ml;Excipients of both dosage strengths: maltitol syrup; Preservatives: Potassium Sorbate (E202) and Sodium Benzoate (E211); Flavorings (strawberry flavor with vanillin for children, apricot flavor for adults) and other auxiliary substances.Approval number57868, 58027, 50046, 52254 (Swissmedic).Where can you get Solmucol cold cough? Which packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.The following packs are available:Solmucol Cold Cough 7, 10, 14 and 20  sachets of 600 mg granules .Solmucol Cold Cough 10 effervescent tablets of 600 mg.Solmucol Cold Cough 24 lozenges of 100 mg.Solmucol Cold Cough 20 and 40 lozenges of 200 mg.Solmucol Cold Cough Syrup for children: 90 ml.Solmucol Cold Cough Adult syrup:  180 ml.Marketing authorization holderIBSA Institut Biochimique SA, CH 6903 Lugano...

40,92 USD

Solmucol erkältungshusten gran 600 mg btl 14 stk

Solmucol erkältungshusten gran 600 mg btl 14 stk

Produktkode: 7714659

Solmucol kold hoste indeholder den aktive ingrediens acetylcystein. Denne aktive ingrediens gør det flydende og løsner det seje, fastsiddende slim i luftvejene og fremmer opspyt. De sekreter, der findes på slimhinden i luftvejene, spiller en vigtig rolle i forsvaret mod indåndede forurenende stoffer såsom bakterier, støv og kemiske forurenende stoffer. Disse irriterende stoffer fanges i sekretet, hvor de uskadeliggøres og udskilles i sputum. Ved infektioner forårsaget af bakterier og vira (forkølelse, influenza, bronkitis) og ved kronisk irritation forårsaget af forurenende stoffer øges slimproduktionen. Fortykkelsen af ​​slimet kan blokere luftvejene, hvilket forårsager åndedrætsbesvær og opspyt. På grund af den slimløsende effekt af Solmucol kold hoste, bliver det seje slim flydende og kan lettere hostes op. Dette mindsker risikoen for infektion. Med en fri luftvej aftager hosten, og vejrtrækningen bliver lettere. Solmucol koldhoste er derfor velegnet til behandling af forkølelseshoste med overdreven slimdannelse. Schweizisk-godkendte patientoplysningerSolmucol® Kold hosteIBSA Institut Biochimique SAAMZV Hvad er Solmucol kold hoste, og hvornår bruges det?Solmucol kold hoste indeholder det aktive stof acetylcystein. Denne aktive ingrediens gør det flydende og løsner det seje, fastsiddende slim i luftvejene og fremmer opspyt. De sekreter, der findes på slimhinden i luftvejene, spiller en vigtig rolle i forsvaret mod indåndede forurenende stoffer såsom bakterier, støv og kemiske forurenende stoffer. Disse irriterende stoffer fanges i sekretet, hvor de uskadeliggøres og udskilles i sputum. Ved infektioner forårsaget af bakterier og vira (forkølelse, influenza, bronkitis) og ved kronisk irritation forårsaget af forurenende stoffer øges slimproduktionen. Fortykkelsen af ​​slimet kan blokere luftvejene, hvilket forårsager åndedrætsbesvær og opspyt. På grund af den slimløsende effekt af Solmucol kold hoste, bliver det seje slim flydende og kan lettere hostes op. Dette mindsker risikoen for infektion. Med en fri luftvej aftager hosten, og vejrtrækningen bliver lettere. Solmucol koldhoste er derfor velegnet til behandling af forkølelseshoste med overdreven slimdannelse. Hvad bør overvejes?Effekten af ​​Solmucol kold hoste fremmes ved at drikke rigeligt af det. Rygning bidrager til overdreven dannelse af bronkial slim. Ved ikke at ryge kan du understøtte effekten af ​​Solmucol kold hoste. Diabetikere kan tage Solmucol koldhoste, fordi det ikke indeholder diabetogene sødestoffer. Følgende skal dog bemærkes: hver granulatpose har et samlet kalorieindhold på 8 kcal eller 34 kJ; Hver brusetablet indeholder 2,7 kcal eller 11,3 kJ; hver pastiller 100 mg indeholder 5 kcal eller 21 kJ; Hver pastiller 200 mg indeholder 4,6 kcal eller 19 kJ; 5 ml børnesirup indeholder 15 kcal (63 kJ); 10 ml sirup til voksne indeholder 30 kcal (126 kJ). Hvornår må Solmucol koldhoste ikke anvendes?Solmucol koldhoste kan bruges, hvis der er kendt overfølsomhed over for det aktive stof acetylcystein eller en anden ingrediens eller hvis der er overfølsomhed over for konserveringsmidlet natriumbenzoat [E211]) og bør ikke tages, hvis du har mave- eller tarmsår. Pastiller på 200 mg må ikke tages i nærvær af en sjælden medfødt stofskiftesygdom (såkaldt phenylketonuri), som kræver en streng diæt. Pastiller på 100 mg og 200 mg må ikke tages ved tilstedeværelse af en sjælden medfødt sygdom i sukkermetabolismen (fructoseintolerans). Solmucol forkølelseshoste bør heller ikke tages sammen med hostedæmpende medicin (hostedæmpende medicin), da disse lægemidler undertrykker hosten og den naturlige selvrensning af luftvejene, hvilket forringer opspytningen af ​​det flydende slim og overbelastning af luftvejene. bronchial slim med fare bronchial spasmer og luftvejsinfektioner. Din læge ved, hvad han skal gøre i sådanne tilfælde. Solmucol forkølelseshoste må ikke anvendes til små børn under 2 år. På grund af det høje indhold af aktive ingredienser må Solmucol 600 koldhoste granulat eller brusetabletter ikke anvendes til børn under 12 år. Hvornår er forsigtighed påkrævet, når man tager Solmucol kold hoste?Brugen af ​​Solmucol kold hoste, især i begyndelsen af ​​behandlingen, kan føre til væskedannelse af bronkial sekretion og sputum støtte økonomisk. Hvis patienten ikke er i stand til at hoste det tilstrækkeligt op, kan lægen tage støttende foranstaltninger. Hvis du har oplevet udslæt eller åndedrætsbesvær, når du tidligere har taget medicin med det samme aktive stof som Solmucol koldhoste, skal du informere din læge, apotek eller læge, før du begynder at tage medicinen. Hvis du lider af forhøjet blodtryk, er brusetabletterne Solmucol koldhoste ikke egnede til dig, da de indeholder omkring 194 mg natrium pr. brusetablet, svarende til 493 mg bordsalt. Saltet, der frigives efter indtagelse, kan øge dit blodtryk yderligere og reducere effektiviteten af ​​medicin mod forhøjet blodtryk. Samtidig brug af visse andre lægemidler kan føre til gensidig interferens. Effektiviteten af ​​visse lægemidler mod kredsløbsforstyrrelser i koronarkarrene (f.eks. nitroglycerin mod angina pectoris) kan øges. Samtidig administration af acetylcystein og carbamazepin kan føre til et fald i carbamazepinkoncentrationen. Samtidig administration af hostedæmpende midler (hostestillende midler) kan forringe effekten af ​​Solmucol kold hoste (se ovenfor: "Hvornår bør Solmucol kold hoste ikke tages?"). Desuden bør du ikke tage antibiotika samtidig med Solmucol koldhoste, men med mindst 2 timers mellemrum. Informér din læge, apotek eller læge, hvis du lider af andre sygdomme, har allergi eller tager anden medicin (også dem du selv har købt!) eller bruger den eksternt. Kan Solmucol forkølelseshoste tages under graviditet eller under amning?Baseret på tidligere erfaringer er der ingen kendt risiko for barnet, når det bruges som anvist. Der er dog aldrig foretaget systematiske videnskabelige undersøgelser. For en sikkerheds skyld bør du undgå at tage medicin under graviditet og amning eller spørge din læge eller apotek til råds. Der er ingen information om udskillelse af acetylcystein i modermælk. Du bør derfor kun bruge Solmucol koldhoste, mens du ammer, hvis den behandlende læge finder det nødvendigt. Hvordan bruger du Solmucol kold hoste?Medmindre andet er foreskrevet, er den sædvanlige dosis: Børn fra 2 til 12 år: 5 ml sirup til børn 3 gange dagligt eller 1 sugetablet på 100 mg 3 gange dagligt. Unge over 12 år og voksne: 600 mg dagligt, opdelt i én (1 brusetablet eller 1 pose med granulat på 600 mg) eller flere doser (f.eks. 3 gange 10 ml sirup til voksne eller 3 gange 1 sugetablet på 200 mg).Hvis hosten varer længere end 2 uger, skal læge eller apotek konsulteres. Opløs brusetabletten eller granulatet i et glas koldt eller varmt vand og drik med det samme. Opløs ikke anden medicin i vandet med Solmucol forkølelseshoste samtidig, da dette kan forringe eller neutralisere effektiviteten af ​​både Solmucol forkølelseshoste og den anden medicin. Opløs langsomt pastillerne i din mund. Forberedelse af siruppenFjern den manipulationssikre forsegling og skru låget ned, indtil pulveret indeni falder ned i flasken. Ryst kraftigt, indtil opløsningen er klar. For at tage medicinen, skru låget af og hæld den foreskrevne mængde sirup i målebægeret op til det passende mærke. Efter hver fjernelse skrues låget forsigtigt på igen. Når du åbner brevet, blister- eller sirupsflasken, kan du lugte en let lugt af svovl. Dette er typisk for den aktive ingrediens acetylcystein og påvirker ikke dens virkning. Hold dig til den dosis, der er angivet i indlægssedlen eller som ordineret af din læge. Hvis du mener, at medicinen er for svag eller for stærk, skal du tale med din læge, apotek eller apotek. Hvilke bivirkninger kan Solmucol forkølelseshoste have?Følgende bivirkninger kan opstå, når du tager Solmucol: lejlighedsvis mave-tarmsygdomme såsom opkastning, diarré, kvalme, mavesmerter eller betændelse i mundslimhinden, samt overfølsomhedsreaktioner, nældefeber, hovedpine og feber. Endvidere kan der lejlighedsvis forekomme accelereret puls, lavt blodtryk og ringen for ørerne, halsbrand samt blødninger og væskeophobning i ansigtet. Allergiske symptomer af generel karakter (f.eks. hududslæt eller kløe) kan også forekomme. Hvis overfølsomhedsreaktionerne også udløser åndedrætsbesvær og bronkial spasmer, hvilket kan ske i sjældne tilfælde, skal du straks stoppe behandlingen med Solmucol koldhoste og søge læge. Åndedrættet kan midlertidigt få en ubehagelig lugt. Hvis du bemærker nogen bivirkninger, som ikke er beskrevet her, bør du informere din læge eller apotek. Hvad skal der ellers overvejes?Ved stuetemperatur (15-25 °C), brusetabletter ved 15-30 °C , væk fra lys beskyttet mod fugt og utilgængeligt for børn. Når den er klargjort, kan Solmucol kold hoste sirup opbevares i 14 dage ved stuetemperatur (15-25 °C). Lægemidlet må kun anvendes op til datoen mærket «EXP» på beholderen. Din læge, apotek eller læge kan give dig yderligere oplysninger. Disse mennesker har de detaljerede oplysninger til specialister. Hvad indeholder Solmucol koldhoste?1 pose granulat indeholder 600 mg acetylcystein; Hjælpestoffer: saccharin, appelsinsmag, antioxidant: butyleret hydroxyanisol (E320) og andre hjælpestoffer. 1brusetablet indeholder 600 mg acetylcystein; Hjælpestoffer: saccharin, appelsinsmag og andre hjælpestoffer. 1pastiller ved 100 mg indeholder 100 mg acetylcystein; Hjælpestoffer: xylitol, sorbitol, appelsinsmag og andre hjælpestoffer. 1pastiller ved 200 mg indeholder 200 mg acetylcystein; Hjælpestoffer: xylitol, sorbitol, aspartam, citronsmag og andre hjælpestoffer. Sirup til børn indeholder den aktive ingrediens acetylcystein 100 mg pr. 5 ml; Sirup til voksne indeholder den aktive ingrediens acetylcystein 200 mg pr. 10 ml; Hjælpestoffer af begge doseringsstyrker: maltitolsirup; konserveringsmidler: kaliumsorbat (E202) og natriumbenzoat (E211); Smagsstoffer (jordbærsmag med vanillin til børn, abrikossmag til voksne) og andre hjælpestoffer. Godkendelsesnummer57868, 58027, 50046, 52254 (Swissmedic). Hvor kan man få Solmucol kold hoste? Hvilke pakker er tilgængelige?På apoteker og apoteker uden en læges recept. Følgende pakker er tilgængelige: 7, 10, 14 og 20 poser med granulat á 600 mg. 10 brusetabletter á 600 mg. 24 pastiller á 100 mg. 20 og 40 pastiller á 200 mg. Sirup til børn: 90 ml. Sirup til voksne: 180 ml. Indehaver af autorisationIBSA Institut Biochimique SA, CH 6903 Lugano. Denne folder blev sidst kontrolleret af lægemiddelmyndigheden (Swissmedic) i september 2016. ..

55,60 USD

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